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German Kills Pet Dog, The Other Side Of The Story


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maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

You have obviously failed to read

Previous to the attack in question, the police had received at least one complaint from him regarding the animal and the owner appeared to have made no attempt to secure his pet.

Let the children blame the father for irresponsibly letting his/their pet onto the street. He had been warned.

no, you are wrong i read it

but i read it that the owner had complained to the police

that does not follow that the police spoke to the owner of the retriever

you are only assuming they had spoken with him and the owner had neglected to adhere to their advise

whilst i think that us old campaigners know that if you want something doing by the police that is not urgent, it costs money

i would have been more inclined to believe the German if he had said that he had paid the police 1000 baht to go and have a word with the owner

in the absence of that assertion its just an assumption especially in a cross force issue, Police-Navy

Maybe the police had not been to see the Thai...but I'm pretty sure the German had told him that he'd made a complaint. A warning had therefore been issued by the German and it was ignored by the Thai. As I walk my dog I often come upon Thai owned pet dogs on the loose. Their dogs start barking at the sight of me and my Lab coming. 90+% of the time the owners hear and come out to control their pet on the loose. The fact that they do that shows that they recognize my right to walk with my Lab on a leash unhindered by their pet. It may not be law, but there is just a glimmer of knowing that a dog loose on the street is "just not right". But as soon as I'm gone that glimmer disappears and they let their dog loose again. If the German had not been somewhere near right in his complaint to the police I doubt that they would have listened.

Again I say let the children blame their father for the death of their pet. It is his irresponsibility that is the root cause of this tragedy.

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Finally someone stands up to all the ridiculous dog owners in Thailand. If you all love your dogs so much, then why is it you only seem to care about what happens to them after they die? (Obviously there are a few dog owners, like the German in the story, who do care about their dogs, and my message is not meant for them)

The most important part seems to be that the German will not be charged with killing the dog, but only with carrying a knife, which suggests that it is legal to kill stray dogs. (In my opinion any dog not on private ground and without a leash is a stray dog)

actually a dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash

it would be rather dangerous to have dogs wandering around trailing a few yards of rope or leather behind them

people could be tripped up or even get rope burns on their tender bare exposed legs

very unpleasant......

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Instead of me trying to figure out some universal, all-consuming description of how wrong I think you all are to lay guilt and blame on this man, I would like to back things up a bit and figure out exactly how those (who lay guilt on the 63 year old man) would have resolved this matter, before the attack that lead to ending the animal, had the dog been your dog.

Let's just say that this man, or me, or another poster, is your neighbor and you know beforehand that your dog will attack any of us, our animals, or our family members if it is loose?

So the questions are:

1. What would you do to prevent it from happening?

Note: The posts I have read so far ignore this approach. Your answer will clear this up.

2. What would you expect us to do were it to happen?

Note: The posts I have read so far suggest that the innocent ones re-arrrange their entire lives to accomodate a wild beast in a civil society. Your answer will clear this up.

I think you get the point and any other answer than the considerate one exonerates this man, myself, or any other poster from the actions they would take were you to do the inconsiderate thing.

When someone elses problems affect innocent people, then apologies and compensation are due instead of laying blame and guilt on the innocent, who have an inalienable right to good health and well-being.

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Anyone expecting Thai owners to keep their dog fenced is living in another universe. I never once saw a soi dog who would not stop in its tracks when I either picked up a rock or just pretended to pick one up. Just don't throw the pretend rock, it is a dead giveaway that your helpless except for bare hands.

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1. The killed dog was running free around the Moo Baan. Why should he take a different route? What if there wasn't one. Simply protecting its territory? Its territory is INSIDE the gates of his owners house!

2. If I had a dog and cared about it, I wouldn't let it fight with another dog, even though it may be stronger.

The German guy understands the basics of ownership well I think. He keeps the dog on his propriety, keeps it on a leash when he take it out to excercise and apparently trained it. Just the OPPOSITE of the other dog's owner.

In cold blood? Cold blood means premeditation. He and his dog were attacked, more than once, and he lost his temper. That's the opposite of cold blood. The situation had been going on for a prolonged period of time.

Sure, 17 stabs are a lot, but I, for one, completely understand the action.

