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Yingluck Sets Goal Of High-Income Nation: Thailand


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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

That would be because there *is no plan* to comment on. And the goal, you'd have to be an imbecile to credit that.

need to get out and read different news. This article is empty. Just a title and bs. oh, and several pages of posters ragging on Yingluck for no good reason.

Reality is that income inequality is a real issue. Not just in Thailand - my home country is the most unequal in the developed world. Stiglitz recently wrote an informative book on it. For the government to at least attempt to address the issue is admirable.

For a bunch of falang to ream the pm because she wants to do the right thing for thailand is stupid and disgusting.

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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

I think you are probably right and of course articles like this (link below) are conveniently overlooked, probably because they represent the truth.

Thailand is moving forwards, better accept it, because it is for the better well being of the people.

Like it or not, Yingluck has generated far more international recognition and credibility than previous PM's and, apart from the playground criticisms on here, is doing a pretty good job.


Ha! playground criticisms is an understatement!

just a short article on this topic in the real world pointed out this

To reach goals set out in the NESDB’s strategy, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s administration is aiming to increase research and development investment to over 1 per cent a year of GDP, compared to 0.24 per cent in 2011.

In order to achieve the jump in average income, average economic growth of 5 to 6 per cent a year with have to be maintained over 10 to 15 years compared with average growth of 4.2 per cent from 2002 to 2011.

The last part just might explain to the other posters here why the hell yingluck spends her time traveling, promoting thailand, and welcoming heads of foreign governments to Thailand. I figure she understands her job better than most of the idiots on this forum.

The government has it's work cut out for it, but it's hardly rocket science to invest in the country and the Thai people.

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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

E, well sorry to disappoint, but I am not a retiree and I have certainly read about ASEAN, have also seen the incompetence of the current PM as well.

Have a nice day

well, Mr "toad" since you think that yingluck has no plan and should just be packing lunch boxes, we know how intelligent your contributions have been.

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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

E, well sorry to disappoint, but I am not a retiree and I have certainly read about ASEAN, have also seen the incompetence of the current PM as well.

Have a nice day

well, Mr "toad" since you think that yingluck has no plan and should just be packing lunch boxes, we know how intelligent your contributions have been.

Her older brother was well known for " packing lunch boxes" .smile.png
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It is really astonishing that an expressed intention to raise the quality of life for Thai people is met with derision and scorn from the usual suspects............

Truly, truly pathetic.

I would guess that a similarly expressed intention from the opposition, would likewise be met with roars of respect and adulation.

No surprises there.

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Odd that you would consider my post as voicing concern of Varathep as "menancing". It's more a case of being ridiculously funny given his history. The electoral fraud conviction is second fiddle to the conviction for lottery scammer (which I noticed you not-so-subtly avoided addressing).

If you consider those as good qualifications for someone to run a pie-in-the-sky get-rich scheme, that's up to you. I doubt most would agree.

Shame she couldn't find someone else in her illustrious cast for the job, but she has to work with what she's got.

Still, we'll have to wait and see if Varathep can withstand the Senate and Court investigations to even keep his job long enough to "spearhead" this scheme.


The trouble is - does anybody, apart from you that is, take any notice of such a plainly political "conviction" when one is just part of 111 so called convicted electoral fraudsters. Especially when , at the time the Attorney General recommended that the democrat party should have been dissolved as well. Even more so when, in the real world of politics there is serious discussion going on about one of the first constitutional changes will be to get rid of this ridiculous law and not a lot of dissent (apart from, of course, the democrats. They have to rely on constitutional laws like this as they know they cannot win an election where people are allowed to vote).

The lottery scandal

When Thaksin was prime minister, his government changed the state lottery system, allegedly to bring the underground lottery, which takes bets on two-digit and three-digit numbers, into the state system. The state lottery is based on a six-digit system.

Critics of Thaksin's rule claimed the lottery change was improperly carried out and was done for corrupt purposes.



Please tell me what was so super criminal about the lottery scandal - I think I must have missed it?

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It is really astonishing that an expressed intention to raise the quality of life for Thai people is met with derision and scorn from the usual suspects............

Truly, truly pathetic.

I would guess that a similarly expressed intention from the opposition, would likewise be met with roars of respect and adulation.

No surprises there.

I didn't revert to derision and scorn.

I snorted my cornflakes all over the breakfast table and haven't stopped laughing since.

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It is really astonishing that an expressed intention to raise the quality of life for Thai people is met with derision and scorn from the usual suspects............

It isn't the expressed intention that is being derided.

nah, it is just the intention to raise the quality of life that is being met with derision and scorn. yeah, I know, its subtle.

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Odd that you would consider my post as voicing concern of Varathep as "menancing". It's more a case of being ridiculously funny given his history. The electoral fraud conviction is second fiddle to the conviction for lottery scammer (which I noticed you not-so-subtly avoided addressing).

If you consider those as good qualifications for someone to run a pie-in-the-sky get-rich scheme, that's up to you. I doubt most would agree.

Shame she couldn't find someone else in her illustrious cast for the job, but she has to work with what she's got.

Still, we'll have to wait and see if Varathep can withstand the Senate and Court investigations to even keep his job long enough to "spearhead" this scheme.


