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Pool Hall Fight Ends In Gunfire And Death


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The "Ban it" brigade should really try to understand that banning the lawful possession of anything merely deprives law-abiding people of that item - it does NOT and can NOT make those items magically disappear form society............as the UK has found out on many occasions!

Really ? how about some facts for the numpties here:

The United Kingdom historically had one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world even before gun control legislation became stricter from the late twentieth century.[1] In The United Kingdom there are 0.22 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants; for comparison, the figure for the United States was 3.0, and for Germany 0.2.[2].

The UK has had few firearms rampage incidents in modern times. During the latter half of the 20th century there were only two incidents in which people holding licensed firearms went on shooting sprees and killed on a large scale, the Hungerford massacre of 1987 and the Dunblane school massacre of 1996; each led to strong public and political demands to restrict firearm use, and tightening of laws. The result has been among the strictest firearms laws in the world.

In 2012 the Home Office reported that, "in 2010/11, firearms were involved in 11,227 recorded offences in England and Wales, the seventh consecutive annual fall".

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The "Ban it" brigade should really try to understand that banning the lawful possession of anything merely deprives law-abiding people of that item - it does NOT and can NOT make those items magically disappear form society............as the UK has found out on many occasions!

Really ? how about some facts for the numpties here:

The United Kingdom historically had one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world even before gun control legislation became stricter from the late twentieth century.[1] In The United Kingdom there are 0.22 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants; for comparison, the figure for the United States was 3.0, and for Germany 0.2.[2].

The UK has had few firearms rampage incidents in modern times. During the latter half of the 20th century there were only two incidents in which people holding licensed firearms went on shooting sprees and killed on a large scale, the Hungerford massacre of 1987 and the Dunblane school massacre of 1996; each led to strong public and political demands to restrict firearm use, and tightening of laws. The result has been among the strictest firearms laws in the world.

In 2012 the Home Office reported that, "in 2010/11, firearms were involved in 11,227 recorded offences in England and Wales, the seventh consecutive annual fall".

I personally think that "numpties" are those who post knee-jerk replies without appreciating the point being made.

Your "facts" really do prove my point that the UK, with amongst the most stringent firearms control laws in the world, has not removed firearms from UK society as shown by your recent figures for gun related crime - it has merely removed lawfully held guns.

You have also made an assumption that the fall in gun crime is in some way related to a reduction in the number of guns in circulation and I would be very interested to see the research that you draw upon for that conclusion as the Home Office themselves admit to not having a clue about the number - how could they, being illegally held guns?!

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The "Ban it" brigade should really try to understand that banning the lawful possession of anything merely deprives law-abiding people of that item - it does NOT and can NOT make those items magically disappear form society............as the UK has found out on many occasions!

Really ? how about some facts for the numpties here:

The United Kingdom historically had one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world even before gun control legislation became stricter from the late twentieth century.[1] In The United Kingdom there are 0.22 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants; for comparison, the figure for the United States was 3.0, and for Germany 0.2.[2].

The UK has had few firearms rampage incidents in modern times. During the latter half of the 20th century there were only two incidents in which people holding licensed firearms went on shooting sprees and killed on a large scale, the Hungerford massacre of 1987 and the Dunblane school massacre of 1996; each led to strong public and political demands to restrict firearm use, and tightening of laws. The result has been among the strictest firearms laws in the world.

In 2012 the Home Office reported that, "in 2010/11, firearms were involved in 11,227 recorded offences in England and Wales, the seventh consecutive annual fall".

Rather interesting to note that the UK kills more citizens with BOMBS than guns , guess the Handgrenade death of a female Police Officer & her partner shot to death is minor also.

Statistics by Government -" Yes m'lud I will prepare them now , what do we need them to say ??"

oer 300 million people in the USA over 10% of that illegals

Banning guns doesn't stop killing just check out the knifings ,etc in UK & other places like Japan where there is NO gun ownership even for sports

I carry a handgun when working & have done for many years I also shoot for recreation , BUT, I strongly believe in Control but NOT OVER control

Edited by Ohio
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The "Ban it" brigade should really try to understand that banning the lawful possession of anything merely deprives law-abiding people of that item - it does NOT and can NOT make those items magically disappear form society............as the UK has found out on many occasions!

Really ? how about some facts for the numpties here:

The United Kingdom historically had one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world even before gun control legislation became stricter from the late twentieth century.[1] In The United Kingdom there are 0.22 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants; for comparison, the figure for the United States was 3.0, and for Germany 0.2.[2].

The UK has had few firearms rampage incidents in modern times. During the latter half of the 20th century there were only two incidents in which people holding licensed firearms went on shooting sprees and killed on a large scale, the Hungerford massacre of 1987 and the Dunblane school massacre of 1996; each led to strong public and political demands to restrict firearm use, and tightening of laws. The result has been among the strictest firearms laws in the world.