Too many dogs around, we need more cats! :-)

he fetched the knife from the house

he admitted he was going to use it to confront the dog

he returned to the scene with his own dog to provoke another attack by the retriever

everything went to plan, the dog attacked, he killed it.

his previous false flag reports covered his actions

the pictures helped re-enforce his case

pre meditated cold blooded murder.....

Maybe, but he had the right to walk his dog in that area, it is public property. The Thai owner of the Golden had been warned by the police about his dog being let out onto the street. Premeditated stupidity.

no mention that the owner had been warned

only that the german had made a report

very little correlation between the two in real life in Thailand....

Maybe the police had not been to see the Thai...but I'm pretty sure the German had told him that he'd made a complaint. A warning had therefore been issued by the German and it was ignored by the Thai. As I walk my dog I often come upon Thai owned pet dogs on the loose. Their dogs start barking at the sight of me and my Lab coming. 90+% of the time the owners hear and come out to control their pet on the loose. The fact that they do that shows that they recognize my right to walk with my Lab on a leash unhindered by their pet. It may not be law, but there is just a glimmer of knowing that a dog loose on the street is "just not right". But as soon as I'm gone that glimmer disappears and they let their dog loose again. If the German had not been somewhere near right in his complaint to the police I doubt that they would have listened.

The death of the Golden is the responsibility of the Thai owner. If he had not let it out on to the street this tragedy would never have happened.

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Finally someone stands up to all the ridiculous dog owners in Thailand. If you all love your dogs so much, then why is it you only seem to care about what happens to them after they die? (Obviously there are a few dog owners, like the German in the story, who do care about their dogs, and my message is not meant for them)

The most important part seems to be that the German will not be charged with killing the dog, but only with carrying a knife, which suggests that it is legal to kill stray dogs. (In my opinion any dog not on private ground and without a leash is a stray dog)

actually a dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash

it would be rather dangerous to have dogs wandering around trailing a few yards of rope or leather behind them

people could be tripped up or even get rope burns on their tender bare exposed legs

very unpleasant......

please provide a source that says "dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash". Your comments about leashes are nothing less than stupid. A leashed dog generally means that it is restricted in movement, controlled, You're just nitpicking.

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Anyone expecting Thai owners to keep their dog fenced is living in another universe. I never once saw a soi dog who would not stop in its tracks when I either picked up a rock or just pretended to pick one up. Just don't throw the pretend rock, it is a dead giveaway that your helpless except for bare hands.

I think a lot of owners can figure out a muzzle would protect an aggressive dog from meeting street justice. How much does a muzzle cost? I am guessing about as much as a large bottle of beer. The owner wasn't worried about his dog getting sorted out and believe me Thai's will dispense some ass kicking when a dog is attacking people.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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If it was a Thai doing it, we would not have heard a word. My wife was at a wake, and a guy beat his own dog to death. This inspite of all the women screaming at him to stop. Police were there and didn't do a dam_n thing.

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So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

It's reported he had been attacked before!

What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

Well said chrissables and absolutely right. And I say that as very much a lifelong dog lover. Sad it happened as not even the retriever's fault but the retriever's owner for being irresponsible. Sure the retriever may have escaped from it's normal confines of its home by mistake and then it is indeed tragic, but if this had been happening regularly as it is claimed (and seems quite the norm here) then it is clearly the retriever owners fault not the German guy, or indeed sadly his dog's fault, if all this is indeed the true facts. Sure I know I would personally have got a big stick and not a knife to defend myself and my dog, but come on now we are all different as to how we react when angered, but still not the German guy;s fault as I see it. I think many folk on here are being very unkind and inconsiderate to this German guy, come on have some compassion and understanding for him and indeed the now dead retriever. Way too much unkindness on this TVF board and many others these days !!!

I have two very loving and adorable Thai dogs (both disgustingly abandoned sisters certainly from the same litter) but they are also very effective house dogs too and do not take kindly to strangers around my house who they feel in their minds are threatening to our security. This is of course normal dog behaviour no matter what breed. However they are kept inside my walled garden and it is MY responsibility to ensure they do not get out and become a nuisance or a danger to others. WE chain them up when we get the car out or complete visiting strangers and tradesman come but anyway as soon as I introduce them to the dogs and say OKAY they are docile enough then. They of course have accidentally got out before as that is inevitable, but I ensure I get them back inside ASAP and usually if I say a firm NO to them then they would not attack anyone they felt was otherwise threatening their territory. They are wonderful and trustworthy dogs for all of my family and friends who they of course know. All I am saying is that it is the dog OWNERS who need to be responsible and sensible and they who should always be responsible for their dogs' actions, if you cannot accept that sensible statement and common sense then do not bother flaming here as it will be ignored.

