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How Does Your Thai Partner React ?


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It seems that most of you guys get the silent treatment.

Thai females need to save face, therefor it will be rare if they break the silence by coming to you for forgiveness. To ask for forgiveness is to accept blame for the spat, not many will do this. (even though in 99% of the cases, they are at fault. :D )

Depending on how serious the argument is, you should be able to determine the best time to attempt to heal the rift. One to three hours for minor matters, the end of the day for more complicated matters.

Under no circumstances should you both sleep separately during arguments. (In fact, the bed is the best place to end arguments.)

Making her laugh will normally end the silent treatment.

Try taping up your mouth or filling it with food, to give the impression that you are forcing yourself to be silent too, then turn up the music and dance like a fool. :o

Wear your underpants over your head, put on her lipstick, hang a teaspoon on the tip of your nose etc.

Do anything to make her laugh.

She'll either think that you are a bloody idiot or she'll see the funny side and end the rift. :D

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The thaicounterpart to the rolling pin is the สำก (sag= pestle). Often used as a missile, made from hardwood or stone. Also very handy in the close combat.

If confronted with this weapon find refuge in the next pub! Never try to disarm the aggressor! :D


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