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Hi Im A Fifo Worker Looking To Move To Thailand Looking For Some Advice From Other Guys.

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The travel agent is Asia world travel in north bridge up near the restaurant the red tea pot

Head in there when your off and see what sort of flight deals they do

When I used them they took a copyofmy credit card and when I booked a flight they could do it there and then

They were very legit and honest

Prior to renting a pad in pattaya have a good look around I'm not sure what your budget is but try look on Thai websites ,get a friend to help you source something that is value for money

There are many guys o this site with huge amounts of experience in Thailand who can lead you the right way

I would suggest from my experience there are some things you will need to orginise .

1 I don't care what anybody else says get international health insurance

2 open a bank account

3 reduce the limit on your credit card to 1500 aus dollars just enough to get out and home shud things blow up in your face

4 Never lend any body any money

5 find at least one good friend and exchange details of you family in Perth in case anything happens to you

6 wear a rubber

Best of luck with your adventure

On a side note

I prebook all my flights for the year (I'm lucky my employer reimburses me )

Currently I pay on average over the year 650 aus when I prebook

Best of luck


yes always wear a rubber golden rule,i wasnt sure about opening up a bank account might be worth looking into,i havent as such thought about an exit strategy dont worry ive been to thailand many times had gfs i know how things can turn very quickly,Live and learn if things go well and it works out i will get a bit more serious with a thai gf but for know i will be making the most of it.I will have a look at the travel agent in nth bridge see if they are ok.

Thanks for the advice much appreciated.

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Well i will tell you straight

Your not getting the picture

The Auss Gov are going to give you sweet FA

You sound like a Kiwi working in the mines on a 2/1 or more not a Construction worker on 26/9 or 4//1

It is like when you except a Perth based job only - knowing you will pay for everthing else since you live in Sydney NOT CLAIMABLE



Since ther is no work on the East cost

number 1 i dont live in sydney read the post SLOWLY and number 2 im no f**ken kiwi,

The travel agent is Asia world travel in north bridge up near the restaurant the red tea pot

Head in there when your off and see what sort of flight deals they do

When I used them they took a copyofmy credit card and when I booked a flight they could do it there and then

They were very legit and honest

Prior to renting a pad in pattaya have a good look around I'm not sure what your budget is but try look on Thai websites ,get a friend to help you source something that is value for money

There are many guys o this site with huge amounts of experience in Thailand who can lead you the right way

I would suggest from my experience there are some things you will need to orginise .

1 I don't care what anybody else says get international health insurance

2 open a bank account

3 reduce the limit on your credit card to 1500 aus dollars just enough to get out and home shud things blow up in your face

4 Never lend any body any money

5 find at least one good friend and exchange details of you family in Perth in case anything happens to you

6 wear a rubber

Best of luck with your adventure

On a side note

I prebook all my flights for the year (I'm lucky my employer reimburses me )

Currently I pay on average over the year 650 aus when I prebook

Best of luck


yes always wear a rubber golden rule,i wasnt sure about opening up a bank account might be worth looking into,i havent as such thought about an exit strategy dont worry ive been to thailand many times had gfs i know how things can turn very quickly,Live and learn if things go well and it works out i will get a bit more serious with a thai gf but for know i will be making the most of it.I will have a look at the travel agent in nth bridge see if they are ok.

Thanks for the advice much appreciated.

I have been doing this for 12 years on the mines out of Perth.

Take Steve's advise and get a bank account ASAP. Transfer money directly out of Aus into the account in AUD. Best exchange rate and saves a lot of hassles.

Welcome to the game.

As for airfares look at Tiger Airways.


The travel agent is Asia world travel in north bridge up near the restaurant the red tea pot

Head in there when your off and see what sort of flight deals they do

When I used them they took a copyofmy credit card and when I booked a flight they could do it there and then

They were very legit and honest

Prior to renting a pad in pattaya have a good look around I'm not sure what your budget is but try look on Thai websites ,get a friend to help you source something that is value for money

There are many guys o this site with huge amounts of experience in Thailand who can lead you the right way

I would suggest from my experience there are some things you will need to orginise .

