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Where Do We Stand On The World Stage?: Thai Editorial


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I think the writer asks this questions from their point of view, not from the world's point of view.

The world doesn't really care about Thailand, it has very little economic or strategic importance, and it is not aggressive towards it's neighbors.

But they are trying to think if it's better to go with the US or with China, or to flirt with both.

Any opinions about that?

As I've said before, they are going with China as can be seen with the amount of tourists coming in from there and the 'agreements/purchases' made recently, all of this whilst keeping the USA on the hook just in case.

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World Stage ..................... er .. village hall drama, bit part player, walk on, understudy, 3rd spear carrier, extra, superfluous to requirements.

Oh, and I agree; it is without doubt the world's brothel.

A country full of self deceit, pretence and hypocracy.

As you have been a member of TV since last month you are obviously fully up to speed on all the aspects you feel competent to comment about!

Since he's only been here a few months he possibly has a more accurate understanding of the international standing of Thailand than some of the more hardened long stayers?

In this short period of time he has been able to judge 66,000,000 Thais.

He is truley a man of remarkable intellect. At least he fooled you.

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'Unfortunately we have yet to figure out what or where our place is in the global scheme of things.'

Other than being the world's brothel? I doubt that either China or the US really care a rat's ass about Thailand and its cultural hubris.

Why do people insist on insulting Thailand by constantly refering to it as the world's brothel? Based on what criteria? You think prostitution and sex tourism is unique to Thailand. Many countries are considerably worse - but happy to seed Thailand in the spot light.

Yes I am sure they would be happy to seed Thailand and the fact that Thailand embraces it whilst looking the other way is exactly the problem.

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But we can only do this if we have a strong and united foreign-policy team that can articulate Thailand's strategic interests at the international level.

Strong and united simply does not exist within the present Gov. Greedy and for myself yes but strong and united !cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Thailand's foreign policy is to fly Yingluck all over the Globe and smile for the press while she tells the world how the red shirts saved democracy in Thailand in 2010.

Saved what? Thailand did not have democracy in 2010 and still does not. Nor is it a goal for the present government to implement democracy in Thailand.

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Where does Thailand stand on the world's stage? Oh dear, you did not know? You are not even ON the stage!

My thoughts were that they were to be found in the orchestra pit - and each player reading from a different musical score, and playing off key at that.

The overweening conceit reminds me of The Mouse that Roared.

Yours is probably the best analysis that I've read so far in this thread.

Not that the American perspective is necessarily always important, but last night a couple of my friends who are avid Obama supporters, one of whom is usually very up-to-date in terms of world news, were not even aware that the President was in Thailand...even knowing that I had lived in Thailand for a couple of years. I'm aware, but for most Americans, it's under their radar. People seem to be far more aware that Obama is visiting Burma.

On a more serious note, in terms of # of prostitutes, Thailand appears to be about tenth. Sorry, not the longed-for hub. But, #1 in number of child prostitution. Not exactly a hub to be bragged about.

But back to the initial question...where does Thailand stand on the world stage. Pretty much in the same place as the vast majority of countries...not in a place of particular significance. Instead, I see Thailand's position as being part of the overarching theme of world diplomacy since sometime after WWII's conclusion -- maintaining the world status quo of borders. If you look at world politics as a playing chess, Thailand is probably no more than a pawn...albeit a very strategically placed pawn. Unfortunately, the Thais -- even in their analysis of their own nation's importance -- like shiney things. Like being a transportation hub, or a technology hub, etc. They don't see that there are such hubs all over the world. And it seems to me that even within Southeast Asia, their status of a hub of hubs is waning. The Red Shirts and Taksin at best put the skids on Thailand's world reputation, and perhaps even set the country back a great deal.

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Thailand is far to much embedded in corruption at government level to be on any world stage, the only thing Thailand is a world leader is in the sex industry everyone in the world knows what Thailand is legendary for Thailand takes the top marks for hookers and ladyboys.

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