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Gangnam Style Leads To Gunplay Again In Thailand


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Partying at a temple ?? Looks like the two Gangnam idiots got shot by a third idiot.

All of them probably high on yaa baa.

Very sad again.

How many of us remember our parents bitching about Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, etc and etc. And the way we danced to the music back then. They were sure it was the Devil's music and it was taking us straight to hell. Hey, maybe they were right. w00t.gif

not many of us im afraid, .........maaaaaan you must be old !!.........pistols and the clash maybe ?
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What is less appropriate... :

a) Dancing at a temple Gangnam Style

b ) Shotting somebody in the face at a temple

c) Claiming a dance is respible for somebody being shot

All of them???

Isn't drinking alcohol at a temple against buddist precepts too?

Indeed it is.

Yes, it is, but mostly ignored.

cos were good christians and whiter than white right ?

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I was at 2 mor lam partys on the weekend and they are all playing this song as a crowd starter. I'm amazed by how many Thai's know the dance and have fallen in love with it.

The issue here is Alcohol and not the song being played. Young 19 year old boys gt plastered on cheap whiskey that could kill them one way or another. I have seen it first hand and nobody stops Young boys from drinking till they fall down.

The issue here is the often-lethal combination of Alcohol and Guns and Youth ! These 3 should never be allowed together !

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Partying at a temple ?? Looks like the two Gangnam idiots got shot by a third idiot.

All of them probably high on yaa baa.

Very sad again.

How many of us remember our parents bitching about Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, etc and etc. And the way we danced to the music back then. They were sure it was the Devil's music and it was taking us straight to hell. Hey, maybe they were right. w00t.gif

not many of us im afraid, .........maaaaaan you must be old !!.........pistols and the clash maybe ?

Young whipper snapper.. biggrin.png

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Blaming the song and/or the dance would fit right in with Thai character. Thais rarely if ever can accept responsibility for their behavior. In addition, there is never any real accounting so as long as they blame the song, dance, or what someone was saying at the Cafe de Flor in Paris or wherever, the Thais can continue to side step adult mature behavior. They can remain in their state of single plane consciousness grazing around and knocking over other's toys because another grazer poached in their territory.

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It's all because of Psy. Time to protest in front of the Korean embassy.


Better bring in plenty of security. The clashes between the mor lum shirts and the gangnam shirts can get quite nasty.

For safety, in any area:


Is this for real? Where was it taken?

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The issue here is Alcohol and not the song being played. Young 19 year old boys gt plastered on cheap whiskey that could kill them one way or another. I have seen it first hand and nobody stops Young boys from drinking till they fall down.

Or adult men, or anyone else, for that matter. About the only thing I have seen stopped, is the drunk who cannot walk, has already had the motorbike accident and crawls to the motorbike, thinking he's going to drive away . . . that's been stopped . . . bystanders will convince the inebriated individual from attempting to drive away on the banged up motorbike.

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Partying at a temple ?? Looks like the two Gangnam idiots got shot by a third idiot.

All of them probably high on yaa baa.

Very sad again.

How many of us remember our parents bitching about Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, etc and etc. And the way we danced to the music back then. They were sure it was the Devil's music and it was taking us straight to hell. Hey, maybe they were right. w00t.gif

not many of us im afraid, .........maaaaaan you must be old !!.........pistols and the clash maybe ?

Not so sure about that . . . here's another one. I was lucky in that my mother was one of the few who liked Elvis.

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But rather than dancing in traditional style, with its elegant arm movements...

I don't think this reporter has been to a mor lam concert before... lol

He's referencing "old school" mor lam.....

Agree wholeheartedly the modern mor lam you reference bears little resemblance to it.

Also, I doubt a 19 year-old is going to be that fervent a fan of the old style that he shoots people over it.

I also agree with others conveying the shooting had nothing to do with gangnam.

Even If there wasn't any gangnam being played, there could have just as easily been a disagreement over the preparation of som tam that led to a shoot-out.


That looks like the Thailand I knew back in 1972-1973. I liked that music. Still do.

Me too.

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Partying at a temple ?? Looks like the two Gangnam idiots got shot by a third idiot.

All of them probably high on yaa baa.

Very sad again.

How many of us remember our parents bitching about Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, etc and etc. And the way we danced to the music back then. They were sure it was the Devil's music and it was taking us straight to hell. Hey, maybe they were right. w00t.gif

not many of us im afraid, .........maaaaaan you must be old !!.........pistols and the clash maybe ?

My grandmother almost fainted, when I came home with my first KISS- album. Gene Simmons to her was "the devil"!

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It's all because of Psy. Time to protest in front of the Korean embassy.


Better bring in plenty of security. The clashes between the mor lum shirts and the gangnam shirts can get quite nasty.

For safety, in any area:


Is this for real? Where was it taken?

Don't know. But the T-shirt is giving a hint, isn't it?

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To Begin With.......whats wrong with the Buddhist Temples in the first place?????? temple Fairs with dancing, whisky, etc?????? Buddhism really needs to be reformed in thailand starting with the Sangha Council that is full of corrupted monks and also temples that are also corrupted. Some foreigners need to come here and teach thais what real buddhism is all about.

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But rather than dancing in traditional style, with its elegant arm movements...

I don't think this reporter has been to a mor lam concert before... lol

I agree - to actually write "(mor lam is a type of bass-heavy Northeastern dance music)' is totally odd...LOL

I have seen WawRam in Sataheeb, Bangkok and, naturally, here in Udon...LOL

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Surprised Borat didn't base his character with a retarded family on Thailand

I've been told that there is a new Thai comedy series that parodies Isaan people.

New? look at most of the existing soaps!

The idiot in there often is from that area!

Racist towards their own kind!

Oh wait....Bangkok "elite" have nothing in common with them!

Just eating the rice they grow!

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Surprised Borat didn't base his character with a retarded family on Thailand

I've been told that there is a new Thai comedy series that parodies Isaan people.

New? look at most of the existing soaps!

The idiot in there often is from that area!

Racist towards their own kind!

Oh wait....Bangkok "elite" have nothing in common with them!

Just eating the rice they grow!

You got this one right DocN. Hailing from Western Kentucky I grew up with racism 60+ years ago. That is one reason I left there as soon as I could. But it was mild when compared to the Bangkok/Isaan racism.

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For safety, in any area:


Is this for real? Where was it taken?

Don't know. But the T-shirt is giving a hint, isn't it?

Could it be a photoshopped version of this sign in Perdana Park in Malaysia?:


Don't think so. Why would someone add something, that isn't needed?

The picture, I posted, has more panels,'yours' has a smooth background.

But anything is possible!

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Could it be a photoshopped version of this sign in Perdana Park in Malaysia?:

Don't think so. Why would someone add something, that isn't needed?

The picture, I posted, has more panels,'yours' has a smooth background.

But anything is possible!

Did a search on the net and the picture you posted is making the rounds with nobody knowing the origin. The reason to add something seems clear ... to make a joke.

I think hyperdimension uncovered the mystery.

Not only is it the same number of panels in the same order but also is the same color wall with the same colored stripe under it.

Bottom line, well done job by whoever created the image ... lots of folks sharing and talking about it https://www.google.c...c.1.KJqWoFukFdk

But not such an uncommon sign in Malay parks it ...


Edited by Nisa
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