1 I don't care what anybody else says get international health insurance

2 open a bank account

3 reduce the limit on your credit card to 1500 aus dollars just enough to get out and home shud things blow up in your face

4 Never lend any body any money

5 find at least one good friend and exchange details of you family in Perth in case anything happens to you

6 wear a rubber

Best of luck with your adventure

On a side note

I prebook all my flights for the year (I'm lucky my employer reimburses me )

Currently I pay on average over the year 650 aus when I prebook

Best of luck


yes always wear a rubber golden rule,i wasnt sure about opening up a bank account might be worth looking into,i havent as such thought about an exit strategy dont worry ive been to thailand many times had gfs i know how things can turn very quickly,Live and learn if things go well and it works out i will get a bit more serious with a thai gf but for know i will be making the most of it.I will have a look at the travel agent in nth bridge see if they are ok.

Thanks for the advice much appreciated.

I have been doing this for 12 years on the mines out of Perth.

Take Steve's advise and get a bank account ASAP. Transfer money directly out of Aus into the account in AUD. Best exchange rate and saves a lot of hassles.

Welcome to the game.

As for airfares look at Tiger Airways.

ok can you open thai account and do electronic banking from that account to draw on aussie account.

ok can you open thai account and do electronic banking from that account to draw on aussie account.

The bank with your money must allow for international transfers (SWIFT) to be initiated via their web interface. In your case that's the Aussie bank, and I don't know if they have different fee structures for that, in the States some banks are (much) cheaper than others so it pays to shop around.

The receiving bank doesn't know or care how the the transfer was initiated, same to them as if you did it in person on the bank premises.

Getting the Thai bank account in theory requires a work permit, in practice just go from branch to branch until you find one that doesn't care, or get a recommendation from a friend. IMO best to open at a branch in a shopping centre (mall) that has weekend hours for convenience.


ok can you open thai account and do electronic banking from that account to draw on aussie account.

The bank with your money must allow for international transfers (SWIFT) to be initiated via their web interface. In your case that's the Aussie bank, and I don't know if they have different fee structures for that, in the States some banks are (much) cheaper than others so it pays to shop around.

The receiving bank doesn't know or care how the the transfer was initiated, same to them as if you did it in person on the bank premises.

Getting the Thai bank account in theory requires a work permit, in practice just go from branch to branch until you find one that doesn't care, or get a recommendation from a friend. IMO best to open at a branch in a shopping centre (mall) that has weekend hours for convenience.

ok interesting so i would need a work permit to open a bank acc?? so if i open an acc with a bank that doesnt care about requirements is my money safe solid in that acc??

ok interesting so i would need a work permit to open a bank acc?? so if i open an acc with a bank that doesnt care about requirements is my money safe solid in that acc??

Them being slack about their own rules has no bearing on the reliability of the bank.

"Safe as houses" unfortunately doesn't have the same ring to it as it did pre-2008, but that's about right.

If you're concerned open up accounts at 2-3 different banks and spread it around, better to not depend on a single ATM card anyway so you don't get stuck middle of the night on the wrong beach 8-)


how old are you ? if under 50 you cannot retire here , have you worked out the cost for flying in and out ? somewhere to rent short time , food and most of all the BAR GIRLS you are coming for . think about it .. just come for a month holiday and then go home like most aussies grass is not greener on the other side , it just looks greener


Reading this with interest as well, even though I am in a regular 9-5 job in Syd (with some travel).

Not that it is relevant to you, but if you earn ANY money in Australia (i.e. renting your house out) you are also liable for the gap between any overseas tax, and your Aussie tax, on earning overseas... about the only thing you can get away with is captial growth on foreign investments if you don't repatirate the money...

Whilst the cost of living in Thailand makes it seem attractive, even after not being able to claim airfares, you really need to do your own sums on that one... I've known some guys living in Thailand full time on serious coin who after 2 years have a shot liver and not a pot to piss in... If you are partying every night in Thailand, compared to watching X-Factor every night in Perth, I reckon you will get a shock at how much cash you can burn...

Don't know how flexible your employer would be about you changing your address to Th - them being liable for airfares - with a comensurate drop in salary... at least then it is coming out of pre-tax income... (and they aren't paying payroll tax on it)...

I do know guys in companies with multi-national opperations who had a portion of their salary paid by the Thai entity into a Thai bank account - never declared it and didn't pay tax on it... they did it mostly to reduce their child support liablility which is stupidly linked to their earning (capacity) rather than costs of raising a child they are prevented from seeing...

