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Australian Arrested And Charged With Sexually Abusing A 7-Year-Old Thai Boy


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Thailand police are so impressive and relentless in tracking down and arresting foreign pedophiles, petty drug thieves, foreign con scams, Thai women killing husbands, knifings, motorcycle criminals, taxi rapists, and the like, but they can't follow through on "serious" crime. Crimes like hit and run cop killing, corruption, obstruction of justice, bribery, DUI, drug driving, reckless endangerment, destruction of property, failure to appear on warrant or for indictment..etc. when the criminals they are among the business class elite. In fact indictments never seem to be rendered and the newspaper rarely follows up on these cases when the Thai business class elite privileged are the perpetrators. So the newspapers really represent the system of "privilege" and behavior with impunity by the law.

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Where is this link? Are the Thai papers just regurgitating the original Aussie paper that was reporting that?


A Sydney man has been arrested in Bangkok and charged with sexually abusing a seven-year-old Thai boy.

Police allege he abused the boy while he was staying at the child's uncle's home in the eastern city of Chantaburi.

Yeah I'm aware of the English language stories saying that, the OP has a link to one, but they seem to have switched to a 15 year old in later stories. Buchholz said a Thai article said 7 years old too, and I'm wondering if they just copied the Australian article or if they actually have more information.

What language story do you want? He is an Australian and the link I provided was from Australian ABC News (Updated Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:09am AEDT). Did it ever occur to you that it is the police's job to gather evidence for the prosecutor to use and court and their job is not to compromise the case by giving details out to the press? How about the fact that the most logical explination is there are nude pictures of him with a 15-year old as well as accusations he molested a 7-year old during his stay in Thailand?

I am sorry Nisa but I do not think that it is yet a fact that there are nude photo's of him with a 15 yr old. He has apparently emailed some photos home which were intercepted in Australia but the exact nature of these pics have not been revealed by Australian Authorities. His home was raided and computers confiscated for examination but nothing more is known on that as yet. I would pressume if it was anything major on the Australian end then the AFP would not have called Somchia to detain him at the airport. The AFP would have simply kept quite and arrested him when he arrived back at the Sydney airport (no complicated extradition hearings) Somchai apparently knew nothing of this guy until the AFP called, no victims or allegation in Thailand. These have only just come up.

Don't get me wrong I despise rock spiders as much as the next person but this person has not yet been formally classified as a rock spider as if he is by the court then there is no punishment great enough.

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A Sydney man has been arrested in Bangkok and charged with sexually abusing a seven-year-old Thai boy.

Police allege he abused the boy while he was staying at the child's uncle's home in the eastern city of Chantaburi.

Yeah I'm aware of the English language stories saying that, the OP has a link to one, but they seem to have switched to a 15 year old in later stories. Buchholz said a Thai article said 7 years old too, and I'm wondering if they just copied the Australian article or if they actually have more information.

What language story do you want? He is an Australian and the link I provided was from Australian ABC News (Updated Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:09am AEDT). Did it ever occur to you that it is the police's job to gather evidence for the prosecutor to use and court and their job is not to compromise the case by giving details out to the press? How about the fact that the most logical explination is there are nude pictures of him with a 15-year old as well as accusations he molested a 7-year old during his stay in Thailand?

I am sorry Nisa but I do not think that it is yet a fact that there are nude photo's of him with a 15 yr old. He has apparently emailed some photos home which were intercepted in Australia but the exact nature of these pics have not been revealed by Australian Authorities. His home was raided and computers confiscated for examination but nothing more is known on that as yet. I would pressume if it was anything major on the Australian end then the AFP would not have called Somchia to detain him at the airport. The AFP would have simply kept quite and arrested him when he arrived back at the Sydney airport (no complicated extradition hearings) Somchai apparently knew nothing of this guy until the AFP called, no victims or allegation in Thailand. These have only just come up.

Don't get me wrong I despise rock spiders as much as the next person but this person has not yet been formally classified as a rock spider as if he is by the court then there is no punishment great enough.

I didn't mean to state anything as fact but was just going on reports as the guy has not had a trial but I read (do a search online) and the accused is saying the pictures where innocent of the 15-year old and he jumped in the water to save him from drowning or something and actually hurt himself in the process. I believe he stated that yes the kid was nude but it was not sexual. I may have already posted the link here and I may being getting his words a bit mixed up the gist as I recall is he admitted to the kid being nude but said it was innocent and he went in the water to help him and then got hurt himself forcing him to stay at some other people's house I guess he didn't originally plan to.

