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Things To Consider Before Taking Your Thai Girl Back Home....


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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

^Actually not to offend you but I totally disagree with you(but I understand we tend to generalize in forums).

I decided to bring my missus back to the US and she really likes it. She loves the weather, the mountains, no mosquitoes, the job opportunities, she quickly made some gal friends(Vietnamese) and they cook regularly trading recipes. We tried a few Thai restaurants and it is clear she cooks WAY better. I quickly got her set up in local asian markets. She found a local Thai temple and can go as she pleases. She also said that it is not as expensive for food in a lot of cases as it is in Thailand. She is constantly comparing food costs and is extremely penny conscience. She LOVES having an oven to bake desserts and we fight to BBQ ribs or Chicken. I have never had it where a woman pleaded with me to BBQ....cheesy.gif

I suspect a huge bearing on whether or not they like it is where they land. We are in California. I think you make it what it is. The thing she does miss is public transportation. While she had her own car in Thailand and I bought her one here, she prefers public transportation.

Ultimately quickly getting them acclimated to the area, assist in establishing a few friends, a temple, good internet for some webcam time with friends and family and all is good. It is no different them any of us moving abroad. Find local places where we are comfortable, make a few friends and find your way. I loved being in Thailand as much as she loves being here thus far. I am glad as I think we will split time later on after she finds a job and saves some money.

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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

^Actually not to offend you but I totally disagree with you(but I understand we tend to generalize in forums).

I decided to bring my missus back to the US and she really likes it. She loves the weather, the mountains, no mosquitoes, the job opportunities, she quickly made some gal friends(Vietnamese) and they cook regularly trading recipes. We tried a few Thai restaurants and it is clear she cooks WAY better. I quickly got her set up in local asian markets. She found a local Thai temple and can go as she pleases. She also said that it is not as expensive for food in a lot of cases as it is in Thailand. She is constantly comparing food costs and is extremely penny conscience. She LOVES having an oven to bake desserts and we fight to BBQ ribs or Chicken. I have never had it where a woman pleaded with me to BBQ....cheesy.gif

I suspect a huge bearing on whether or not they like it is where they land. We are in California. I think you make it what it is. The thing she does miss is public transportation. While she had her own car in Thailand and I bought her one here, she prefers public transportation.

Ultimately quickly getting them acclimated to the area, assist in establishing a few friends, a temple, good internet for some webcam time with friends and family and all is good. It is no different them any of us moving abroad. Find local places where we are comfortable, make a few friends and find your way. I loved being in Thailand as much as she loves being here thus far. I am glad as I think we will split time later on after she finds a job and saves some money.

Good stuff, but there is a lot of difference between Cal and Sweden as a comparison. Even l would like to live in Cal and l am English, l have been there.. smile.png
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Seems like the successful post are from gents with partners who did not sit around all day watching television or playing on the internet. If your girl has no interest in doing something like studying, working, starting a business or getting out of the house then it looks like trouble will happen very, very soon.

How true. I see a lot of the wives clinging to very Thai lifestyles - socialising with only other Thais, having their get togethers three times a week and gambling all their money away. That's fine, it's not for me to ssy or judge although I do sometimes wonder whether their husbands also prefer it this way, whether they don't care or whether they have no say in it.

In our situation, my wife chose her own path and did every one of those things you mention - undertook some study (language and other), got out and about to learn as much as she could take in, worked hard, raised kids and (we) started a business which she, more than I, made very successful.

Every couple of weeks we take the hour's drive down the highway to Brisbane's Chinatown. Every time we are there, the same group of middle-aged Thai women are sitting around gossiping in a shop owned by one of them and which sells/rents thousands of DVD's pirated from Thai soapies - a business that doesn't seem to do all that well but which they appear to cling to anyway. My wife has never shown an ounce of interest in what they're selling (she hates Thai soaps) and once said to me 'why did they come here to do that? They could do it in MBK'. I'm not judging them for living that sort of life - they are obviously content with it and my wife is content with the direction she has steered her life in. My point is simply that everybody's different and we can't really 'blame' someone for the way they choose to lead their life. Sometimes people we put in a box in the belief that they are 'all the same' don't even understand each other.

Edited by Songhua
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Wife and I go back to our home in Thailand twice a year. Last time after being there 3 weeks I woke up one morning

and she was crying. She said " I'm sick home"...I said what? I'm sick home. I want to be in my home in America.

Ahh homesick. Than she let on that most of all she missed our bed. ( awesome high-end calif.king size )

Hey why not..you spend a 1/3 of your life in bed. I missed it too, the beds in LOS suck.

She loves it here and making lots of money. She worked 65 hours last week.

After a couple years she meet some other Thai girls and they get along good. She went to a casino once and lost

500bt. Never again.She is so proud to send her family 10,000bt a month...(no more,no less)

But most of all is what I tell her...I'm so proud of you!!!!!

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Have taken the gf to my home country 3 times now ... twice for a get to know it visit and the last time for 3 months.

