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Eat Our Chicken Or Else, Says Thailand


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Hey, how's this for a new idea/plot/cum urban myth.

Maybe this is all a plot from the southern terrorists/al-qaida/bin laden.

A chicken plan to bring the western economy down with a new biological weapon.

So now Thaksin can blame some one else.......

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Hey, how's this for a new idea/plot/cum urban myth.

Maybe this is all a plot from the southern terrorists/al-qaida/bin laden.

A chicken plan to bring the western economy down with a new biological weapon.

So now Thaksin can blame some one else.......

Nahhhhhhhh the Muslims in the south won't go to a Pigfest but they might go to a free Chickenfest...and all get the bird flu. Ploblem solved for 'is Excellency.

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I was under the impression, that all the people who have died to-date where live-chicken handling. As in the children of chicken farmers or the farmers themselves.

I am not trying to take away Taksins' guilt or stupidity, merely pointing out that the deaths do not have a current vector of CHICKEN MEAT. the current vector is contact with live virus via the faeces of live chickens.

You've got some very nice points there Judge! I don't want to understate the severity of the problem, but the flu is NOT YET a human to human virus and it may never reach that stage. Even if it does mutate into a human to human virus, eating chicken meat will still not be a problem (unless you like your chicken raw!).

I may be wrong, this chicken flu could turn into another Spanish Flu type epidemic, but for now I am reminded of another chicken - one called Chicken Little!

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Guest IT Manager

I agree with The Judge adn you Otherstuff. It is another SARS in the making, it hasn't mutated, and it may not.

Bearing that in mind, I am still concerned about the possibilities, and will keep a close eye on what develops. So far it seems to me the major effect has been to give a heads up to the rest of the world, the true nature of the dear leader.

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Is not this scenario more about trust than what to eat!!

Sunday Nation 8. February.

PM says bird flu is now a sovereignty issue, threatens trade retaliation

"If they do I will retaliate," he said. "This government is not afraid of anything," he told the crowd. :D:o:D:D

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If the cat (or bird ?) really is out of the bag , over in Vietnam , then maybe we all need to start digging our bunkers out in the back-yard - but what about the condo-owners ? :o

Or is it possible that , being the cold-weather season , there are just the normal crop of colds & bugs going round - and we're all just more sensitive to them ?

Sad to think of the effects of all of this on business & tourism & the economy - because it will really hurt our many Thai friends - just when they were getting on their feet again after the Crash.

Maybe they will start offering Elite-cards at a discount - to keep the tourists coming - or even just make the benefits standard for all tourists arriving, with money in their pockets, to spend in LOS.

Ckock-di - or do I mean Chook-di ?? :D

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Sorry Boss - but I'm a pommie in-disguise - whoops ! There goes my deep-cover !

Regarding the crash, I am assured that this was down to the evil capitalist enemies of LOS, who are probably also behind the bird-flu , as well ? (Source - Jane's Guide to goverment-excuses and political let-outs)

But this mess surely high-lights the importance of a competent & professional administration , who understand how free-speech helps spot such problems and address them sooner , both being essential to all First-World countries. Or at least - something to aim towards.

Having solved the problems of the world - time to flock-off ! Going to a BBQ with my ti-rak's secret-recipe world-class Thai-style chicken on-the-menu.


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Everybody knows that he made an "honest mistake" and everybody knows that he could only get away with it because he could spend enough Baht to make the judges let him get away with it. The next elections are not untill next year, and the Thais have an incredible short memory for this kind of things

honest mistake? take your <deleted>' brown nose out of thaksin's ass for a second and wake up. HE LIED !! pick one of the articles in the news to read or watch the news on TV and then open your mouth.

thaksin has embarrassed thai people because he is the prime minister and his government is representing THAILAND. your comment about thai people forgetting, this crisis is just starting. how can you possibly say people are going to forget this.

Ok Huski, maybe you didn't get the sarcasm in what I wrote. That's why I put the " " around "honest mistake". We all know that he lied, but he still got away with it.

What I tried to emphasise is that here elections and politics are played in a different way than what we are probably used to in the countries where we come from. As money is a very (probably the most) important factor, the chances are that Mr. T. will have his second term as PM. There are many people who don't like him, but just throwing around some cash in election time will help a lot.

If this crises is really getting out of hand, he MIGHT lose, but I would not bet on that in this moment.

I cannot imagine that there is one single fahrang in this country who likes the current PM, and if there is any, I am certainly not one of them :o

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maybe thailand can import some harleys now......screw the toyotas

Having lived here for years nothing surprises me but I would expect that anyone in government has been getting rid of shares in chicken related businesses..

