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What Have I Got Going For Me That Might Be Attractive To A Thai Woman?


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Well it's turned into an attack on a bloke who has found out a way of laying hookers which outsmarts the infuriated Thai Visa perverts here.

I say hats off to Big Johnny.

At least he is offering them a service and not just throwing money into the wind like the rest of you saddos.

Many here need to get off your 30,000 baht a month TEFL <deleted> and use your initiative.

The outrage is justifiable. The guy's no better than a nonce

How so?

I fail to see where he is either lying to anyone nor interfering with underage children.

Your usage of "Nonce" is vile.

He may be getting a load of sex but I fail to see where he is doing anything illegal not immoral.

TEFL/skint pensioner anger and jealousy in play here...

If you think what he is doing isn't immoral then you need to take a good long

look at yourself. Did you perhaps work for the BBC 30 years ago?

Edited by End
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Well it's turned into an attack on a bloke who has found out a way of laying hookers which outsmarts the infuriated Thai Visa perverts here.

I say hats off to Big Johnny.

At least he is offering them a service and not just throwing money into the wind like the rest of you saddos.

Many here need to get off your 30,000 baht a month TEFL <deleted> and use your initiative.

The outrage is justifiable. The guy's no better than a nonce

Not only that but he's on every thread here bragging about it,it's too creepy for words!Then trying to justify it as he must know it's totally wrong what he's doing.

As someone mentioned before,were he to do the same in a developed country he would in all likelihood be sitting in jail by now,hopefully for a long time!

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Well it's turned into an attack on a bloke who has found out a way of laying hookers which outsmarts the infuriated Thai Visa perverts here.

I say hats off to Big Johnny.

At least he is offering them a service and not just throwing money into the wind like the rest of you saddos.

Many here need to get off your 30,000 baht a month TEFL <deleted> and use your initiative.

The outrage is justifiable. The guy's no better than a nonce

How so?

I fail to see where he is either lying to anyone nor interfering with underage children.

Your usage of "Nonce" is vile.

He may be getting a load of sex but I fail to see where he is doing anything illegal not immoral.

TEFL/skint pensioner anger and jealousy in play here...

It's actually very disturbing that anyone could condone and also attempt to justify this pervert's despicable actions,I sincerely hope he ends up in The Bangkok Hilton for what he's doing!

The people trying to defend him,unless you know him persoanlly how do you know he's NOT a nonce and grooming underage girls for sex?

From what I've seen him post,the Modus Operandi seems absolutely spot on with what I've read about and seen on television about underage groomers,how much of a leap is it from grooming overage girls in this manner to underage ones?


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The outrage is justifiable. The guy's no better than a nonce

How so?

I fail to see where he is either lying to anyone nor interfering with underage children.

Your usage of "Nonce" is vile.

He may be getting a load of sex but I fail to see where he is doing anything illegal not immoral.

TEFL/skint pensioner anger and jealousy in play here...

I didn't call him a nonce - I said he's no better than one since he's using the promise of an "education" to secure a "better life" to lure young girls into his "finishing school" where he proceeds to cajole them into having sex with him.

I don't believe his claim that many of his former alumni are living idyllic lives with great guys here or in the West. I think that's just a smokescreen to lend his "program" as he calls it a veneer of altruism and respectability.

I'd be more inclined to believe that 90% of these girls are scratching a living at Pattaya bars right now.

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Thaivisa Connect App

No.However to even suggest he is "like' a nonce is a hideous slur.

You need to calm down a re-read this a little. He is actually trying to educate the dollies. Whether or not they use what he offers is neither here nor there.

He isn't raping nor lying to anyone.

Your own jealousy that you can't do similar (for whatever reason) is making you look a bitter loser here which is sad as I know you to be one of the more clued up posters on this forum.

Unless you know this guy personally how on earth can you make that assumption?I would suggest it very likely that he's doing both!

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There's a lot of fear in your post.

Much more laughter than you imagine.