I also have many mates doing the 6 hour flight from Sydney to Perth (plus the trip to Barrow etc), paying Sydney rent on houses empty 50% of the time...


how old are you ? if under 50 you cannot retire here , have you worked out the cost for flying in and out ? somewhere to rent short time , food and most of all the BAR GIRLS you are coming for . think about it .. just come for a month holiday and then go home like most aussies grass is not greener on the other side , it just looks greener

please read my original post im not moving here to retire,and yes i have done my maths,i intend to rent here full time,can you use a calculato??r rent and bills in wa $2,000+ per month without food or drinks or ladies,im very sure im better of flying in and out of thai for work,do you live in thailand do you work fifo?? as i posted or are you 1 of those kwais that i asked not to reply if you had nothing constructive to add???And like most aussies i come here about 4 -6 times a year 1 week sometimes 1 month or longer do you have a problem with aussies sounds like you do are you racist??,Out of curiosity were are you from ive got a fair idea but i dont want 2 sound racist or negative towards other nationalities,please take your head out of the sand and wake up.best you learn to crawl before you walk or learn to read before you type,thank you have a nice day 555555.

please read my original post im not moving here to retire,and yes i have done my maths,i intend to rent here full time,can you use a calculato??r rent and bills in wa $2,000+ per month without food or drinks or ladies,im very sure im better of flying in and out of thai for work,do you live in thailand do you work fifo?? as i posted or are you 1 of those kwais that i asked not to reply if you had nothing constructive to add???And like most aussies i come here about 4 -6 times a year 1 week sometimes 1 month or longer do you have a problem with aussies sounds like you do are you racist??,Out of curiosity were are you from ive got a fair idea but i dont want 2 sound racist or negative towards other nationalities,please take your head out of the sand and wake up.best you learn to crawl before you walk or learn to read before you type,thank you have a nice day 555555.

Feel good to get that off your chest did it?

Here's a pro tip for life in the LoS, even more so offline than here on TV - no matter how many or how bad the <deleted> you encounter - jai yen yen, sabai sabai, mai bpen rai, mai dtong kit mak guen bai. . .


Reading this with interest as well, even though I am in a regular 9-5 job in Syd (with some travel).

Not that it is relevant to you, but if you earn ANY money in Australia (i.e. renting your house out) you are also liable for the gap between any overseas tax, and your Aussie tax, on earning overseas... about the only thing you can get away with is captial growth on foreign investments if you don't repatirate the money...

Whilst the cost of living in Thailand makes it seem attractive, even after not being able to claim airfares, you really need to do your own sums on that one... I've known some guys living in Thailand full time on serious coin who after 2 years have a shot liver and not a pot to piss in... If you are partying every night in Thailand, compared to watching X-Factor every night in Perth, I reckon you will get a shock at how much cash you can burn...

Don't know how flexible your employer would be about you changing your address to Th - them being liable for airfares - with a comensurate drop in salary... at least then it is coming out of pre-tax income... (and they aren't paying payroll tax on it)...

I do know guys in companies with multi-national opperations who had a portion of their salary paid by the Thai entity into a Thai bank account - never declared it and didn't pay tax on it... they did it mostly to reduce their child support liablility which is stupidly linked to their earning (capacity) rather than costs of raising a child they are prevented from seeing...

I also have many mates doing the 6 hour flight from Sydney to Perth (plus the trip to Barrow etc), paying Sydney rent on houses empty 50% of the time...

yes i hear you mate i havent chosen thailand to fly in and out of for no reason i have been here many times i spend on average 3-4 months a year over here for the last 6-7 years,i know how easy it is to blow a shit load of cash in 1 night in walking st go go's ect .if i was living here i would have a more relaxed approach not hit bars every night ext,as for my employers i have 3 i work shutdowns in the mines i can decline work ext 2-3 employers want me for the same shutdown contract,first in best dressed i can work it out ???? i will wait and see im hoping to be able to pull it of???? only time will tell.thanks for your interest.

please read my original post im not moving here to retire,and yes i have done my maths,i intend to rent here full time,can you use a calculato??r rent and bills in wa $2,000+ per month without food or drinks or ladies,im very sure im better of flying in and out of thai for work,do you live in thailand do you work fifo?? as i posted or are you 1 of those kwais that i asked not to reply if you had nothing constructive to add???And like most aussies i come here about 4 -6 times a year 1 week sometimes 1 month or longer do you have a problem with aussies sounds like you do are you racist??,Out of curiosity were are you from ive got a fair idea but i dont want 2 sound racist or negative towards other nationalities,please take your head out of the sand and wake up.best you learn to crawl before you walk or learn to read before you type,thank you have a nice day 555555.

