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Cynical Expats


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As a matter of interest, which TV member holds the record for having the briefest membership of TV before being forced to take an enforced holiday?

And who holds the longest?

How about the record for most actual bannings (never supposed to return)? :o

That could be TGS, no Georgi, Torny , no I dont really know. :D

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As a matter of interest, which TV member holds the record for having the briefest membership of TV before being forced to take an enforced holiday?

And who holds the longest?

How about the record for most actual bannings (never supposed to return)? :o

That could be TGS, no Georgi, Torny , no I dont really know. :D

I have it on good authority that – unlike the other culprits that you mentioned - Georgie has never actually been banned. :D

Some pretty draconian suspensions however! :D

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Sorry, I shouldn't have made that remark...


As a matter of interest, which TV member holds the record for having the briefest membership of TV before being forced to take an enforced holiday?

And who holds the longest?

How about the record for most actual bannings (never supposed to return)? :o

That could be TGS, no Georgi, Torny , no I dont really know. :D

I have it on good authority that – unlike the other culprits that you mentioned - Georgie has never actually been banned. :D

Some pretty draconian suspensions however! :D


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