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Yingluck Gives Priority To Foreign Policy Particularly Overseas Visits: Surapong


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Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

Obtained a Doctorate Degree utilizing the English language.

His cousin obtained a Master Degree utilizing the English language (begins at 04:11).


Still she gets to meet the Queen, which is a bit more than you or I can ever achieve.......................

That and 40 baht gets a Cappuccino at McDonalds.



Edited by Buchholz
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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

I bet Kentucky State University is not to much impressed about her english skills.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif
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no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

Whilst it's right that the PM should travel abroad and promote Thailand as government leaders in other countries do it should be balanced with attention to domestic issues and appearing in parliament. The PM should oversee her ministers and work with them when necessary. In the case of foreign matters the Foreign Minister should be handling this with some input from the PM. The clue is in the job title.

As regards her English skills I had a strange conversation with my Thai gf yesterday. I asked if Yingluck's English was better than hers and she said yes but her Thai is not very good. I couldn't understand her explanation for this so I can't really back this up but it surprised me.

From comments I've heard from well educated Thais she has a reputation for being somewhat inarticulate. To be fair I would imagine her career path wouldn't have demanded it and heaven knows she never expected to be PM after all.

Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

"Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??"

Not proper goes too far.

Please ask around and you might also come to the conclusion that many Thais think that her Thai is not that sophisticated to say the least.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

I bet Kentucky State University is not to much impressed about her english skills.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"too much" & is poorly formulated anyway

"by her English skills"

Maybe Yingluck can give you English lessons.

Edited by Hugo6
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Mr Surapong, standing in for PM's weekly TV programme, "The Yingluck Government Meets the People,"

Terribly sorry and all that, but our PM gives priority to foreign visits and overseas policies. In the mean time you, dear audience, will be able to see all her cabinet members here in this program. Next week she'll be back though to accept personal greetings from that tall American schwarzes who just got re-elected. He's lucky she found the time for this.

we could replace "The Yingluck Government Meets the People" with "The Muppet show". I think most of the audience won't see the difference.

Excellent post!
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Looking at her speeches online I believe that we can conclude that she has made a laughing stock out of Thailand. Have a look at you tube and try to follow her when she speaks in English. It's impossible.

So now we have the PM doing the job of the FM and both can't speak proper English. Way to go Thailand. The international community should have full confidence in Thailand now.

You know what is a major strength of the Sins? They don't mind to make a fool out of themselves in order to get somewhere.

no one need to speak proper English, speak Thai and let someone translate. On questions this gives you the advantages as you understand the question, and have time to think until the translation is finished.

As well, considering her speeches in Thai language the translator can correct the worst mistakes....so she can speak about the president of Malaysia, country Sydney and get the numbers wrong and the translator fixes such small issues.

I bet Kentucky State University is not to much impressed about her english skills.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

She is not even listed as a notable alumni.
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I'm just curious: Ms Yingluck has made 17 speeches internationally. How many speeches has she made before the Thai Parliament? (It's a serious question to which I do not know the answer.)

Another zero succsess.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I bet she signs the visitors book when attending parliament.

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Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

Well done soldier.

Carry on....................

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Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

Although a spectacularly foolish (and unintentionally very revealing) post on the subject of meeting VIPs, it does remind me that not so long ago some of the usual suspects were arguing that on Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to Bangkok we were expected to attribute some kind of significance to the fact her schedule saw her meeting Abhist before the PM.The fact that Yingluck is meeting Elizabeth 2 and the POTUS drives the usual suspects into a rage, even to the extent here of belittling the President of the US (who has congratulated Yingluck on her leadership abilities) and the British Queen.Okay one shouldn't pay too much attention to the views of some disgruntled and in some instances not very bright set of retiree expatriates but it does underline the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't.

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Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

Although a spectacularly foolish (and unintentionally very revealing) post on the subject of meeting VIPs, it does remind me that not so long ago some of the usual suspects were arguing that on Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to Bangkok we were expected to attribute some kind of significance to the fact her schedule saw her meeting Abhist before the PM.The fact that Yingluck is meeting Elizabeth 2 and the POTUS drives the usual suspects into a rage, even to the extent here of belittling the President of the US (who has congratulated Yingluck on her leadership abilities) and the British Queen.Okay one shouldn't pay too much attention to the views of some disgruntled and in some instances not very bright set of retiree expatriates but it does underline the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't.

Obama congratulating Yingluk on her leadership skill only demonstrates political correctness or abysmal ignorance. Pity we can't get some new wikileaks and get the real story.

Do you still tug the forelock in the presence of your betters?

BTW a phenomenon is not necessarily beneficial, or a term of praise.

Edited by OzMick
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Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

Although a spectacularly foolish (and unintentionally very revealing) post on the subject of meeting VIPs, it does remind me that not so long ago some of the usual suspects were arguing that on Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to Bangkok we were expected to attribute some kind of significance to the fact her schedule saw her meeting Abhist before the PM.The fact that Yingluck is meeting Elizabeth 2 and the POTUS drives the usual suspects into a rage, even to the extent here of belittling the President of the US (who has congratulated Yingluck on her leadership abilities) and the British Queen.Okay one shouldn't pay too much attention to the views of some disgruntled and in some instances not very bright set of retiree expatriates but it does underline the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't.

Obama congratulating Yingluk on her leadership skill only demonstrates political correctness or abysmal ignorance. Pity we can't get some new wikileaks and get the real story.

Do you still tug the forelock in the presence of your betters?

BTW a phenomenon is not necessarily beneficial, or a term of praise.