Stray dogs really need controlling and much more dog sterilisation is needed. I hate seeing dogs rounded up and put down though but realise very sadly that sometimes this is the only and kindest option sometimes and indeed what happens (hopefully very humanely) in most western countries if they cannot find such stray dogs a good home. Makes me very upset to think of it happening and why we need more sterilisation of dogs.

Also if you know dogs very well, then you should know, as somebody else here rightly said, that just because you have a breed with a vicious reputation that does not mean your particular dog is not a calm, loving and docile one as is most often the case if it was brought up in a caring and loving home. Main thing is dogs should NEVER be allowed to roam out in the public streets out of human control, such a law is heavily imposed in the UK and most civilised western countries so it is surely about time it was invoked here too IMHO or this sort of thing is going to continue to happen of course.

Edited by rayw
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One of the neighbours in our moobaan had a dog who had a tendency out of the blue to snap and bite. Quite a number of local kids had been bitten as the dog use to follow one of his grandkids around when she played with the others. Nothing was done about the dog except that he would lock the gate for a day or two before letting it roam again. The dog use to get out a kill ducks and chickens. This went on for years.

The dog was put in the bucket van and never seen again after it bit their grandchild.

I blame the thai owner in this instance for what appears on all accounts as a failure to take responsibility for his dog and failing the properly train and socialise it with other dogs. Because of those failings, the dog lost its life.

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If the Retriever owner was responsible and the dog was tethered or locked in then this would not of happened the guy reported it to the Police who as usual did nothing and eventually the guy got sick of it and took care of the situation, if the do is attacking people like that it could just as well of been a child THEN WHAT.

The dog in my next Soi that I HAVE TO PASS to exit the Moo Baan always charges me on my bike like a rabid animal my wife is terrified and scared to take the kids out unless its in the car maybe this dog is NEXT

Anyone got this guys Cell phone number

Be Responsible and keep your dog under control and this won't happen.


Have been in exactly the same situation ..So Many Times , and look fairs fair ..You should not have to Tolerate this . Your Wife is too Scared to take the Kids Past ... No matter how much you say you have love for Maar , you should not feel challenged in your own Soi .

I would investigate the options ..You shouldn't have to put up with that .

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So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

It's reported he had been attacked before!

What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

Well said chrissables and absolutely right. And I say that as very much a lifelong dog lover. Sad it happened as not even the retriever's fault but the retriever's owner for being irresponsible. Sure the retriever may have escaped from it's normal confines of its home by mistake and then it is indeed tragic, but if this had been happening regularly as it is claimed (and seems quite the norm here) then it is clearly the retriever owners fault not the German guy, or indeed sadly his dog's fault, if all this is indeed the true facts. Sure I know I would personally have got a big stick and not a knife to defend myself and my dog, but come on now we are all different as to how we react when angered, but still not the German guy;s fault as I see it. I think many folk on here are being very unkind and inconsiderate to this German guy, come on have some compassion and understanding for him and indeed the now dead retriever. Way too much unkindness on this TVF board and many others these days !!!

I have two very loving and adorable Thai dogs (both disgustingly abandoned sisters certainly from the same litter) but they are also very effective house dogs too and do not take kindly to strangers around my house who they feel in their minds are threatening to our security. This is of course normal dog behaviour no matter what breed. However they are kept inside my walled garden and it is MY responsibility to ensure they do not get out and become a nuisance or a danger to others. WE chain them up when we get the car out or complete visiting strangers and tradesman come but anyway as soon as I introduce them to the dogs and say OKAY they are docile enough then. They of course have accidentally got out before as that is inevitable, but I ensure I get them back inside ASAP and usually if I say a firm NO to them then they would not attack anyone they felt was otherwise threatening their territory. They are wonderful and trustworthy dogs for all of my family and friends who they of course know. All I am saying is that it is the dog OWNERS who need to be responsible and sensible and they who should always be responsible for their dogs' actions, if you cannot accept that sensible statement and common sense then do not bother flaming here as it will be ignored.