Complete speculation / guesswork / opinion .... but I wondered if he explained about having to stay at this other house because the police we already looking for him at the place he was supposed to be at. I also find it interesting that so many of these folks accused of being pedophiles always find a way to talk about themselves being a victim and always make points to show how they were helping the kid(s)

Edited by Nisa
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Thailand police are so impressive and relentless in tracking down and arresting foreign pedophiles, petty drug thieves, foreign con scams, Thai women killing husbands, knifings, motorcycle criminals, taxi rapists, and the like, but they can't follow through on "serious" crime. Crimes like hit and run cop killing, corruption, obstruction of justice, bribery, DUI, drug driving, reckless endangerment, destruction of property, failure to appear on warrant or for indictment..etc. when the criminals they are among the business class elite. In fact indictments never seem to be rendered and the newspaper rarely follows up on these cases when the Thai business class elite privileged are the perpetrators. So the newspapers really represent the system of "privilege" and behavior with impunity by the law.

Would never happen with a first class police department in a Western country. Jim'll fix it? or will he?

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Yet again a news article that seems to only tell half a story.

This guy is being arrested as a result of his home being searched 11 days ago, that much it says in the article.

It says he was here in Thailand for 2 weeks.

Now are we really to believe that he arrived in Thailand 2 weeks ago, stated abusing a 7 year old, and somehow it was investigated in Australia and his house searched within 3-4 days of his arrival in Thailand. OF COURSE NOT... it cannot happen that fast, and why was he not arrested or detained in Thailand earlier?

BEFORE you start ranting and raving about this guy being the scum of the earth, take a moment to appreciate that the news story is so thin and unreliable in reporting this case that WE DO NOT KNOW half the story.

Now.. any moment now I'm going to be accused of defending a pedophile... well let me say this.. I DONT KNOW if this guy is a pedophile or not, and I suggest that neither do you. YES I will defend anyone accused of ANY crime all the time the case has not been proven and they are simply a SUSPECT.

And this guy will have a trial and be able to defend himself, unlike Jimmy Saville. Most civilized countries would agree to the "Innocent until PROVED guilty" principle. However it seems a lot of TV posters are not civilized.

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The Sydney Morning Herald


No mention of 7 year old boy rapes, no mention of Australian police issuing arrest warrants. It mentions a photograph at a public place of kids swimming nude, the photo was discovered by AFP and sent back to RTP. AFP say the man faces charges under Thai Law???

Well guilty of whatever or not, I think there is enough confusion to be glad we didn't shoot him, chop his balls off and leave him to die and rot don't you think Blether? Wow, thank God there is a legal system and judges and courts and things to determine guilt. To think some of you wanted the guy buggered senseless for years in prison and by the western media accounts he may have just taken a photo at a public waterfall close to where he was staying. The key thing here is just like you lot, I have no idea what happened, and it certainly cannot be determined by the media accounts as the stories are poles apart.

now about this apparently ludicrous (as thought by some) idea of waiting for court decisions, is anybody now perhaps swayed a little by that civilized concept?

Police intelligence units in Australia had allegedly uncovered the photos on the internet and the information was passed on to the AFP, who then contacted Thai authorities.

Potterton denies the charges.

"I'm disgusted with the Australian Federal Police's sending of photos of a non-sexual nature regarding my time in Thailand and letting the Thai police (know) that they should possibly act on this," Potterton told AAP at the police headquarters.

"It is reprehensible behaviour by the Australian Federal Police."


Would someone care to explain what is going on? Perhaps one of the hang em high brigade knows everything. I am getting confused. In the article above, the Thai police say the charges relate to a photograph at a public waterfall in which some kids are nude, primarily a 15 year old boy. What is the story about the Australian in the OP supposedly raping a 7 year old boy? (for which many people on here want to immediately chop his balls off) None of that is mentioned in the linked news article from Chooka.

Might have something to do with Australian media V's Thai Media. Agree the only ones mentioning a 7 yr old are the Thais.

ABC News reports the accusations about the 7 year old


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Yet again a news article that seems to only tell half a story.

This guy is being arrested as a result of his home being searched 11 days ago, that much it says in the article.

It says he was here in Thailand for 2 weeks.

