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German Kills Pet Dog, The Other Side Of The Story


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Although a lot of us have time on their hands and nothing else to do in the mornings or afternoon, I find it very difficult to follow Timekeepers presumption that this guy planned the death of this dog in advance, to the point of allowing himself to be hurt previously to excuse his actions now,to fool friends, neighbours, the cop,s TV'ers etc. Hmmmmm....what?? Maybe you've been watching too much CSI or something. It's pretty clear....he's been attacked before, he asked for help, non forthcoming, he defended himself...albeit by going over the top and doing a Rambo with a knife....

ok , its a theory you don't accept

however i can say without saying too much that i recognise the MO and that it worked for me many years ago.........

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he fetched the knife from the house

he admitted he was going to use it to confront the dog

he returned to the scene with his own dog to provoke another attack by the retriever

everything went to plan, the dog attacked, he killed it.

his previous false flag reports covered his actions

the pictures helped re-enforce his case

pre meditated cold blooded murder.....

ze Tcherman murderer should have stuck to premeditated cold blooded timekeeping whistling.gif

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We live in Thailand people a bastion of animal ownership stupidity. The guy went over the top in the heat of the moment but considering how some people feel about their pets I can imagine this guy just had enough with the "Thai mentality" My dog special he better than you! go home Farang only send money to lazy sister! I live in a neighborhood with out of control dogs it is very common in Thailand it seems. How is this any different than a Moto poison chicken assassin? I love Thailand and have met some wonderful people here but I have met more than a fair share of aholes from both sides of the fence<The English come to mind seem to see most of the problems caused by their aggressive nature Most dead people I knew too>. The Thai issue is always one of common courtesy and honesty it should not be about hiding behind losing face. The Farang angle is too many of us think we are alpha males in a society that does not see it that way<Rightly so they are not below us this is their country Think if you had to deal with this stuff as a Thai person>. Here certain elements of the society have an entitlement mentality regardless if they are dealing with us or the Thais they are equally condescending.

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If he planned it he'd be better off with the poisoned chicken gambit. The stabbing theory is a bit elaborate, setting up police files and stuff. Stabbing a victim multiple times is rage not premeditation. And rottweilers aren't that tough. They look the part but tend to be cowards. Retrievers that haven't been socialised can be vicious. Poodles, which can be bigger that a retriever, are also vicious if untrained. There was one on an estate in Iselworth London years ago that everyone was afeared of. Attacked anyone on sight. Jack russels are also nasty little pieces of work. Size and appearance don't mean much. If you think all retrievers are nice pooches that help blind people and sell toilet paper, you're wrong.

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

You have obviously failed to read

Previous to the attack in question, the police had received at least one complaint from him regarding the animal and the owner appeared to have made no attempt to secure his pet.

Let the children blame the father for irresponsibly letting his/their pet onto the street. He had been warned.

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So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

1. The killed dog was running free around the Moo Baan. Why should he take a different route? What if there wasn't one. Simply protecting its territory? Its territory is INSIDE the gates of his owners house!

2. If I had a dog and cared about it, I wouldn't let it fight with another dog, even though it may be stronger.

The German guy understands the basics of ownership well I think. He keeps the dog on his propriety, keeps it on a leash when he take it out to excercise and apparently trained it. Just the OPPOSITE of the other dog's owner.

In cold blood? Cold blood means premeditation. He and his dog were attacked, more than once, and he lost his temper. That's the opposite of cold blood. The situation had been going on for a prolonged period of time.

Sure, 17 stabs are a lot, but I, for one, completely understand the action.

Too many dogs around, we need more cats! :-)

he fetched the knife from the house

he admitted he was going to use it to confront the dog

he returned to the scene with his own dog to provoke another attack by the retriever

everything went to plan, the dog attacked, he killed it.

his previous false flag reports covered his actions

the pictures helped re-enforce his case

pre meditated cold blooded murder.....

Maybe, but he had the right to walk his dog in that area, it is public property. The Thai owner of the Golden had been warned by the police about his dog being let out onto the street. Premeditated stupidity.

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Attacked by a knife? I would maybe also bite back. whistling.gif Did he not find a larger wood or a broomstick, to teach the Retriever a lesson?

If I am the German and ="As the owner of a trained Rottweiler"= as it was stated above, I would want my money back,.

First, from the Breeder who sold me that Rottweiler -wimp- a "Rotti" who needs help from an aging guy against a -Golden Retriever-! OMG!

Second, from the Trainer who trained his dog, if it was not himself. rolleyes.gif Trained what? -To piss off-?blink.png

Why people buy a Rottweiler? to experience than stories like that? Do not think so.

Good possibility, some of the anger against the Golden Retriever, is anger about the inability of his Rottweiler, to control the situation.

I had many dogs in my life and one Rottweiler, in a group of 5 male dogs.

2 of the dogs a bit larger and more heavy than the Rottweiler, but he was the -Alpha- dog!

That is a dog and Retrievers do not even dare to look at him!tongue.png That is -Aura-!

Good god man is it so difficult to understand. The Rottweiler might well be a wimp. The Golden fierce. Both against what is perceived as their normal temperament. But they could have been trained that way. I have met many Rottweilers in my time, both fierce and gentle. I have owned both Golden and Labrador. All gentle. In Bangkok recently a Lab attacked and killed a baby. The Golden here seem to have been fierce. It is the TRAINING or lack of it that makes them that way. Don't generalize on your limited experience.