Stray dogs really need controlling and much more dog sterilisation is needed. I hate seeing dogs rounded up and put down though but realise very sadly that sometimes this is the only and kindest option sometimes and indeed what happens (hopefully very humanely) in most western countries if they cannot find such stray dogs a good home. Makes me very upset to think of it happening and why we need more sterilisation of dogs.

Also if you know dogs very well, then you should know, as somebody else here rightly said, that just because you have a breed with a vicious reputation that does not mean your particular dog is not a calm, loving and docile one as is most often the case if it was brought up in a caring and loving home. Main thing is dogs should NEVER be allowed to roam out in the public streets out of human control, such a law is heavily imposed in the UK and most civilised western countries so it is surely about time it was invoked here too IMHO or this sort of thing is going to continue to happen of course.

Very, very, very well written. I agree with you 100% on all points you make. Now if only we could get Thai dog owners to agree as well life might be a lot better for our pooches.

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I had 2 Bullmastiffs here, both have died, the big dogs do not last long. A german used to walk past my house and let his dog hang at my gate just to annoy my dogs. They would play with any dogs around here, they do not need to show there ability.

When I walked past his house, his dog would go nuts, but never jump over the small fence. My dogs would ignore him and just keep walking.

I would guess that he liked his dog getting a bit tested and kept walking in that direction.

As suggested why would he get a knife. The dog would not even see it, as planned I guess.

But I must say, I am selling my house due to the dogs loose on the street. I can not even go on a bicycle without harrassed.

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So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

It's reported he had been attacked before!

What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

Read again. The German had not been attacked before, his dog had.

Please check!

As the owner of a trained Rottweiler himself, the man is a dog lover and not hater. In fact it was as he walked his own dog, on a regular basis around his own home, that the 2 year old Golden Retriever, which was never tethered or locked in a yard, regularly attacked him and his own dog.

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no, you are wrong i read it

but i read it that the owner had complained to the police

that does not follow that the police spoke to the owner of the retriever

you are only assuming they had spoken with him and the owner had neglected to adhere to their advise

whilst i think that us old campaigners know that if you want something doing by the police that is not urgent, it costs money

i would have been more inclined to believe the German if he had said that he had paid the police 1000 baht to go and have a word with the owner

in the absence of that assertion its just an assumption especially in a cross force issue, Police-Navy

Maybe the police had not been to see the Thai...but I'm pretty sure the German had told him that he'd made a complaint. A warning had therefore been issued by the German and it was ignored by the Thai. As I walk my dog I often come upon Thai owned pet dogs on the loose. Their dogs start barking at the sight of me and my Lab coming. 90+% of the time the owners hear and come out to control their pet on the loose. The fact that they do that shows that they recognize my right to walk with my Lab on a leash unhindered by their pet. It may not be law, but there is just a glimmer of knowing that a dog loose on the street is "just not right". But as soon as I'm gone that glimmer disappears and they let their dog loose again. If the German had not been somewhere near right in his complaint to the police I doubt that they would have listened.

Again I say let the children blame their father for the death of their pet. It is his irresponsibility that is the root cause of this tragedy.

so how come you are pretty sure he knew?

you are just ASSuming

maybe the Thais rush out to get their dogs away from you as they have seen the reports on Channel 3 of farangs savagely killing Thai owned dogs for sniffing the arse of their falang owned dog

stupid statement?

Maybe, but that's what the Thais will think

this kind of overreaction by the German does not help Thais perception of farangs

Because knowing many Germans here I would not think them so stupid as to make a police complaint and then not tell the plaintiff they had done so or were going to do so. Your comment about Channel 3 is far beyond belief. I have been walking dogs here for over 6 years and my comments are based upon that experience not on something that has just happened.

Maybe you enjoy having your ass sniffed when you visit your local man bar. My Lab does not take so kindly to it.

It really is quite incredible that this is such a Big deal .

Yet try being a Street Dog , and showing so Anger around any local province ..You want last Long !

What happens to them ? Who knows ..but they just dissapear . Ask a local ? ..they will tell you .." No Good " and laugh .

I love Dogs ... But they cant just roam around causing Danger ..Biting , terror , Fear ..Someone must take responsibility .