Now are we really to believe that he arrived in Thailand 2 weeks ago, stated abusing a 7 year old, and somehow it was investigated in Australia and his house searched within 3-4 days of his arrival in Thailand. OF COURSE NOT... it cannot happen that fast, and why was he not arrested or detained in Thailand earlier?

BEFORE you start ranting and raving about this guy being the scum of the earth, take a moment to appreciate that the news story is so thin and unreliable in reporting this case that WE DO NOT KNOW half the story.

Now.. any moment now I'm going to be accused of defending a pedophile... well let me say this.. I DONT KNOW if this guy is a pedophile or not, and I suggest that neither do you. YES I will defend anyone accused of ANY crime all the time the case has not been proven and they are simply a SUSPECT.

And this guy will have a trial and be able to defend himself, unlike Jimmy Saville. Most civilized countries would agree to the "Innocent until PROVED guilty" principle. However it seems a lot of TV posters are not civilized.

Is it just me or are the, "Hang em High" boys all over this thread but not the Jimmy Saville thread? What's the difference? The Jimmy Saville thing has to be a thousand times worse; his position, high ranking officials, large numbers of victims and so on.

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And this guy will have a trial and be able to defend himself, unlike Jimmy Saville. Most civilized countries would agree to the "Innocent until PROVED guilty" principle. However it seems a lot of TV posters are not civilized.

What civilized country doesn't allow their citizens to voice their opinions about a news event or their feelings and thoughts about an accused criminal?

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And this guy will have a trial and be able to defend himself, unlike Jimmy Saville. Most civilized countries would agree to the "Innocent until PROVED guilty" principle. However it seems a lot of TV posters are not civilized.

What civilized country doesn't allow their citizens to voice their opinions about a news event or their feelings and thoughts about an accused criminal?

China, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Burma and Vietnam. I also don't think Generals in the USA should do too much talking.
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Not rubbish......carry on blind to the reality if you wish. thumbsup.gif

Now we have people doubting the Oz police on this thread, quite frankly, unbelievable.

Police investigators can make mistakes that often end in wrongful accusations. That is why we have a court system to weigh the evidence.

Police officers are baised in the assumption that everyone is guilty. Their job is to to gather the evidence to show someone is guilty. That is their bias. It is an accepted role. Time and time again, the police have been shown to suppress exculpatory evidence or to not present the full facts of a case. The courts know it. The courts role is to ensure that justice is done and that is why the court system is biased in favour of the rights of an accused. When there is doubt. it goes in favour of the accused. This is how the justice system works in the developed world. You make the assumption that if the police accuse someone, then that person has to be guilty. Those of us that believe in the concept of the rule of law prefer to allow the courts to make the decision.

How anyone can comment on the guilt or innocence of the accused in this case is beyond me. The facts have not been established. There has been no court hearing, nor verification of the allegations. Holding the position that the evidence must be reviewed and that the courts must be allowed to do their job is hardly an endorsement of illegal activity.

At no point have I denied this man or the 93 year old paedophile their right to their day in court.

I maintain that these threads are polluted by paedophile apologists and paedophiles.

This man has admitted sending a photo of a naked 15 year old Thai boy via email.............I now ask our esteemed membership to give me a credible reason why a 51 year old Australian man would feel the need to fly to Thailand to take photos of naked children.

There are 100s of pics all over the internet, some from TAT, travel agents and also private persons, showing children, bathing in a river, jumping into lakes...all pefophiles, I guess?!

There is a difference in capturing a scenery with children in it and taking pics of children.

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Is all they really have him on is a picture of a waterfall with some kids in the picture?

I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

All we need now is his name, address and photo printed across the www. in order to totally screw up his life. sad.png

I often wonder at the zeal with which some posters delight in doing just that, Cbrer. The ghastly mess that the UK police seem to have made re Lord McAlpine should forever serve as a warning not to crucify anyone before their guilt has been proven in a court of law.

As for the blether, well he uses the good old McCarthy trick of accusing anyone who dares to disagree with him of being "one of them"!

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It seems to me that people who post on Thaivisa appear to be very polarized.

There are those of us (myself included) who believe very strongly that anyone who is accused of an offense has the right to be considered INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court. I have no hesitation in extending that to any person, of any race, no matter what the charge.

Then there are those (the hang em' high brigade) who want to assume that anyone charged is guilty, especially if accused of a pedophile offence.

