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Customs Warns Travelers: ‘ Don’t Bring Bangkok Pills’


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Customs warns travelers: ‘Don’t bring Bangkok pills’

MANILA: -- The Bureau of Customs (BOC) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) warned travelers yesterday not to buy “diet or reducing pills” in Bangkok, Thailand.

Two Filipino women travelers were apprehended recently for possession of so-called Bangkok pills.

Mimel Talusan, chief of the BOC arrival operations division, said, “(These tablets) may be sold over the counter in Bangkok but could be regulated or prohibited drugs here...”

Talusan said a passenger should have a certificate from the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) to bring in any kind of drug into the country.

Another Filipino woman, identified as Purificacion Gonzales, was arrested Thursday for allegedly bringing in some two kilos of items that looked like Bangkok pills, reputedly weight-reduction drugs.

Earlier, a businesswoman was arrested for having some 16 kilos of suspected Ecstasy and Bangkok pills.

--inq.net 2006-02-11

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Could "Bangkok Pills" be yet another name for Methamphetamine that is made in illegal laboratories and has a high potential for abuse and addiction.

It has Street names like "speed," "meth," "chalk, " "ice," "crystal," "glass," and "tina."

I have heard there many cooking labs in the north. Never saw any evidence of that but there were numerous arrest for it as I recall.

If it is the same, it releases high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which stimulates brain cells, enhancing mood and body movement.

It also appears to have a neurotoxic effect, damaging brain cells that contain dopamine as well as serotonin, another neurotransmitter. Over time, methamphetamine appears to cause reduced levels of dopamine, which can result in symptoms like those of Parkinson’s disease, a severe movement disorder.

It leads to strokes heart attacks related to tendencies to increase Bllod Pressure and clearly effects the CNS ( Central Nerveous System) with effects that include irritability, insomnia, confusion, tremors, convulsions, anxiety, paranoia, and Mild to often extreme aggressiveness. Likewise Hyperthermia and convulsions that can result in death.


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"Could "Bangkok Pills" be yet another name for Methamphetamine that is made in illegal laboratories and has a high potential for abuse and addiction? "

No. Bangkok Pills are not Methamphetamine. Bangkok Pills are a diet aid and contain ephedrine, phentermine and fenfluramine. Similar side effects to what you mentioned though.

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