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My 7 Year Old Daughter Dancing Like A Lap Dancer


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ok i dont think you are a gang of wrongins here is the video

I think your posting this on the Internet is by far the least appropriate action among everything discussed in this thread

This took place in the privacy of their home and they shared with you as a member of the family. What are you going to do next, post it to YouTube and invite the world to give you feedback?

If your family members back there were participating in this discussion think they'd be happy with your behavior?

Really, take it off, seriously.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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ok i dont think you are a gang of wrongins here is the video

I think your posting this on the Internet is by far the least appropriate action among everything discussed in this thread

This took place in the privacy of their home and they shared with you as a member of the family. What are you going to do next, post it to YouTube and invite the world to give you feedback?

If your family members back there were participating in this discussion think they'd be happy with your behavior?

Really, take it off, seriously.

take what off jonny its on lad,, i dont need to justify myself to no body this is how it is,,,my behavior is not in this topic,,,get off ye pedestal and see it for what it is,,,,read through your previous posts
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I just came to realize something.

Your daughter wanted to impress on you and make you happy and proud.

I think it would be blunt to say anything negative at all about it,

you'll break her heart.

Better appreciate her effort, and she does have more talent than my gf

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I can never get over the way the parents will dress their kids up for the shows at school. The look like tiny prostitutes to me. If there are any nonces in the crowd, they're probably loving the show.

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The equivalent in my days growing up was "Super 8", my dad was bleeding-edge with that high tech, and almost all of our home movies from during the summer months features all us running around starkers, including most of the visitors to the place we went (lake in New England) sometimes dozens of kids and their parents, sitting on laps, playing Twister, dancing to that scandalous "rock 'n roll" music, whatever no one thought anything wrong or sexual about it, all a big giggle looking at it even thirty years later.

Not anymore, if I posted those films on YouTube nowadays I'd probably get hunted down and shot by Seal Team 6.

Sad world we're in now. . .

PS of course even the modern educated Thais would still be shocked by mass nudity, even by adults never mind the teenies

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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first of all, she should be going to dance classes, she' s very good.

second, it is a wee bit over the top sexually since she doesnt really know what she is doeing with her moves... \

frankly, when my daugther danced (she was together with most of the other little girls from her age group on kibbutz) we actually explained to them in simple terms why some moves they can do and others they shouldnt be doing until they 'are older'...

and we requested from the dance teacher to tone down some of the dance moves and , well i tried to get them to change music with explicit secual lyrics but that was a no go since english is not their language they didnt bother with listening to the lyrics. rather like friends of mine wearing 'psycho bitch' on a pink t shirt w/o really knowing what it means...

(im not a prude, and in israel everything is polarized , or very prudish and religious, or very open and kids are like adults style...

either way, she does have talent , a shame to waste it on gangnam style stuff... no age appropriate adn fun type dance classes near u?

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I think the OP is taking the whole thing the wrong way,at the end of the day I think that everyone on the video is laughing because the girl is doing too good an imitation of what she's seen on the television!

I have two nieces who I will always remember at around that age,they're both in their twenties now.

When they were that age I remember my sister sending them into my bedroom in the morning when I was living with her for a while,to jump up and down on my head as I lay in bed with a hangover at the weekend!

They used to squeal with delight and I used to tell them the most ridiculous stories I could possibly think of,they believed everything I told them and would look at me wide-eyed!

What I'm saying is that she won't be that age for very long at all,so I would just enjoy it while you can as those years are very fleeting.Yes,it's very inappropriate the way she's dancing but that's why everyone is laughing about it,I suggest you do the same as she will be old and bossing you around before you know it!

Take it from someone who knows.

Edited by The Pundit
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first of all, she should be going to dance classes, she' s very good.

. . .

no age appropriate adn fun type dance classes near u?

Haven't spent much time in upcountry Thailand have you?

Sure dance lessons are available out there, but only in the ancient style as is considered proper by the conservative elite.

Modern dance lessons are to be found only in the capital, and even then not at all easily (I've only heard of two places) and the per-hour charge would most likely be higher that what the people in the video are living on altogether per week, her family would consider you completely whacko if you suggested it to them, they'd have much more important things they'd rather spend the money on. . .

Not least continuing her incredibly inadequate "basic education" past the usual twelve years of age.