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Finally someone stands up to all the ridiculous dog owners in Thailand. If you all love your dogs so much, then why is it you only seem to care about what happens to them after they die? (Obviously there are a few dog owners, like the German in the story, who do care about their dogs, and my message is not meant for them)

The most important part seems to be that the German will not be charged with killing the dog, but only with carrying a knife, which suggests that it is legal to kill stray dogs. (In my opinion any dog not on private ground and without a leash is a stray dog)

actually a dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash

it would be rather dangerous to have dogs wandering around trailing a few yards of rope or leather behind them

people could be tripped up or even get rope burns on their tender bare exposed legs

very unpleasant......

please provide a source that says "dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash". Your comments about leashes are nothing less than stupid. A leashed dog generally means that it is restricted in movement, controlled, You're just nitpicking.

ask a policeman or if you have 2-3 days to spare ring city hall on 1337

you will find its true

other than that my leash comments were meant to be er well maybe this will help.......


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If it was a Thai doing it, we would not have heard a word. My wife was at a wake, and a guy beat his own dog to death. This inspite of all the women screaming at him to stop. Police were there and didn't do a dam_n thing.

Absolutely Correct ... Although possibly the Thai would have Baited him , or Trapped him ..and Ohhhhhh " Gone " ..

Wheres the Dog ?? " Gone ' ..Mai Palai ..No one would be too concerned , and probably the owner would accept the unwritten Law .. Farang , needed to be a little less obvious . But quite incredible that the story is worthy of so much comment .

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I am a dog lover myself. I own 3 dogs which I keep insid my yard. My neighbours have 2 dogs which are half golden retriever. They have no gates so that on a regular basis, when I take my dogs out they are being attacked by the 2 neighbour's dogs!

It is the owners responsibility to take care of his dog, whatever breed it is but we all know how Thais take care of their pet. If the german guy already made a complain at the police station then I would say he covered his back.

The the first article even made news is only because the owner of the golden retriever is working for the government and the one who killed the dog is a foreigner! If there was an article every time a Thai is torturing a dog, we would be reading only about that!

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

You and the -Likers- khammer.gif deserve that arsch.gif and I feel vomit.gif after reading it!

He, -Cesar Millan- would have been needed, to solve the problem with both owners and dogs involved. But he cannot be everywhere. sad.png

Some people who want to own dogs or deal with them should read a bit at least look the TV show shown on True Move in TH.




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Finally someone stands up to all the ridiculous dog owners in Thailand. If you all love your dogs so much, then why is it you only seem to care about what happens to them after they die? (Obviously there are a few dog owners, like the German in the story, who do care about their dogs, and my message is not meant for them)

The most important part seems to be that the German will not be charged with killing the dog, but only with carrying a knife, which suggests that it is legal to kill stray dogs. (In my opinion any dog not on private ground and without a leash is a stray dog)

actually a dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash

it would be rather dangerous to have dogs wandering around trailing a few yards of rope or leather behind them

people could be tripped up or even get rope burns on their tender bare exposed legs

very unpleasant......

please provide a source that says "dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash". Your comments about leashes are nothing less than stupid. A leashed dog generally means that it is restricted in movement, controlled, You're just nitpicking.

ask a policeman or if you have 2-3 days to spare ring city hall on 1337

you will find its true

other than that my leash comments were meant to be er well maybe this will help.......

You quote something as true then YOU provide the source to back it up. Otherwise, I'm sorry, it is just plain BS.

As for your leash comments, people are trying to have a sensible discussion here. Your stupid remarks just don't help. Please take them elsewhere.

wait a minute?

you said'' please provide a source''

i did exactly that

now that's not good enough for you?

do you doubt city hall?

ok, for more canine matters try the city vets under the new building on soi buckhaow

maybe get a free dog microchip installed while you are there

in you, not the poor dog that owns you.......

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I live in Sattahip area, and in my village I have the same problem, 2 dogs from my neighbour are always free in front of my house, they attack me and my wife several time, expecially when we use the motorbike, we complain already 3 times to the government (once I sent my lawyer), and to the manager of the village, but nothing change, cause the family owner is a Navy and they have friend in this area, I am very tired about my situation, and some people living here too, because one of them, the big one, run like a crazy, and every day there is a risk of accident with kids, with cars or motorbikes that use to go in and out from the main entrance gate...I love dogs, I have two dogs too but I use look all of them because I respekt my all neighbours when I walk with them, and they never poo or pee inside, but I live them do in the jungle!