The number one thing I advise is to get to know her Culture and her yours.

We all disagree, even fight sometimes.

Some of these misunderstandings are culturally based ... and on the simplest of things.

Take the time to think, 'why is there a problem'? If it's a personality difference fine ... thrash it out.

But, it's it's based on different expectations and experiences, then give each other a wider latitude and understanding.

My gf is no different to yours or anyone's ... just that we seem to be the best of friends on and off the field.


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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

If you can speak thai with your GF that is what makes it PAST the Honeymoon period, i always have true love..

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I've done it, and had the experience that goes with.

My conclusion is that if you take anyone of any nationallity out of their home culture you risk letting the tiger out of its cage - any walk along Sukhumvit will show you that. If she ain't well grounded, forget it. If she is, I wish you good luck, good health, good fortune, and a happy life together.

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Have to say my wife loved Australia. Be very careful with who your partner socialises with in the Thai female community. You may believe you're doing the right thing to introduce your wife to the Thai scene, but many form cliques & are quite vicious gossips who can and do cause problems. Watch out for the Thai girls who gamble, they cause the most problems.

Edited by simple1
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My wife is happy here in Australia, we live in a nice part of Oz and have a good lifestyle, we have 2 kids and my family and a very small hand full of Thai girls that have been carfully selected over the years. We could easily live in LOS tomorrow and would be happy just the same. As time went by my wife has created a stonger connection with living in Australia by doing things like getting a licence, studying, making friends with farang women and other Thais, etc.

I think where you are living abroad has a lot to do with your outcome.

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Interaction and friendships with other farang women is a must, keep away from the ex bg types with mouths like sewers!

Work, family and a caring relationship is the key along with time to adjust.

Some good positive posts above.

This thread will pale into insignificance when the baby comes along, so pander to her every need, bring her a bag of chillis and some fish sauce with a great big sea bass, cook it for her and everything will be fine.

All the best

Thanks Chitty, good post well said mate.

Ive learned the most important thing when a womens pregnant and thats keep feeding them.thumbsup.gif

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I think the toughest thing at the moment for her is just the whole being pregnant and not having her family around. Ringing them regularly kinda isnt the same.

If I could have done anything differently, it would have been take her home to have bubs...oh well, hinds sight is 20 20 vision.

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Seems like the successful post are from gents with partners who did not sit around all day watching television or playing on the internet. If your girl has no interest in doing something like studying, working, starting a business or getting out of the house then it looks like trouble will happen very, very soon.

Nah my wife works although now she cant cause she to big now.

She has a good job here in Oz, earns good money and really enjoys herself. We go out for dinner occasionally and catch up with friends when we can so shes not just sitting around all day thats for sure.

Its gotta be those pregnant hormones of hers in full flight.

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Wife and I go back to our home in Thailand twice a year. Last time after being there 3 weeks I woke up one morning

and she was crying. She said " I'm sick home"...I said what? I'm sick home. I want to be in my home in America.

Ahh homesick. Than she let on that most of all she missed our bed. ( awesome high-end calif.king size )

Hey why not..you spend a 1/3 of your life in bed. I missed it too, the beds in LOS suck.

She loves it here and making lots of money. She worked 65 hours last week.

After a couple years she meet some other Thai girls and they get along good. She went to a casino once and lost

500bt. Never again.She is so proud to send her family 10,000bt a month...(no more,no less)

But most of all is what I tell her...I'm so proud of you!!!!!

no, you can get a great bed here for 24k baht, about what you would pay in the states.

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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

Anyone else keen on making wide generalizations about Thai women. I, personally, know two who've been in the UK for 10 years.

They didn't rock up to immigration at Heathrow with old men, they remain unmarried, are both gainfully employed in respectable jobs and have no desire whatsoever to return to Thailand beyond family visitations.

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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

If you can speak thai with your GF that is what makes it PAST the Honeymoon period, i always have true love..

What your saying you have true love because you can speak Thai?....thats just stupid.
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I think if you're a forklift truck driver married to a bar girl 30 years your junior,you're going to have problems if you live in Thailand or on the moon together!

Whys that?...any facts to back this up?
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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

If you can speak thai with your GF that is what makes it PAST the Honeymoon period, i always have true love..

What your saying you have true love because you can speak Thai?....thats just stupid.

My ex UK wife spoke English, same as me, made no difference at all sad.png ..............laugh.png
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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

Anyone else keen on making wide generalizations about Thai women. I, personally, know two who've been in the UK for 10 years.

They didn't rock up to immigration at Heathrow with old men, they remain unmarried, are both gainfully employed in respectable jobs and have no desire whatsoever to return to Thailand beyond family visitations.

Why did you have to mention your broken record theme again? Are you trying to turn this thread into another age bashing lecture?

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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

Anyone else keen on making wide generalizations about Thai women. I, personally, know two who've been in the UK for 10 years.