The trouble is - does anybody, apart from you that is, take any notice of such a plainly political "conviction" when one is just part of 111 so called convicted electoral fraudsters. Especially when , at the time the Attorney General recommended that the democrat party should have been dissolved as well. Even more so when, in the real world of politics there is serious discussion going on about one of the first constitutional changes will be to get rid of this ridiculous law and not a lot of dissent (apart from, of course, the democrats. They have to rely on constitutional laws like this as they know they cannot win an election where people are allowed to vote).

The lottery scandal

When Thaksin was prime minister, his government changed the state lottery system, allegedly to bring the underground lottery, which takes bets on two-digit and three-digit numbers, into the state system. The state lottery is based on a six-digit system.

Critics of Thaksin's rule claimed the lottery change was improperly carried out and was done for corrupt purposes.



Please tell me what was so super criminal about the lottery scandal - I think I must have missed it?

jeez - who cares about the <snippin!> lottery anyway? Besides, looking through your link just shows that 3 of 46 were found guilty and they were let off with a kick in the butt. Then the gem here

The court acquitted the 43 other defendants, including Newin Chidchob, a powerbroker behind the establishment of the current coalition government.

Had Newin been found guilty, the government's stability would have been threatened, political observers said.

just goes to show that the whole thing was Thai politics as usual. Courts or no courts, it's still all just political bs

Edited by metisdead
: Gutter language removed.
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Odd that you would consider my post as voicing concern of Varathep as "menancing". It's more a case of being ridiculously funny given his history. The electoral fraud conviction is second fiddle to the conviction for lottery scammer (which I noticed you not-so-subtly avoided addressing).

If you consider those as good qualifications for someone to run a pie-in-the-sky get-rich scheme, that's up to you. I doubt most would agree.

Shame she couldn't find someone else in her illustrious cast for the job, but she has to work with what she's got.

Still, we'll have to wait and see if Varathep can withstand the Senate and Court investigations to even keep his job long enough to "spearhead" this scheme.


The trouble is - does anybody, apart from you that is, take any notice of such a plainly political "conviction" when one is just part of 111 so called convicted electoral fraudsters. Especially when , at the time the Attorney General recommended that the democrat party should have been dissolved as well. Even more so when, in the real world of politics there is serious discussion going on about one of the first constitutional changes will be to get rid of this ridiculous law and not a lot of dissent (apart from, of course, the democrats. They have to rely on constitutional laws like this as they know they cannot win an election where people are allowed to vote).

There are plenty besides me that see the benefits of the RICO Act-like law and it would be shame if the law is altered. The best way to control these characters is the same method of controlling racketeers.

As this is just the 2012 rehash of the same notion, I'll defer to the the 2010 and 2011 discussion.

Similarly, the lottery conviction is yet another rehashed to death that I'm not inclined to go that far into depth over it for the umpteenth wearisome time. Especially if a long drawn discussion of it is deleted as off-topic.

Sorry if you missed all the earlier drawn out talks at the time. Or perhaps you didn't.

Anyway, suffice to say, in this situation, it was just the point that he's a convicted scammer put in charge of a get-rich scheme. A comment in passing that doesn't justify opening the can of an at-length discussion of it.

The context is just that it's absurdly funny, not that he's some sort of "super criminal" as you mislabel him.


Edited by Buchholz
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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

Aim high i guess.

Of course we're taking cheap shots at the PM as she is a cheap target. You don't fire a 6 Mio $ missile at a 500 $ tank. You use a can opener and a fly swatter.

But let's see what other highflying "plans" this PM has been hatching so far:

Kitchen for the world - with overprized old rice and uncontrollable pesticide levels

Help solve the EU crisis - no need to comment on that - like "and world peace"

High speed train link - the lunch box issue has already personally been solved by her

And the masterpiece:

Ease the pissing contest in the South China Sea between a few grumpy old men by applying a "woman's touch".

Hey i am not defending her. She has been parachuted in. But hey other than a couple on the other side, who could actually do better? She is essentially in the top 3 parliamentarians in the country.

Anyone for kasit or chalerm?

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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

Aim high i guess.

Of course we're taking cheap shots at the PM as she is a cheap target. You don't fire a 6 Mio $ missile at a 500 $ tank. You use a can opener and a fly swatter.

But let's see what other highflying "plans" this PM has been hatching so far:

Kitchen for the world - with overprized old rice and uncontrollable pesticide levels

Help solve the EU crisis - no need to comment on that - like "and world peace"

High speed train link - the lunch box issue has already personally been solved by her

And the masterpiece:

Ease the pissing contest in the South China Sea between a few grumpy old men by applying a "woman's touch".

Hey i am not defending her. She has been parachuted in. But hey other than a couple on the other side, who could actually do better? She is essentially in the top 3 parliamentarians in the country.

Anyone for kasit or chalerm?

How can a person with the lowest attendance record be considered "in the top 3 parliamentarians in the country."? It seems to me that to be considered you have to, at the bare minimum, attend.

However, should you wish to change your statement to " in the top 3 parliament dodgers in the country", I would certainly agree. If you further wished to say "as useful as tits on a bull" i would endorse it 100%.

Edited by OzMick
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