Feel good to get that off your chest did it?

Here's a pro tip for life in the LoS, even more so offline than here on TV - no matter how many or how bad the <deleted> you encounter - jai yen yen, sabai sabai, mai bpen rai, mai dtong kit mak guen bai. . .

no not really but im not hear to pick a fight but some people want to get a bite for there own reason and i dont take kindly to that ive spent years reading tv and could of interacted many times but i choose not out of respect for the original poster no matter how green they are but some people fuc_k me get a life,yes im sabaai sabaai mai pen rai i have jai dee well so im told anyway.

Never feed the naysayers my man

Opening a bank account is quite simple ...rock in to kassikorn passport and a few quid and tell them your on a holiday visa and want a bank account

If they say no go to the next teller if they all say no go to the next bank

It won't take time partiacually where you plan on living heaps of guys there doing the same thing

I only deal with commonwealth in Australia the fee to transfer 10,000 dollars is 22 $

That is transferred in aus not baht then your at the mercy of the exchange rate as it arrives in Thailand

If you transfer in baht you will lose out but the funds can arrive same day

I would also think about getting Thai drivers liscence 1 it makes you feel a bit cooler than tourists and you can use it for Thai national prices entering national parks etc

It's another quite simple thing to do and zillions of threadson here about it

same as there are millions of threads about price of things and cost of living ..yet none will be any use to you until you land and you figure out what and how your gonna do it

You seem like a guy who knows what he wants ... I say go get it. heaps of old farts on here will tell you it's hard, it ain't ,like most places in life Thailand will treat you exactly how you treat it .(if that makes any sense)so come live here enjoy what ever it is you enjoy ,treat people well and treat the customs and ways with respect ...that's all you need to do to have a very happy life here

You buy a ticket and then you go bang simple as that

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Wondering if you are a sole trader or Pty Ltd company, or if you could be.

Maybe that way the flights are claimable by the company, where as a PAYE employee they aren't, but you need to pass the 80/20 rule etc.

You could even set up a Thai company, transfer the money from your Aus company to your Thai company, and the Thai entity pay all your expenses in Thailand (not subject to FBT etc.)

That way your Aus company pays only 30% company tax, and you only pay/declare yourself a small salary, which is taxable at lower marginal tax rates.


Listen to Steve mate, don't fuel the old cynical TV members they all get hard ons over bantering on here.

Also Tiger, Air Asia, jetstar all offer cheap flights but over time. But if you can book in advance and join a loyalty program, not sure what times you like to land and leave, but Thai airways offer a good run with the red eye bkk to Perth and afternoon flight back. Isn't that much more expensive really.


Fly In Fly Out

What the heck are d&a's?

Fly In Fly Out

What the heck are d&a's?

d&a's are drug and alcohol test that are requirements to work in the mines

Yes, who would want to work sober in a mine?


The tax law has been pretty much the same in Aust for years. You pay tax where you earn your monies. As you are also being paid by an Australian registered company that will also file with the tax office there is no real way around it. There have been all sorts of schemes and scams over the years to get around this. But the cost of setting them up keeps lawyers and accountants rich and the jails are full of both these professions and their clients.

But, I think living in LOS on your downtime is a great idea - give it a go. The difference in the cost of living between Perth and BKK will more than cover your airfares. You would have to save between 30-60k bht a month just on rent for an average small place and a meal and a pint in a Perth pub is now 1200bht, (can be a little less but also a lot more).

yes true im only trying to find out if i can claim my flights to and from on tax.ive done my maths and i would be at least 20kbaht better off and thats with falling in love in patts every night 555 and yes 1 meal and 1 pint easy 1200 bht but you cant have just have 1 pint maybe 8-10 know that adds up and if your dumb enough to think your a chance spend 1500bht on farang bitch and not even get a phone number fuc_k that.in thai but a ladie a drink or 2 and your guaranteed smile.png

My bf is an Aussie FiFO, and has been doing this (living in and out of Thailand) for 6 years. Was about to write with some advice as well as offer to ask him any advice you may have, until i read your comments about "farang bitch". Well no loss im sure, youve got others willing to help you on here anyway.