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oh know exactly what up country is, and i know that even hubby's cousin is doing art at a high level in her bannork school, and she has a farang father who could maybe afford it (if he can, not always of course), and you would be surprised but there are other types of classes , just maybe have to go tot hem. after all, also here people have to go in to a big city to get some types of extra curricular activities and we spend time driving or busses.... yes i know they get folk dancing, i danced with a group of kids for two weeks in their school, and then taught them some of ours... one of teh plusses of having a farang daddy is that often there are more ways and means then the usual kid would get...

many farangs might be dirt poor, but many seem to have the means for a decent life style. even hubby's small dinky dirt village is slowly (unfortunately in some ways) advancing, and even they can go forty minutes away to a larger village that might have a teacher that can tutor

secondly, not everyone in issan is living bannork. korat , udon thani are fairly large and have farangs. no farang women teachers that can teach basic dance? not talking about en pointe ballet here, but a cross between zoomba and gymnastics with a bit of yoga thrown in with music....and there is zoomba in thailand, hubby showed me videos.

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oh know exactly what up country is, and i know that even hubby's cousin is doing art at a high level in her bannork school, and she has a farang father who could maybe afford it (if he can, not always of course), and you would be surprised but there are other types of classes , just maybe have to go tot hem. after all, also here people have to go in to a big city to get some types of extra curricular activities and we spend time driving or busses.... yes i know they get folk dancing, i danced with a group of kids for two weeks in their school, and then taught them some of ours... one of teh plusses of having a farang daddy is that often there are more ways and means then the usual kid would get...

many farangs might be dirt poor, but many seem to have the means for a decent life style. even hubby's small dinky dirt village is slowly (unfortunately in some ways) advancing, and even they can go forty minutes away to a larger village that might have a teacher that can tutor

secondly, not everyone in issan is living bannork. korat , udon thani are fairly large and have farangs. no farang women teachers that can teach basic dance? not talking about en pointe ballet here, but a cross between zoomba and gymnastics with a bit of yoga thrown in with music....and there is zoomba in thailand, hubby showed me videos.

I can afford it quite easily the picture was not taken in my house it was in the parents house , i am building a nice house as we speak i would not be travelling around the world working and leaving my children in poverty, i earn a very good wage,, i have explained this once but mt comments where deleted, i am going to go and look around when i am back home on the 23rd of this month , i am not overly concerned now as alot f people have had the same experiences and i may be able to address this problem easier now i have been given some good advice of people who seem interested in this thread, again thank you
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I can afford it quite easily the picture was not taken in my house it was in the parents house , i am building a nice house as we speak i would not be travelling around the world working and leaving my children in poverty, i earn a very good wage,, i have explained this once but mt comments where deleted, i am going to go and look around when i am back home on the 23rd of this month , i am not overly concerned now as alot f people have had the same experiences and i may be able to address this problem easier now i have been given some good advice of people who seem interested in this thread, again thank you

When you get back, ask around if there's any classes available for your girl offering a cross between zoomba and gymnastics with a bit of yoga thrown in with music being taught by a farang woman in the area and please report back here, I'd be curious to find out if this is available.

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ok i dont think you are a gang of wrongins here is the video

I think your posting this on the Internet is by far the least appropriate action among everything discussed in this thread

This took place in the privacy of their home and they shared with you as a member of the family. What are you going to do next, post it to YouTube and invite the world to give you feedback?

If your family members back there were participating in this discussion think they'd be happy with your behavior?

Really, take it off, seriously.

I agree with you.

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ok i dont think you are a gang of wrongins here is the video

I think your posting this on the Internet is by far the least appropriate action among everything discussed in this thread

This took place in the privacy of their home and they shared with you as a member of the family. What are you going to do next, post it to YouTube and invite the world to give you feedback?

If your family members back there were participating in this discussion think they'd be happy with your behavior?

Really, take it off, seriously.

I agree with you.

well ime home in 5 days with more knowledge than i started with and my beautiful daughter will know dance outside what she knows now and i will nurture her natural talent above the steriotypycal crap she knows know..........she has not learnt this off her dysfunctional family ..she has learnt this by default,,,,,DADDYS gona give his princess a chance to learn dance ,,,,ime not sorry i have put this out there,,, i have goal to make dance different in my village
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