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Yingluck Shinawatra To Meet Queen On Britain Trip


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Yingluck Shinawatra to meet Queen on Britain trip

By David Eimer


Yingluck, file photo. Source: wikimedia

BANGKOK: -- Yingluck Shinawatra, the Thai prime minister, will meet the Queen on her official visit to the UK this week, as she attempts to burnish her monarchist credentials within her deeply divided homeland.

Ms Yingluck's audience with the Queen is rare event for a non-Commonwealth leader - her brother Thaksin Shinawatra was not received on his trips as prime minister - and is a boon for a nation where the Thai royal family is revered. Mr Thaksin was overthrown in a military coup in 2006 in part because of the threat he was perceived to pose to the power and status of the king.

The timing of Ms Yingluck's meeting with the Queen is particularly significant because later this month her ruling Pheu Thai party faces a censure debate in the Thai parliament.

Abhisit Vejjajiva, the leader of the Democrats, did not receive an audience with the Queen when he visited the UK while Prime Minister between 2008-2011, despite having been born in Newcastle upon Tyne and educated at Eton and Oxford.

Full story: http://www.telegraph...itain-trip.html

-- THE TELEGRAPH 2012-11-12


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Maybe she can explain to the queen the new Thai Gov policy that if a woman accepts a meal from a man then she has consented to sex as per the reports in the news section on this website. cheesy.gif I am sure Lizzy will love her for supporting those comments wai2.gif

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Maybe she can explain to the queen the new Thai Gov policy that if a woman accepts a meal from a man then she has consented to sex as per the reports in the news section on this website. cheesy.gif I am sure Lizzy will love her for supporting those comments wai2.gif

Well then, we can expect Harry to be offering her some bangers and mashgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif
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"Velly goose to finally can mees you, Queen Elizabeth Taylor..."

Does anyone else have the impression that YS sometimes sounds like Jar Jar Binks when she speaks English?

This, after supposedly attending classes and earning a 4 year university degree in the U.S.A.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif
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'As Queen one has to do so many irksome things and meet some perfectly frightful people.' ( A quote I'd like to see attributed to Betty Windsor)

Be very careful to not get too close to the Corgis, Yingluck. They bite, just like your brother.

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"Mr Thaksin was overthrown in a military coup in 2006 in part because of the threat he was perceived to pose to the power and status of the king."

Worthwhile, helpful, constant reminder.

Lest we forget, eh?

"Velly goose to finally can mees you, Queen Elizabeth Taylor..."

Does anyone else have the impression that YS sometimes sounds like Jar Jar Binks when she speaks English?

I have a feeling that the PM of Thailand has a far better command of the English language than you do of the Thai language.

I missed where he is claiming to have received a Masters Degree utilizing the Thai language from a university in Thailand.


Jar Jar Binks has a Masters Degree utilizing the Thai language from a university in Thailand? Wow.

Edited by Sanctimonious
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She's just like her brother. Will be nice when she is held responsible for this debacle.

In what way? corruption? The queen did not greet her brother but will meet with yingluk so they must be very different. To be granted a meeting with the Queen you must have something going for you.

Edited by chooka
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She is so cute - I want to add her to my harem.

I hear you brother....

Keep dreaming. With the mental acuity and mentality demonstrated by your collective comments, I do not believe you have much chance attracting a member of Thailand's upper class, let alone any woman with self respect.

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She is so cute - I want to add her to my harem.

I hear you brother....

Keep dreaming. With the mental acuity and mentality demonstrated by your collective comments, I do not believe you have much chance attracting a member of Thailand's upper class, let alone any woman with self respect.

Upper class AND self respect. Who are you talking about?

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Press Releases : The Official Visit to The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand 13 - 14 November 2012

The Official Visit to

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra,

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand

13 - 14 November 2012

Upon the invitation of the Right Honourable David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Her Excellency Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, will pay an official visit to the United Kingdom between 13 - 14 November 2012.

Her Excellency the Thai Prime Minister will be accompanied by key Cabinet members, namely H.E. Mr. Kittirat Na Ranong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, H.E. Mr. Surapong Tovichakchaikul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Boonsong Teriyapirom, Minister of Commerce, H.E. Mr. Prasert Boonchaisuk, Minister of Industry, H.E. Mr. Chadchart Sittipunt, Minister of Transport, as well as senior officials, and a number of prominent CEOs from the Thai private sector.

The visit coincides with the 400th year of first official contact between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kingdom of England in 1612 and 130th year anniversary of the setting up of the first Siam diplomatic mission abroad in London.

Prime Minister Yingluck will have an Audience with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, during which Her Excellency will convey, on behalf of the Royal Thai Government and the Thai people, their best wishes for Her Majesty’s happiness on the occasion of Her Majesty’s 60th Year Anniversary of Accession to the Throne.

During the visit, Prime Minister Yingluck will have discussion with her counterpart, the Right Honourable David Cameron, to exchange views on various matters of mutual interests by focusing on enhancing tourism, trade and investment as well as developing strategic partnership. The two Prime Ministers will announce the establishment of a “Strategic Dialogue” as a high-level, bilateral, consultative forum to monitor as well as set future direction for the conduct of bilateral cooperation in all areas.

Her Excellency the Prime Minister will also deliver a keynote speech at the business lunch under the theme “Thailand: Unparalleled Opportunities” where leading British CEOs and accompanying members of the Thai private sector will attend. This venue will provide unique opportunity for potential British business sector to learn more about the vast opportunities offered by the upcoming ASEAN Community as much as a venue for the private sector of both sides to meet and network with their potential counterparts.

Apart from the business forum, Prime Minister Yingluck will also meet with local Thai business communities and government-sponsored Thai students in the UK.

Source: http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/media-center/14/29351-The-Official-Visit-to-The-United-Kingdom-of-Great.html

-- Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2012-11-12

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