The travel agent is Asia world travel in north bridge up near the restaurant the red tea pot

Head in there when your off and see what sort of flight deals they do

When I used them they took a copyofmy credit card and when I booked a flight they could do it there and then

They were very legit and honest

Prior to renting a pad in pattaya have a good look around I'm not sure what your budget is but try look on Thai websites ,get a friend to help you source something that is value for money

There are many guys o this site with huge amounts of experience in Thailand who can lead you the right way

I would suggest from my experience there are some things you will need to orginise .

1 I don't care what anybody else says get international health insurance

2 open a bank account

3 reduce the limit on your credit card to 1500 aus dollars just enough to get out and home shud things blow up in your face

4 Never lend any body any money

5 find at least one good friend and exchange details of you family in Perth in case anything happens to you

6 wear a rubber

Best of luck with your adventure

On a side note

I prebook all my flights for the year (I'm lucky my employer reimburses me )

Currently I pay on average over the year 650 aus when I prebook

Best of luck


yes always wear a rubber golden rule,i wasnt sure about opening up a bank account might be worth looking into,i havent as such thought about an exit strategy dont worry ive been to thailand many times had gfs i know how things can turn very quickly,Live and learn if things go well and it works out i will get a bit more serious with a thai gf but for know i will be making the most of it.I will have a look at the travel agent in nth bridge see if they are ok.

Thanks for the advice much appreciated.

I have been doing this for 12 years on the mines out of Perth.

Take Steve's advise and get a bank account ASAP. Transfer money directly out of Aus into the account in AUD. Best exchange rate and saves a lot of hassles.

Welcome to the game.

As for airfares look at Tiger Airways.

yes will do thanks mate looking foward to the game 555 im just going to have a bit of discipline try to not get lured out every night.mmm well yer.bring it on.

The tax law has been pretty much the same in Aust for years. You pay tax where you earn your monies. As you are also being paid by an Australian registered company that will also file with the tax office there is no real way around it. There have been all sorts of schemes and scams over the years to get around this. But the cost of setting them up keeps lawyers and accountants rich and the jails are full of both these professions and their clients.

But, I think living in LOS on your downtime is a great idea - give it a go. The difference in the cost of living between Perth and BKK will more than cover your airfares. You would have to save between 30-60k bht a month just on rent for an average small place and a meal and a pint in a Perth pub is now 1200bht, (can be a little less but also a lot more).

yes true im only trying to find out if i can claim my flights to and from on tax.ive done my maths and i would be at least 20kbaht better off and thats with falling in love in patts every night 555 and yes 1 meal and 1 pint easy 1200 bht but you cant have just have 1 pint maybe 8-10 know that adds up and if your dumb enough to think your a chance spend 1500bht on farang bitch and not even get a phone number fuc_k that.in thai but a ladie a drink or 2 and your guaranteed smile.png

My bf is an Aussie FiFO, and has been doing this (living in and out of Thailand) for 6 years. Was about to write with some advice as well as offer to ask him any advice you may have, until i read your comments about "farang bitch". Well no loss im sure, youve got others willing to help you on here anyway.

ok my apologies im not hear trying to offend anyone it was a tongue cheek remark,and yes there have been some more than helpful guys on here and i have listened to there advice and has been appreciated.
  • Like 1

No worries mate, just got the hump a bit. being a farang girl on here, the derogatory comments get a bit annoying at times ;p

If you have any questions, or need advice, happy to ask my bf on your behalf. Good luck!


No worries mate, just got the hump a bit. being a farang girl on here, the derogatory comments get a bit annoying at times ;p

If you have any questions, or need advice, happy to ask my bf on your behalf. Good luck!

yes i could only imagine,and tnx a handfull of guys have been more than helpful a couple i will buy them a beer when we catch up,im getting the general idea of what i was asking,but as they say up 2 you i will figure the rest out as i go along,i should be there tuesday so here goes about to enter another phase of my life which im hoping will be adventurous to say the least 555.
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