I know that if I drive my pick up in front of my house and the dogs are free is NOT my responsability if one of them will finish under my car, like the Government officer and my lawyer say to me, the owner of the dogs must to take care and look at them ;-)

Some respekt and understand to the german man, nobody know until you have the same situation!

You can see the pictures of the big dangerous one here...nobody scare?!?!


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I am on the German side, but would have not stabbed the goldie 17 times.

Dog owners are responsible for their pet(s) aggressive behavior especially outside.

I have a Labrador male and he is aggressive towards other male dogs therefore I have him chained tight when I walk him twice a day

along with a 1 meter cane stick I use for defensive situations.

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If owners cannot be bothered to keep control of their dogs on a repeated basis then they should not complain if someone does something about it. I feel sorry for the retriever that it's owner is obviously a lower form of life than the dog they kept as a pet. And as for all the people giving the guy grief, well maybe he had had enough of being attacked and took matters into his own hands. So he used a knife, maybe he should have been more gentle and offered his Cajones to beat the dog with.

It sounds like some of the posters on here would rather the guy move house, stay indoors, not exercise his own animal, rather than expect the owner of the other dog to be taken to task or worse expect the guy to be attacked to the point of hospitalisation whereupon there may be any consideration of his side of the story. Sick puppies!!

Of course maybe the Thai way is better - just poison any dog that upsets you or prevents you robbing a place and feel nothing at the hours of agony they suffer. For once I am siding with the German guy!

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The biggest problem is SPACE these dogs wouldn't be a problem if they weren't in close proximity to neighbours.

My Fila is able to respond intelligently according to the situation, this ranges from enjoying & taking pats in a social situation, occasionally issuing a pinching (no mark)as a warning in a perceived threatening situation, to one time holding a guy against a wall, with her jaws wrapped round his throat in a threatening situation, (he froze & she released him after a while).

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Maybe the parents of a small kid will never forget the sight of their child mauled to death by a territorial aggressive, untethered Retriever....

and what does that have to do with the thread?blink.png

Yes, "LuukKoeyKorat" that is a completely different -pair of shoes-! Not open the bottom drawers! kopfpatsch.gif

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So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

It's reported he had been attacked before!

What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

Well said chrissables and absolutely right. And I say that as very much a lifelong dog lover. Sad it happened as not even the retriever's fault but the retriever's owner for being irresponsible. Sure the retriever may have escaped from it's normal confines of its home by mistake and then it is indeed tragic, but if this had been happening regularly as it is claimed (and seems quite the norm here) then it is clearly the retriever owners fault not the German guy, or indeed sadly his dog's fault, if all this is indeed the true facts. Sure I know I would personally have got a big stick and not a knife to defend myself and my dog, but come on now we are all different as to how we react when angered, but still not the German guy;s fault as I see it. I think many folk on here are being very unkind and inconsiderate to this German guy, come on have some compassion and understanding for him and indeed the now dead retriever. Way too much unkindness on this TVF board and many others these days !!!

I have two very loving and adorable Thai dogs (both disgustingly abandoned sisters certainly from the same litter) but they are also very effective house dogs too and do not take kindly to strangers around my house who they feel in their minds are threatening to our security. This is of course normal dog behaviour no matter what breed. However they are kept inside my walled garden and it is MY responsibility to ensure they do not get out and become a nuisance or a danger to others. WE chain them up when we get the car out or complete visiting strangers and tradesman come but anyway as soon as I introduce them to the dogs and say OKAY they are docile enough then. They of course have accidentally got out before as that is inevitable, but I ensure I get them back inside ASAP and usually if I say a firm NO to them then they would not attack anyone they felt was otherwise threatening their territory. They are wonderful and trustworthy dogs for all of my family and friends who they of course know. All I am saying is that it is the dog OWNERS who need to be responsible and sensible and they who should always be responsible for their dogs' actions, if you cannot accept that sensible statement and common sense then do not bother flaming here as it will be ignored.

Stray dogs really need controlling and much more dog sterilisation is needed. I hate seeing dogs rounded up and put down though but realise very sadly that sometimes this is the only and kindest option sometimes and indeed what happens (hopefully very humanely) in most western countries if they cannot find such stray dogs a good home. Makes me very upset to think of it happening and why we need more sterilisation of dogs.