In 2012 the Home Office reported that, "in 2010/11, firearms were involved in 11,227 recorded offences in England and Wales, the seventh consecutive annual fall".

Rather interesting to note that the UK kills more citizens with BOMBS than guns , guess the Handgrenade death of a female Police Officer & her partner shot to death is minor also.

Statistics by Government -" Yes m'lud I will prepare them now , what do we need them to say ??"

oer 300 million people in the USA over 10% of that illegals

Banning guns doesn't stop killing just check out the knifings ,etc in UK & other places like Japan where there is NO gun ownership even for sports

I carry a handgun when working & have done for many years I also shoot for recreation , BUT, I strongly believe in Control but NOT OVER control

Sorry, I don't know what the heck you're going on about, are these random thoughts from a morning viewing Fox News ?

Edited by londoedan
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The "Ban it" brigade should really try to understand that banning the lawful possession of anything merely deprives law-abiding people of that item - it does NOT and can NOT make those items magically disappear form society............as the UK has found out on many occasions!

Really ? how about some facts for the numpties here:

The United Kingdom historically had one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world even before gun control legislation became stricter from the late twentieth century.[1] In The United Kingdom there are 0.22 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants; for comparison, the figure for the United States was 3.0, and for Germany 0.2.[2].

The UK has had few firearms rampage incidents in modern times. During the latter half of the 20th century there were only two incidents in which people holding licensed firearms went on shooting sprees and killed on a large scale, the Hungerford massacre of 1987 and the Dunblane school massacre of 1996; each led to strong public and political demands to restrict firearm use, and tightening of laws. The result has been among the strictest firearms laws in the world.

In 2012 the Home Office reported that, "in 2010/11, firearms were involved in 11,227 recorded offences in England and Wales, the seventh consecutive annual fall".

Rather interesting to note that the UK kills more citizens with BOMBS than guns , guess the Handgrenade death of a female Police Officer & her partner shot to death is minor also.

Statistics by Government -" Yes m'lud I will prepare them now , what do we need them to say ??"

oer 300 million people in the USA over 10% of that illegals

Banning guns doesn't stop killing just check out the knifings ,etc in UK & other places like Japan where there is NO gun ownership even for sports

I carry a handgun when working & have done for many years I also shoot for recreation , BUT, I strongly believe in Control but NOT OVER control

You are part of the problem.

Why do you need to carry a handgun?

No civilian needs to carry a firearm.

More firearms = more probability that some dolt will use it.

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Guns are definitely, the cleaned, quickest and most decisive way of disposing of another being, however, if you are looking for a cause to use one, go no further than mixing alcohol into the blood stream, goes to the brain etc etc

It is called a no brainer, for this reason and hey it was some time ago but last time I looked here ALCOHOL had pretty much caused

someone to beat his friend to death with a hammer, arguing about the virtues of female prime ministers.

Only ALCOHOL could possibly create such distortions of perception to make that a life and death issue. Even coke and steroids won't do that.

WHICH is why this little pooch pretty well leaves the stuff alone.

If you're gonna ban guns, you'd better put hammers in the slammer with them.

Correct. Let's ban alcohol. So much cirme and anti-social behaviour driven by alcohol. World wide prohibition - worked in the states in the 20's and been so successful on drugs.

Banning guns is not the answer. The UK introduced draconian gun and knife laws. Guess what - criminals and those intent on violence still obtain and use them. At least in the US people have the rigth to bear arms to defend themselves. Either create a safe violence free society or accept the reality of human nature.

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Guns are definitely, the cleaned, quickest and most decisive way of disposing of another being, however, if you are looking for a cause to use one, go no further than mixing alcohol into the blood stream, goes to the brain etc etc

It is called a no brainer, for this reason and hey it was some time ago but last time I looked here ALCOHOL had pretty much caused

someone to beat his friend to death with a hammer, arguing about the virtues of female prime ministers.

Only ALCOHOL could possibly create such distortions of perception to make that a life and death issue. Even coke and steroids won't do that.

WHICH is why this little pooch pretty well leaves the stuff alone.

If you're gonna ban guns, you'd better put hammers in the slammer with them.

Correct. Let's ban alcohol. So much cirme and anti-social behaviour driven by alcohol. World wide prohibition - worked in the states in the 20's and been so successful on drugs.

Banning guns is not the answer. The UK introduced draconian gun and knife laws. Guess what - criminals and those intent on violence still obtain and use them. At least in the US people have the rigth to bear arms to defend themselves. Either create a safe violence free society or accept the reality of human nature.

I dont think prohibition worked that well in the States. Wasnt that the era of the biggest gangsters? Police and judiciary corruption etc

As for the UK and their gun laws and the US and their gun laws the proof of the pudding is in the respective murder rates. US far more dangerous than the UK about 5 times higher murder rates i think.

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When confronted with the armed assailant, the dead man showed no fear.