My life is great. How's yours?


It's 23.30.

This means 7-11 will close in about half an hour.

Do I have time to get there and buy another 2 Leos?

Serious fear. This is not a laughing matter.

Good to hear your life is great!

But you didn't answer my questions:

1. ever been married before?

2. where you will you live with your Thai gal?

3. how do you expect things to work out (in view of your obvious fear of divorce)?

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There's a lot of fear in your post.

Much more laughter than you imagine.

My life is great. How's yours?


It's 23.30.

This means 7-11 will close in about half an hour.

Do I have time to get there and buy another 2 Leos?

Serious fear. This is not a laughing matter.

Good to hear your life is great!

But you didn't answer my questions:

1. ever been married before?

2. where you will you live with your Thai gal?

3. how do you expect things to work out (in view of your obvious fear of divorce)?

1. No

2. Thailand or elsewhere as we choose.

3. Just fine thanks.

I suggest you invest in a bigger fridge by the way.

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I'm just surprised he brought this up again. He knows the reaction he receives every time.

I think I know what you mean by this.

I think you're talking about some stuff that has now now been deleted. It was was about that other guy's "program".

That was way out of order.

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There's a lot of fear in your post.

Much more laughter than you imagine.

My life is great. How's yours?


It's 23.30.

This means 7-11 will close in about half an hour.

Do I have time to get there and buy another 2 Leos?

Serious fear. This is not a laughing matter.

Good to hear your life is great!

But you didn't answer my questions:

1. ever been married before?

2. where you will you live with your Thai gal?

3. how do you expect things to work out (in view of your obvious fear of divorce)?

1. No

2. Thailand or elsewhere as we choose.

3. Just fine thanks.

I suggest you invest in a bigger fridge by the way.

Your issues and complexities are more than my inebriated brain can handle.

Edited by SiameseCurios
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It's actually very disturbing that anyone could condone and also attempt to justify this pervert's despicable actions,I sincerely hope he ends up in The Bangkok Hilton for what he's doing!

The people trying to defend him,unless you know him persoanlly how do you know he's NOT a nonce and grooming underage girls for sex?

From what I've seen him post,the Modus Operandi seems absolutely spot on with what I've read about and seen on television about underage groomers,how much of a leap is it from grooming overage girls in this manner to underage ones?


Worrying stuff. There are some weird guys out there. I'm with you 100%.

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I'm just surprised he brought this up again. He knows the reaction he receives every time.

I think I know what you mean by this.

I think you're talking about some stuff that has now now been deleted. It was was about that other guy's "program".

That was way out of order.

Old news. As I'm sure you know.

Samsung are good....resilient...your gf has fine taste in cold storage.

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I'm just surprised he brought this up again. He knows the reaction he receives every time.

Perhaps he's hoping that people will regard his practices as a mere idiosyncrasy that people will overlook because he posts some well-balanced contributions on other matters.

Perhaps, realising that he's a parasite, he secretly yearns to be castigated so, every now and again, he drops it in there as a prelude to some form of self-flagellation ritual performed in solitude while his debutantes watch lakhorn in the lounge.

Either way, there's no getting around the fact that his "program" is bogus not least because it actually doesn't prevent any more than 1 in 100 girls from entering the profession . . . if that.

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I'm just surprised he brought this up again. He knows the reaction he receives every time.

I think I know what you mean by this.

I think you're talking about some stuff that has now now been deleted. It was was about that other guy's "program".

That was way out of order.

Old news. As I'm sure you know.

Samsung are good....resilient...your gf has fine taste in cold storage.

Ha ha.

Problem is, as much as my GF is in love with the Samsung fridge, she's even more in love with the Mitsubishi. It costs about 12000 Baht.

Aren't fridges really sexy these days!! Check 'em at your local electricity store.

When I were a lad, fridges were, well, just fridges.

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I'm just surprised he brought this up again. He knows the reaction he receives every time.