P.S. Can't say for sure, just throwing an idea out there that perhaps the Golden had been the victim of abuse. That can often make a dog fierce.

Edited by Keesters
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I am with Timekeeper on this one. you go get a stick, a knife is an object the dog will not recognize the only reason to come back with one is to kill.

Usually I'm not part of the ifyoudontlikeitleave brigade BUT in Thailand there will be soi dogs, noise pollution, etc. you don't have to embrace the culture, you can have a moan, but if you absolutely cannot handle it for your own sake why stay here? If walking your dog easily is a top priority, retire to the costa del sol or Florida why stay if things that will probably never change in your lifetime are leading you to the point of madness.

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Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

That is very well said Timekeeper, but I've got to say if I was walking down the street and a dog as much as bit me, I would take a stick to it if possible. I do not hate dogs, I have two at present and they both stay in the grounds of my house. Also, they are both walked most days. I also had a Labrador for 14 years when I lived in the UK.
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So lets get the story straight.

1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

a. went home

b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

c. Went back

d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

It's reported he had been attacked before!

What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

Good post except for one thing, I would not use a knife, a knife is not much good for self defence as you need to be very close to your assailant for it to be effective. A stick is ideal.
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in my 6 years of observation and interaction with Thai dogs and packs...i find during daylight hours them to be wimpish, fairly scared and easier to control , especially saying Bi Lao once or twice fairly loudly... throwing small plastic cups previously filled with loose soil at dogs that want to shit on my lawn works well and quite satisfying if you manage a direct hit.... have even heard them squeel when said flung missile Misses them by yards.... all dogs are territorial especially with other dogs/cats, so one has to act in similar manner when they come around your neck of the woods....try never to show fear...../ However when the Cherry has dropped below the horizon.... Thai dogs then come into their own...they will strut the streets, walking across busy roads with impunity and acting in control of everything and also more difficult to see... a firm loud voice speaking thai still works but better to keep a distance....i think that perhaps this german guy was completing his.. 'training of his Rott.'.. the how to dispatch when attacked, so now he will need to equip his Rott. with a kitchen knife.

I consider myself a dog lover.. but never use tongues...

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The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

I would say fair enough. And it is an undeniable fact that Thai's do not control their dogs. I don't really know why they acquire them in the first place other than TiT

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Of course it is understood that he was in an unpleasant situation but he is living in Thailand and should know that his police report would lead to no action from the police or the dog owner. If he wanted to live in a rule of law jurisdiction he should have stayed in Germany.

His injuries look nasty but it seems that he brought it on himself but going home and coming back with a knife to attack the dog with. Apparently the dog didn't bite him before he returned with knife in hand and the dog wouldn't have known what the knife was unlike he started getting stabbed with it. Most likely the dog only bit him after being stabbed. Therefore the self defence argument applies to the dog not to the German idiot.

It beggars belief that the man was apparently not in the habit of carrying a stout stick with him, knowing the dangers posed by loose dogs in his neighbourhood, and that, after the attack on his dog began, he came back from the kitchen with a knife rather than a mop or a broom.

What an idiot! Go back to Germany with your Rottweiler as soon as you can, old man. Thailand is not the place for you. Neither of you will live much longer, if you stay here. Your wife will probably find another old fool soon enough.

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I am on the Germans side. Some of you guys don't get it.

We get singled out here a lot and by our own while the Thai's stick together right or wrong.

For me even though I am American, I chose to believe the German. He isn't to far off the marker

Even though you can cut wholes ( No pun intended) in his story the fact remains that the Thai dog owners

Never take responsibility for their dogs. If their dog bits you it's not their dog, they only give it food sometimes

If you dog bits them they want money right away, starting at 4,000 baht. If you hit them on the motorcycle even no damage they want money

If they hit you on a motorcycle they give you the middle finger as they run off. So, for all you nayers in here I hope you don't have to stand alone anytime soon.

As he said this was an ongoing issue, he did file a complaint, nothing was done...not surprising. The police in Sattahip force you to take things into your own hands

I would say that the Thai dog owner doesn't really care anyway, he is most likely waiting for a handsome payout of 20,000 baht or so. Then he will go buy more dogs and put them out

in the street just so this guy will kill them again. Instead of the police fining the guy for not keeping his dog fenced in or leashed he will get a reward for doing the wrong thing which seems to be

consistent with the rule of law here.

Again, a good point, but for your own safety forget the Knife, use a big stick.
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To me, it seems to be way too much dogowners (falang) here in Thailand, at least that sort of dogowners that never learn anything. But maybe that is why they are just.... dogowners. Their social capacity it is very limited.

It is always the same stupid thing.... you should have done this and you should have done that, and they always have the dog in the centre and all other humans should step aside for their dog. These people will never in their lifetime learn what other normal dogowners and animal lovers know, that humans are in the centre and that the anímal have to learn to step inside and show respect, how hard is that you ego´s......

I walk out with my dog, on my normal route in the village.... and I refuse to change my route because some stupid thai dogowner doesnt care at all of his dog. If dog attack me or my dog I do something about it, of course I will not cut that thai dog 17 times, it is a little bit too much for my taste, But I will definitively do something about it.

But like this guy "timekeeper" who seems to have ALL of his sympathies on the thaiside and have absolutely no understanding att all for the guy that has been attacked. He even right out say that the german is liying about it.....People who talk like that is always dogowners, and they are the very worst kind of them that I always dispise...


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