I'm as disgusted as anyone by pedophiles, and I too wish to see hard sentencing for those convicted... but for god's sake to suggest that a person accused should be raped in jail whilst awaiting trial is inhuman.

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It seems to me that people who post on Thaivisa appear to be very polarized.

There are those of us (myself included) who believe very strongly that anyone who is accused of an offense has the right to be considered INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court. I have no hesitation in extending that to any person, of any race, no matter what the charge.

Then there are those (the hang em' high brigade) who want to assume that anyone charged is guilty, especially if accused of a pedophile offence.

I'm as disgusted as anyone by pedophiles, and I too wish to see hard sentencing for those convicted... but for god's sake to suggest that a person accused should be raped in jail whilst awaiting trial is inhuman.

It would seem so.


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Nice work AFP. thumbsup.gif

---------- What about giving some cdedit to the Thai police for their part

You must be new to Thai Visa. sad.png

Thai police seem to spend a great deal of time apprehending people who "slipped through the fingers" of police in other countries and in assisting police from other jurisdictions , as in this case, but of course it would kill some people to acknowledge that.

The police have to wait until a crime is committed before they can make an arrest. I watched a documentary about Australian heroin mules who were thrown in Thai prison after Australian police tipped off the Thai police. You can't arrest people and keep them in prison simply on intent.

Sure you can arrest people and keep them in prison on intent.

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It seems to me that people who post on Thaivisa appear to be very polarized.

There are those of us (myself included) who believe very strongly that anyone who is accused of an offense has the right to be considered INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court. I have no hesitation in extending that to any person, of any race, no matter what the charge.

Then there are those (the hang em' high brigade) who want to assume that anyone charged is guilty, especially if accused of a pedophile offence.

I'm as disgusted as anyone by pedophiles, and I too wish to see hard sentencing for those convicted... but for god's sake to suggest that a person accused should be raped in jail whilst awaiting trial is inhuman.

True people should not jump in to fast. There was an incident in Australia a few years back where a male student (14 yr old) accused his teacher (male) of sexually assaulting him (rape). The teacher lost his job and was charged, court was pending. He was happily married with a couple of young kids himself. After word got out vigilanty groups would throw rocks through his windows, human excrement was thrown at the house and the wife and kids would be the subject of abuse also. Life was a living hell for him and his family and he committed suicide before the court hearing. The little turd who brought the charges withdrew them saying it was a joke and just wanted to get back at the teacher. The kid was charged with making a false report to police and recieved a 6 month good behaviour bond. The real victim the teacher died and his family lost a father.

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Is all they really have him on is a picture of a waterfall with some kids in the picture?

I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

All we need now is his name, address and photo printed across the www. in order to totally screw up his life. sad.png

I often wonder at the zeal with which some posters delight in doing just that, Cbrer. The ghastly mess that the UK police seem to have made re Lord McAlpine should forever serve as a warning not to crucify anyone before their guilt has been proven in a court of law.

As for the blether, well he uses the good old McCarthy trick of accusing anyone who dares to disagree with him of being "one of them"!

Not quite Sir........there are people who are posting on this thread who are effectively dormant members until a paedophile thread comes along.............then they go straight into a virulent defence of the paedophile.

They don't comment on other "miscarriage of justice" threads............only on paedophile threads.

There have been several posts removed from this thread already which exposed the rank stupidity and hypocrisy of some of our fellow members, maybe some of you guys can't handle the uncomfortable truth.........and maybe you should keep you eye on the ball a bit more, you will be shocked at some of the comments you see, and I mean shocked, not only by the comments, but by the high profile and well known members that make them.

Such as the member that blamed the 13 year old for leading on the 79 year old ex-RAF guy into engaging in oral sex, such as the members ( several ) that claimed entrapment when the 63 year old guy was found performing a sex act on a child in a toilet in Pattaya, the list goes on and on and on.

So spare me the "innocent till proven guilty" line.........I know that. You should also know that there are plenty of people here who are as I described......and I mean plenty.

edit for clarity.

...and here is, where you are oh-so-wrong!

Nobody is defending a paedophile!

Not one person on the whole thread!

So far it is not even clear, if that guy is a paedophile.

He is an alleged paedophile and until now, there is no evidence that he in fact is- police are investigating!

That is it!

No conviction, nothing!

What you don't understand is, that a person IS innocent until proven guilty and the authorities have to do so!

So far, they didn't!

If they can proove it, the man will be on trial and will hopefully be convicted and that is it!

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