Anyway, heard yesterday they still export to the eu but via Poland, they just repack... Doesnt help either!

Also on Saturday big party in Soi Bangla with chicken stalls, eat your chicken free... I am not not really worried about those chickens being infected but likely they are the oldest ones in the freezer. And doing it a day before elections in Patong with Taxin visiting sounds like one of those illegal parties in an election period. As they had already closed bars from selling alcohol in Soi Bangla (elsewhere you could get what you want) I immagine most eaters must have been Thais. Friends told me there was in one of the villages a half dead chicken on the street, likely hit by a car or whatever, and some tourists walking around it and looking at it....

No idea if true, also heard somewhere that the famous Spanish flue in the past killing millions was a birdflue...

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Having lived here for years nothing surprises me but I would expect that anyone in government has been getting rid of shares in chicken related  businesses..

I'd expect that such people were busy quieting dumping their chicken-related shares before any official announcment was made.

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Toyotas and perfume? That ain't the half of it ...

How long will it take Toxin Inc to join Japan, S Korea, Singapore and Malaysia in suspending US poultry imports on a puny Delaware excuse, and are rumours that such retaliation is intended to support "the globally committed" Dhanin, now proudly amongst the top 25 most powerful non-US businesses, completely unfounded?

Wait for it ...

Justified and noble as all the expressions of indignation in these pages are, what's new? Stuff like this has been going on here and elsewhere since dinosaurs eggs.

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!

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Anyone heard of the word "moderation"? No?

Please do not spread unsubstantiated rumours. Check your facts before posting.

The Spanish Flu MAY have been caused by a mutating avian virus - but there is no decisive PROOF of this being the case, only that similarities have been discovered in the make-up of the avian strains and the Spanish Flu strain.

The present strain MAY mutate and spread between humans, in which case it will cause a major headache for us all - but it hasn't happened yet.

There is NO evidence that the virus has spread to pigs as far as I know. Only one unsubstantiated report which has been disputed by many other scientists.

As for the people suggesting we all grow our beards, build our stock palissades and become bush hermits à la Rockies Bounty "It's me against the evil IRS and the World" Bob - unless you are joking, and I hope you are - I can only say Valium or beta blockers seems like a fitting recipy for your condition. You certainly should avoid the Viagra and the yaa baa at any cost.

That being said, I currently stick to veggie food until the situation seems a bit brighter, which it probably will, given some time.

Aharn Jay - Good for health, good for wallet. And the best of all - it tastes like chicken! :o

As for the cover-up, yes, it is a disgrace. As for threatening with embargoes and import restrictions, that kind of stuff is happening constantly, and most countries have been guilty of doing so. The move by Wattana is certainly very unwise, but Western countries and trade blocs keep doing this to each other.

Check out what happened when the Czech goverment took a liking to Swedish fighter jets over American, for example. What was the reaction of the US? (Please skip that if you are bored of anti-US statements, I was only trying to prove a point that most countries use unsportsmanly tactics in the trade game.)

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I don’t know how the practise is where you come from swe...ball, but I think its reasonable that people, both residents and visitors are sceptic consider the fact that the Government in the country they live, try to hide the fact that ingredients in some of their everyday nutrients can include something which can be unhealthy for humans.

Care for the people should be the Governments first priority Then they hadn’t needed to stage road show all over the country for trying to make the consumer confident about what to eat or not. Lies not really fit with confidence.

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Well it is official. USA got hit with the milder form of the Bird Flu. It was found in the state of Delaware and over 65K chickens got the guillotine.

I am appalled to find this out that they still export the chickens into Poland and get repackage to cover its origins and continue to sell in Europe under another disquised label.

USA has also now been banned in sending their poultry out to some countries since we got hit with it. So no one seems to be immune from this bird flu.

Also we are now entering another area of the season where colds and flu hit again which takes place in late winter and spring. Because of this I can understand the reasoning of the CDC being very worried if this Bird Flu mutates officially from human to human. That is why everyone should participate and cooperate and kill these chickens to eliminate any potential catastrophe or repeat of the Spanish Flu.

We all owe it to ourselves to vigilant and to use common sense and remember the past history as well as possible so we do not have these so called repeats. I would think once is enough for everyone.

Right now I would think everyone including the WHO and CDC is watching and waiting to see if the worst case prediction starts if and when and where. This is the danger we are now hoping to not happen. So lets all keep our fingers crossed and hope Lady Luck prevails.

So in reality we are entering the most critical phase period concerning the Bird Flu along with the normal Colds and Flu season.

Daveyoti :o

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