Yup that sounds a good idea.Invent some lies to counter the unintentionally revealed truths (or to be accurate, true accounts of Embassy despatches) from Wikileaks.

Yes of course Obama's comments are rather odd.I only mentioned them because they make the usual suspects choke on their morning kippers.

What's with this tugging of forelocks and how is it relevant? Don't you people live in a world of tugged forelocks anyway (or rather expect ordinary working Thais to)?

Don't wish to be patronising but it's not really necessary for someone like you to advise me what is the meaning of "phenonomen".

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Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

Although a spectacularly foolish (and unintentionally very revealing) post on the subject of meeting VIPs, it does remind me that not so long ago some of the usual suspects were arguing that on Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to Bangkok we were expected to attribute some kind of significance to the fact her schedule saw her meeting Abhist before the PM.The fact that Yingluck is meeting Elizabeth 2 and the POTUS drives the usual suspects into a rage, even to the extent here of belittling the President of the US (who has congratulated Yingluck on her leadership abilities) and the British Queen.Okay one shouldn't pay too much attention to the views of some disgruntled and in some instances not very bright set of retiree expatriates but it does underline the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't.

Obama congratulating Yingluk on her leadership skill only demonstrates political correctness or abysmal ignorance. Pity we can't get some new wikileaks and get the real story.

Do you still tug the forelock in the presence of your betters?

BTW a phenomenon is not necessarily beneficial, or a term of praise.

Yup that sounds a good idea.Invent some lies to counter the unintentionally revealed truths (or to be accurate, true accounts of Embassy despatches) from Wikileaks.

Yes of course Obama's comments are rather odd.I only mentioned them because they make the usual suspects choke on their morning kippers.

What's with this tugging of forelocks and how is it relevant? Don't you people live in a world of tugged forelocks anyway (or rather expect ordinary working Thais to)?

Don't wish to be patronising but it's not really necessary for someone like you to advise me what is the meaning of "phenonomen".

Don't wish to be patronising? But you're so good at it!

I understand it is annoying when the colonial boys start criticising their old country intellectuals and upper crust. Stiff upper lip old chap, quality will show out in the long run. It's amazing that our country has managed to survive without a peerage to keep us in line.

BTW at least I know how to spell the word, despite my poor education.

Edited by OzMick
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As she comes from the economic/social elite status, why would you expect her to have concern for the down home folks of her home country. She and her kind have preyed on, what some term the common people, all of their lives.

Her wardrobe/travel expenses would probably cover what has been stolen out of flood relief budget alone.

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Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

Although a spectacularly foolish (and unintentionally very revealing) post on the subject of meeting VIPs, it does remind me that not so long ago some of the usual suspects were arguing that on Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to Bangkok we were expected to attribute some kind of significance to the fact her schedule saw her meeting Abhist before the PM.The fact that Yingluck is meeting Elizabeth 2 and the POTUS drives the usual suspects into a rage, even to the extent here of belittling the President of the US (who has congratulated Yingluck on her leadership abilities) and the British Queen.Okay one shouldn't pay too much attention to the views of some disgruntled and in some instances not very bright set of retiree expatriates but it does underline the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't.

Good to see your staying on topic rather than taking the oportunity to take cheap shots at other posters to push your own agenda.

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Ozmick says

"the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't"


You gotta be kidding?laugh.png

What a pathetic PM, she can go overseas and shake hands, make unchallenged speeches, make grand aim statements, but her inability to answer for her government in her own country and parliament is stark, what a pathetic figure

Edited by KKvampire
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Ozmick says

"the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't"


You gotta be kidding?laugh.png

What a pathetic PM, she can go overseas and shake hands, make unchallenged speeches, make grand aim statements, but her inability to answer for her government in her own country and parliament is stark, what a pathetic figure

You have attributed a Jayboy quote to me, expressing sentiments that I reject completely.

Please check - I'm the poster who knows how to spell "phenomenon"

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Oh Dear...........are you saying she can't speak proper Thai ??

She is by your account inarticulate but she is the PM and seems to be being taken seriously by the major nations.

Bit of a contradiction there, I think.

Pity AV for all his Britishness, never made it to PM of Britain, never mind the Queen or POTUS.

A certain baseball boy you should know implications of that.

Please try to contain your sycophancy. The persons you mention are not gods or even demi-gods, bestowing favours on us mere mortals by their presence. They are people who put on their knickers one leg at a time and sit down to take a crap. Not being in their presence does not make for a lesser person.

BTW as a member of an Oz army honour guard, front row, inspected by the queen, let me assure you that I have been closer to her than you (AFAIK). If that has some significance, you only belittle yourself.

Although a spectacularly foolish (and unintentionally very revealing) post on the subject of meeting VIPs, it does remind me that not so long ago some of the usual suspects were arguing that on Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to Bangkok we were expected to attribute some kind of significance to the fact her schedule saw her meeting Abhist before the PM.The fact that Yingluck is meeting Elizabeth 2 and the POTUS drives the usual suspects into a rage, even to the extent here of belittling the President of the US (who has congratulated Yingluck on her leadership abilities) and the British Queen.Okay one shouldn't pay too much attention to the views of some disgruntled and in some instances not very bright set of retiree expatriates but it does underline the fact that the civilised world gives respect to a legitimate and democratically mandated leader.For various reasons both Thaksin and Abhisit failed this test.Yingluch, phenonomen that she is, doesn't.

Good to see your staying on topic rather than taking the oportunity to take cheap shots at other posters to push your own agenda.

"phenonomen" cheesy.gif

sing it loud,

Edited by Buchholz
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