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U S Fiscal Cliff: Will Thailand Fall Off Too?

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Fiscall cliff (for relaxation):

Europe has its build in fiscall cliffs too but this week must first face quite serious [Greek dept related] engine problems:


Isn't dept money we've borrowed from the future?

So, will solutions proposed lead to sufficient progress?

If I may put my two cents in, whatever is decided, global outcomes will never ever become a pleasantry for existing middle class taxpayers of current large but relative old economies ( due to tectonic shifs in demographics; money keeps flowing as water ) and not be better ( maybe worse ) than "slow economic growth" due to limitations of the human female body.

Smart Thai farmers who did not attend Harvard Business School but have family members working all over the world advice me teaching my youngest family members speak Chinese. Well, that's up to them ; - )

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This week update 01.12.2012.

After having listened to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (on

), House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner (on
) and having followed a discussion about a proposal of e.g. the CEO of Goldman Sachs (on Wednesday 28-11) an interesting questions popped up in my mind: who’s actually running this show?

Regardless the correctness of the content presented, Cenk Kadir Uygur of TYT knows how to package his answers as always in a stand-up [“to the president?”] comedian style using most enjoyable subtitles:

Uygur reminds me of the political aspirations of Chuwit Kamolvisit (1961) in Thailand who also seems to know how to run a show. Will Chuwit succeed in transforming Thailand into one big beauty parlor?

Basic question is a big question: does the universe have a purpose?

While searching the universe for answers I stumbled across following you-tube video featuring Neil deGrasse Tyson (1958) in which a person draws, yes, a cliff, during the first 20 seconds. This video is dated 27.11 and has had many viewers (subtitles can be changed to English):

Additional questions to be added to our future history books for some of the guys “parked” [be]low:

- Who do you think were the real taxpayers in times of slavery?

- What are tax slaves and exactly how were they created?


Enjoy the picture!

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The US Govt has been spending money like a drug user that just inherited a vast fortune to only find out 1 year later the money was all counterfeit. Looks like the USA will affect the whole world with their spend thrift ways, not just their own frail economy. For any country borrowing untold trillions and vast social freebie programs will wreck the economy.

Yes,it's about time that America starts paying it's way instead of thinking that the rest of the world needs to fund their greed.

The 2008 crisis was wholy caused by American greed and the incompetence of Fanny & Freddy. In Australia we have an insurance structure doing this job & they are (used to be) the main obstacle to getting a housing loan.

Add in the Fed Reserve blowing bubbles and the picture gets fuller, however European banks and governnmets were into the scam just as deep, mind you it is hard to beat the Squid Goldman for unbridled greed and fraud, they are the bankster poster boy. But London is still bank fraud headquarters. Fanny was just pumping the housing market as per Clinton/Bush directives, their later exposed fraud just like every crooked banker, was never prosecuted by a corrupt and bought government, they are all now retired rich beyond measure.

In Australia Westpac and NAB both took billion dollar bailouts from the US Fed to prevent bankruptcy and the million dollar bank account guarantee from the governmnet was to stop an imminent run on the banks where they would all have defaulted. Stop reading the the BS in the Australian media and do some research or you will be one of the suckers when the real deal hits.

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