How could he, he was dead. I`m not trying to be funny, just the way this article is written.

Here is a warning, in Thailand try to control your temper. From experience I have learned that many Thais, although curtious, calm and polite most of the time, are on a very short fuse and can snap in an instance if provoked.

Keep that in mind if out and about and stay safe.

Yep - and i'd like to add to the warning - because of the pose of being 'calm and polite', the GAP between the internal turmoil and the external 'face' is not something that most westerners are used to and therefore all the more dangerous. There might be very little escalation-time and worrying behaviour to see before the fuse goes off !

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Take away the alcohol and you probably wouldn't have the fight in the first place.

I agree. If instead they were on cannabis they'd be too chilled-out to be annoyed or aggressive about anything. If they were on MDMA they'd be feeling too loved-up, and may even become friends. Legalize cannabis and MDMA!

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Take away the alcohol and you probably wouldn't have the fight in the first place.

I agree. If instead they were on cannabis they'd be too chilled-out to be annoyed or aggressive about anything. If they were on MDMA they'd be feeling too loved-up, and may even become friends. Legalize cannabis and MDMA!

I'm not much one for substances myself, but I agree with you. There is a host of substances out there that people can kick back with and stay mellow.

Not everyone would go for them of course: alcohol is a successful and popular beverage and many people like it for the buzz it gives.

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Calls for a total ban on all firearms.

Please spare us "the guns fault" bs.

Clearly alcohol and stupidity was at fault

If he didn't have a gun, he couldn't have shot the guy......you understand?

In a place where guns are banned this incident would have ended up in a punch up, perhaps with snooker cues.

Bullshit , banning guns does not stop the blackmarket / illegal trade . If no guns were available , the next option would have been knives , machetes , axes etc , you want to ban these as well ???

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I acquiring handguns easy in Thailand? sad.png

Calls for a total ban on all firearms.

I read recently that Thailand has more guns than the Philippines.

that's really saying something!!

no that could NOT be correct ...if it is then thailand is really AMAZING

from Wikipaedia:

The phrase "gun crime" is consistently used by both gun-control and gun-rights policy advocates, with differing emphases: the former group advocates reducing gun violence by enacting and enforcing regulations on guns, gun owners, and the gun industry, while the latter group advocates education on how to be a responsible gun owner.[6][7]

Levels of gun violence vary greatly across the world, with very high rates in Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, South Africa, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Jamaica, as well as high levels in Russia, The Philippines, Thailand, and some other underdeveloped countries, Levels of gun violence are low in Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and many other countries.[8] The United States has the highest rate of gun related injuries (not deaths per capita) among developed countries, though they also have the highest rate of gun ownership and highest rate of officers.[9]

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Thank you to all of you with the common sense to know that the gun itself did not kill someone. I remember one Thanksgiving in Reno, Nevada, when a distraught woman drove her car onto the sidewalk, increasing her speed as she went, and killed 25 people. Anybody mention the need to ban cars? No. Alcohol was clearly what set this off this pool hall fight and death, and no one suggested banning alcohol. Hmmmm, wonder why? Cheers!

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Thank you to all of you with the common sense to know that the gun itself did not kill someone. I remember one Thanksgiving in Reno, Nevada, when a distraught woman drove her car onto the sidewalk, increasing her speed as she went, and killed 25 people. Anybody mention the need to ban cars? No. Alcohol was clearly what set this off this pool hall fight and death, and no one suggested banning alcohol. Hmmmm, wonder why? Cheers!

You're probably right, alcohol probably was a significant contributory factor in this death, however the availability of handguns also was IMO.

You cannot relate cars / alcohol to guns - the sole and only purpose or\f the latter is to hurt, maim and kill. I'd ban them all and restrict access to the police and armed forces - just like HM government in the UK have successfully done thumbsup.gif

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Guns are definitely, the cleaned, quickest and most decisive way of disposing of another being, however, if you are looking for a cause to use one, go no further than mixing alcohol into the blood stream, goes to the brain etc etc

It is called a no brainer, for this reason and hey it was some time ago but last time I looked here ALCOHOL had pretty much caused

someone to beat his friend to death with a hammer, arguing about the virtues of female prime ministers.

Only ALCOHOL could possibly create such distortions of perception to make that a life and death issue. Even coke and steroids won't do that.

WHICH is why this little pooch pretty well leaves the stuff alone.

If you're gonna ban guns, you'd better put hammers in the slammer with them.

Correct. Let's ban alcohol. So much cirme and anti-social behaviour driven by alcohol. World wide prohibition - worked in the states in the 20's and been so successful on drugs.

Banning guns is not the answer. The UK introduced draconian gun and knife laws. Guess what - criminals and those intent on violence still obtain and use them. At least in the US people have the rigth to bear arms to defend themselves. Either create a safe violence free society or accept the reality of human nature.

OK! but compare the number of UK criminals with the number of normal peace loving members of the population there are. whistling.gif

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