Perhaps he's hoping that people will regard his practices as a mere idiosyncrasy that people will overlook because he posts some well-balanced contributions on other matters.

Perhaps, realising that he's a parasite, he secretly yearns to be castigated so, every now and again, he drops it in there as a prelude to some form of self-flagellation ritual performed in solitude while his debutantes watch lakhorn in the lounge.

Either way, there's no getting around the fact that his "program" is bogus not least because it actually doesn't prevent any more than 1 in 100 girls from entering the profession . . . if that.

It's how these people operate.

They want to fit in. But they're always a bit too eager or desperate.

There is always something wrong with them, but we can never really put our finger on it.

I mean, they're odd and we know we're right in thinking they're "outsiders", be we never really have any proof.

Sometimes people laugh at us. They might say that we "think too much", but we know that we're right.

This is how they operate.

It's incredibly devious and low and insidious. Many people get fooled.

We all know we're right. But we've never got any proof.

Look at Jimmy Saville. Even as a boy, I always knew there was something "wrong" with that man.

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I'm just surprised he brought this up again. He knows the reaction he receives every time.

You have to give him credit, Smokes

And thanks for posting Mr. Curious.

I learned on TV the question is always more important then the answerwai2.gif

Edited by Dancealot
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Unless you know this guy personally how on earth can you make that assumption?I would suggest it very likely that he's doing both!

Such confused and angry thinking. First you don't like assumptions from someone who doesn't know him, then as someone who doesn't know him you make ugly assumptions.

Is this how you do all of your scientific research?

You don't actually know a dimn thing but you sure are upset anyway. :) Do you really think that if he was bothering the under aged that he'd come one here and say so? Geez...

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I'm laughing at the TEFL losers and loving Bigjohn

Do you realise how sad you are...?

You're not laughing at anyone. You're just on the "dark side" of the payroll.

Please .. don't think you fool anyone.

Hello.... this is my first post, and I am a bit nervous, having read some of ther terrible things people have written in this thread. Nevertheless, newbie or not, I want to offer my support for your efforts. I think it is dreadful that people have taken such a nice original idea and twisted it into something nasty.

I think you have been very patient with everyone's crude responses, SiameseCurious. You write very well. Maybe it is because you are so articulate that people have reacted so poorly to your idea. If it was me receiving this nonsense I think I would feel very offended. How do you feel? I do hope that you have not been dissuaded from further interesting posting!

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I'm laughing at the TEFL losers and loving Bigjohn

Do you realise how sad you are...?

You're not laughing at anyone. You're just on the "dark side" of the payroll.

Please .. don't think you fool anyone.

Hello.... this is my first post, and I am a bit nervous, having read some of ther terrible things people have written in this thread. Nevertheless, newbie or not, I want to offer my support for your efforts. I think it is dreadful that people have taken such a nice original idea and twisted it into something nasty.

I think you have been very patient with everyone's crude responses, SiameseCurious. You write very well. Maybe it is because you are so articulate that people have reacted so poorly to your idea. If it was me receiving this nonsense I think I would feel very offended. How do you feel? I do hope that you have not been dissuaded from further interesting posting!

With all due respect, I think it's the other way around. I see people making angry assumptions about someone they don't know, about women they don't know. They "know" nothing but they sure are angry!

If, in the West, I have a girl live with me and sleep with me, and the whole transaction is that I provide room and board and maybe some spending money, and we like each other, it's said that I have a live-in girlfriend. No one thinks a thing of it. Even if we had an agreement that we weren't monogamous, that would be our business and few would object other than the almighty pious.

No one would say I was bad, much less that I should go to jail as has been said here several times.

I've done exactly that in LOS. The (of age) gal knew she moved in with me to get some farang time and experience, and to for a while have a better life and some fun she couldn't do on her own. I taught her a lot including helping her with her English. No one seemed to feel hurt by it.

In fact I've done that twice. Do I need two get out of jail cards for it? Really?

Thanks for posting, and don't let me deter you. :)

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