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November 11 Rememberance Day


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November 11th Remembrance Day All denominations are welcome to take part in the Annual Remembrance Day to be held at the Foreign Cemetery on November 11th commencing 10.45am 2 minute silence at 11am. followed by refreshments at the Gymkhana Club

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November 11th Remembrance Day All denominations are welcome to take part in the Annual Remembrance Day to be held at the Foreign Cemetery on November 11th commencing 10.45am 2 minute silence at 11am. followed by refreshments at the Gymkhana Club

Thank you. Please advise or send map location of Foreign Cemetery.

Thank You

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from:18.7734222079, 99.0074283779 ( Foreign Cemetery Chiang Mai

Thanks for all the info ..but east of the river...North of the holiday Inn ....Soi 5 are very confusing. Even the google reference is confusing. Does any one have a proper address or directions from Narawat bridge heading along the old Lamphun road. i.e go along this road for so many metres and turn left/right at a signpost etc etc

The city life advert does not provide a proper address.


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CM-Lamphun Soi 5 ?..is this it?

...and again...I was just looking at the Google map...can anybody confirm,if this is it?


Use GE and post these coordinates. Use street views and you will see it. The link you gave is not it.

18.7734222079, 99.0074283779

OK...it's near there...this is your coordinates...BTW,what's GE?


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CM-Lamphun Soi 5 ?..is this it?

...and again...I was just looking at the Google map...can anybody confirm,if this is it?


Use GE and post these coordinates. Use street views and you will see it. The link you gave is not it.

18.7734222079, 99.0074283779

OK...it's near there...this is your coordinates...BTW,what's GE?


GE is google earth.


Edited by khwaibah
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The Foreign Cemetery is a large place and it will be swarmed with cars on Sunday just prior to Remberance Day. It's not like you're trying to find a little hole-in-the-wall noodle shop. Plus, the Gymkhana club should show up on any decent map of Chiang Mai -- remember it's a golf course -- not a small, little park.

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Does any one have a proper address or directions from Narawat bridge... iron bridge

go over the iron bridge ... turn right heading towards nong hoi , lamphun

follow to the y junction with this tree on it ... go straight on for about 5 .. 8 hundred yards and the cemetries on the left opposite the electricity company office


ps ... for the gymkhana club entrance go back to the tree

turn right and its a few hundred yards on the right





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Does any one have a proper address or directions from Narawat bridge... iron bridge

go over the iron bridge ... turn right heading towards nong hoi , lamphun

follow to the y junction with this tree on it ... go straight on for about 5 .. 8 hundred yards and the cemetries on the left opposite the electricity company office


ps ... for the gymkhana club entrance go back to the tree

turn right and its a few hundred yards on the right

Thank you Dave! Sometimes I wonder how some people found their way to Thailand. Anyone have the co-ordinates for Chaing Mai? (Oh yeah -- there's that book my parents used, I think they called it an atlas.)

Edited by NancyL
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Does any one have a proper address or directions from Narawat bridge... iron bridge

go over the iron bridge ... turn right heading towards nong hoi , lamphun

follow to the y junction with this tree on it ... go straight on for about 5 .. 8 hundred yards and the cemetries on the left opposite the electricity company office


ps ... for the gymkhana club entrance go back to the tree

turn right and its a few hundred yards on the right

Many thanks for your helpful post.

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Yes, all this is very "thoughtful," but now (It is just now in the beginning of the day itself) I wish to say --- and I will ruffle a lot of feathers --- that I think such observances are very, very hollow and not well thought out.

I was in a war. I lost men in that war who were my "responsibility." I still think about them. Sometimes I still cry about that, even though it was a long, long time ago. But not on a "remembrance day."

I believe that remembrance days are chauvinistic, if not jingoistic. Yes, there is evil in this world that erupts from time to time. Such is the world. But remembrance days foster, in my view, the sort of chauvinistic even jingoistic pride that does NOT make any of us better persons. I prefer commitment to avoiding war.

Please don't try to sell me a poppy, or ask me to salute such losses in such a way.

Edited by Mapguy
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Does any one have a proper address or directions from Narawat bridge... iron bridge

go over the iron bridge ... turn right heading towards nong hoi , lamphun

follow to the y junction with this tree on it ... go straight on for about 5 .. 8 hundred yards and the cemetries on the left opposite the electricity company office


ps ... for the gymkhana club entrance go back to the tree

turn right and its a few hundred yards on the right

Thank you Dave! Sometimes I wonder how some people found their way to Thailand. Anyone have the co-ordinates for Chaing Mai? (Oh yeah -- there's that book my parents used, I think they called it an atlas.)

I think it would be imposable to miss going South on the east side of the river from the narawat bridge. It is on the left had side of the road. Thanks for the gymkhana club directions. I would imagine there would be a lot of people there to have helped with that.

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Yes, all this is very "thoughtful," but now (It is just now in the beginning of the day itself) I wish to say --- and I will ruffle a lot of feathers --- that I think such observances are very, very hollow and not well thought out.

I was in a war. I lost men in that war who were my "responsibility." I still think about them. Sometimes I still cry about that, even though it was a long, long time ago. But not on a "remembrance day."

I believe that remembrance days are chauvinistic, if not jingoistic. Yes, there is evil in this world that erupts from time to time. Such is the world. But remembrance days foster, in my view, the sort of chauvinistic even jingoistic pride that does NOT make any of us better persons. I prefer commitment to avoiding war.

Please don't try to sell me a poppy, or ask me to salute such losses in such a way.

Mapguy; First of all, I thank you for your service to your county and for the sacrifices you made. I understand you being a little bitter about such events afer what you have gone throuth. However, in reading your statement about this Rememberance which is also Veterans Day to us Americans I get the feeling that you think this is about veterans attending are doing so to show their pride for their service. This is not the case, when I and most of my fellow vets attend these events it is not about us. It is about giving honor and rememberance to those who served with us but did not live through it. This is a time we remember those who we knew, who were our brothers in arms, who ate with us, slept with us, and much more. As the case may be with you we think about those not just on this day but nearly every day of the year. We just make this day special so that we can come together and share the feelings we have for those who gave their all.

Please come and attend this event, not for you but for the friends you lost in combat.

Edited by BarnicaleBob
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" They went with songs to the battle, they were young. Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them."

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