Also if you know dogs very well, then you should know, as somebody else here rightly said, that just because you have a breed with a vicious reputation that does not mean your particular dog is not a calm, loving and docile one as is most often the case if it was brought up in a caring and loving home. Main thing is dogs should NEVER be allowed to roam out in the public streets out of human control, such a law is heavily imposed in the UK and most civilised western countries so it is surely about time it was invoked here too IMHO or this sort of thing is going to continue to happen of course.

Very, very, very well written. I agree with you 100% on all points you make. Now if only we could get Thai dog owners to agree as well life might be a lot better for our pooches.

I am in the same case as Rayw. I behave the same way with my dogs and they behave as he described it! The only difference is that I have 3 thai dogs and not only 2! This is how any reasonable caring person should behave.

I would add that I really care about dogs. I feed around 10 soi dogs every day on my way to the office but if some dog would attack my dogs, I would not be nice to him and would do anything needed to protect my dogs!

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Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

It's reported he had been attacked before!

What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

Well said chrissables and absolutely right. And I say that as very much a lifelong dog lover. Sad it happened as not even the retriever's fault but the retriever's owner for being irresponsible. Sure the retriever may have escaped from it's normal confines of its home by mistake and then it is indeed tragic, but if this had been happening regularly as it is claimed (and seems quite the norm here) then it is clearly the retriever owners fault not the German guy, or indeed sadly his dog's fault, if all this is indeed the true facts. Sure I know I would personally have got a big stick and not a knife to defend myself and my dog, but come on now we are all different as to how we react when angered, but still not the German guy;s fault as I see it. I think many folk on here are being very unkind and inconsiderate to this German guy, come on have some compassion and understanding for him and indeed the now dead retriever. Way too much unkindness on this TVF board and many others these days !!!

I have two very loving and adorable Thai dogs (both disgustingly abandoned sisters certainly from the same litter) but they are also very effective house dogs too and do not take kindly to strangers around my house who they feel in their minds are threatening to our security. This is of course normal dog behaviour no matter what breed. However they are kept inside my walled garden and it is MY responsibility to ensure they do not get out and become a nuisance or a danger to others. WE chain them up when we get the car out or complete visiting strangers and tradesman come but anyway as soon as I introduce them to the dogs and say OKAY they are docile enough then. They of course have accidentally got out before as that is inevitable, but I ensure I get them back inside ASAP and usually if I say a firm NO to them then they would not attack anyone they felt was otherwise threatening their territory. They are wonderful and trustworthy dogs for all of my family and friends who they of course know. All I am saying is that it is the dog OWNERS who need to be responsible and sensible and they who should always be responsible for their dogs' actions, if you cannot accept that sensible statement and common sense then do not bother flaming here as it will be ignored.

Stray dogs really need controlling and much more dog sterilisation is needed. I hate seeing dogs rounded up and put down though but realise very sadly that sometimes this is the only and kindest option sometimes and indeed what happens (hopefully very humanely) in most western countries if they cannot find such stray dogs a good home. Makes me very upset to think of it happening and why we need more sterilisation of dogs.

Also if you know dogs very well, then you should know, as somebody else here rightly said, that just because you have a breed with a vicious reputation that does not mean your particular dog is not a calm, loving and docile one as is most often the case if it was brought up in a caring and loving home. Main thing is dogs should NEVER be allowed to roam out in the public streets out of human control, such a law is heavily imposed in the UK and most civilised western countries so it is surely about time it was invoked here too IMHO or this sort of thing is going to continue to happen of course.

Very, very, very well written. I agree with you 100% on all points you make. Now if only we could get Thai dog owners to agree as well life might be a lot better for our pooches.

I am in the same case as Rayw. I behave the same way with my dogs and they behave as he described it! The only difference is that I have 3 thai dogs and not only 2! This is how any reasonable caring person should behave.

I would add that I really care about dogs. I feed around 10 soi dogs every day on my way to the office but if some dog would attack my dogs, I would not be nice to him and would do anything needed to protect my dogs!

Please don't feed them, sterilize them. You are compounding the problem. Dogs will procreate according to food supply. The more food you give them the more puppies they will have.

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