They didn't rock up to immigration at Heathrow with old men, they remain unmarried, are both gainfully employed in respectable jobs and have no desire whatsoever to return to Thailand beyond family visitations.

Think you are off topic, single Thais eh. coffee1.gif
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Don't care what Anybody says here, but Thai ladies do not like farang land.. They are there to not worry about financial stuff. They don't like the weather, the early darkness or the food. When the honey moon period is over then sad.png . You may be lucky but l know a few farang that are paying a price.

Anyone else keen on making wide generalizations about Thai women. I, personally, know two who've been in the UK for 10 years.

They didn't rock up to immigration at Heathrow with old men, they remain unmarried, are both gainfully employed in respectable jobs and have no desire whatsoever to return to Thailand beyond family visitations.

Think you are off topic, single Thais eh. coffee1.gif

I was responding to oyur specific assertion that Thai ladies do not like Farangland.

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to remember,you are taking a fish from water,from her homeland to something totally unknown,unless she has done a couple of trips on tourist visa,or she has studied abroad,or she had another farang take her overseas before it will be a culture shock.

if your partner,as in my case could never leave the family home without being married it was very difficult for her to adapt.

a ex-hooker who uprooted (no pun) from her local area,she having had many different experiences is maybe far more adaptable than a lady who has never needed or been invited to travel.

many tv posters are well travelled,seen the world,served in the forces,had good jobs,but where is the understanding when people are thrown into situations they are ill prepared for,do farangs expect to much?.

i would never want to travel ill prepared,but many thai ladies do, i think.

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I've done it, and had the experience that goes with.

My conclusion is that if you take anyone of any nationallity out of their home culture you risk letting the tiger out of its cage - any walk along Sukhumvit will show you that. If she ain't well grounded, forget it. If she is, I wish you good luck, good health, good fortune, and a happy life together.

Someone has been burnt and even registered himself here just to tell us all cheesy.gif

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Seems like the successful post are from gents with partners who did not sit around all day watching television or playing on the internet. If your girl has no interest in doing something like studying, working, starting a business or getting out of the house then it looks like trouble will happen very, very soon.

How true. I see a lot of the wives clinging to very Thai lifestyles - socialising with only other Thais, having their get togethers three times a week and gambling all their money away. That's fine, it's not for me to ssy or judge although I do sometimes wonder whether their husbands also prefer it this way, whether they don't care or whether they have no say in it.

In our situation, my wife chose her own path and did every one of those things you mention - undertook some study (language and other), got out and about to learn as much as she could take in, worked hard, raised kids and (we) started a business which she, more than I, made very successful.

Every couple of weeks we take the hour's drive down the highway to Brisbane's Chinatown. Every time we are there, the same group of middle-aged Thai women are sitting around gossiping in a shop owned by one of them and which sells/rents thousands of DVD's pirated from Thai soapies - a business that doesn't seem to do all that well but which they appear to cling to anyway. My wife has never shown an ounce of interest in what they're selling (she hates Thai soaps) and once said to me 'why did they come here to do that? They could do it in MBK'. I'm not judging them for living that sort of life - they are obviously content with it and my wife is content with the direction she has steered her life in. My point is simply that everybody's different and we can't really 'blame' someone for the way they choose to lead their life. Sometimes people we put in a box in the belief that they are 'all the same' don't even understand each other.

Very true Songhua.

Thai women come in all shapes and sizes of box and it seems pointless to make sweeping generalisations that encompass all of them.

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Seems like the successful post are from gents with partners who did not sit around all day watching television or playing on the internet. If your girl has no interest in doing something like studying, working, starting a business or getting out of the house then it looks like trouble will happen very, very soon.

How true. I see a lot of the wives clinging to very Thai lifestyles - socialising with only other Thais, having their get togethers three times a week and gambling all their money away. That's fine, it's not for me to ssy or judge although I do sometimes wonder whether their husbands also prefer it this way, whether they don't care or whether they have no say in it.

In our situation, my wife chose her own path and did every one of those things you mention - undertook some study (language and other), got out and about to learn as much as she could take in, worked hard, raised kids and (we) started a business which she, more than I, made very successful.

Every couple of weeks we take the hour's drive down the highway to Brisbane's Chinatown. Every time we are there, the same group of middle-aged Thai women are sitting around gossiping in a shop owned by one of them and which sells/rents thousands of DVD's pirated from Thai soapies - a business that doesn't seem to do all that well but which they appear to cling to anyway. My wife has never shown an ounce of interest in what they're selling (she hates Thai soaps) and once said to me 'why did they come here to do that? They could do it in MBK'. I'm not judging them for living that sort of life - they are obviously content with it and my wife is content with the direction she has steered her life in. My point is simply that everybody's different and we can't really 'blame' someone for the way they choose to lead their life. Sometimes people we put in a box in the belief that they are 'all the same' don't even understand each other.

Very true Songhua.

Thai women come in all shapes and sizes of box and it seems pointless to make sweeping generalisations that encompass all of them.

Nowt wrong with people watching TV shows from their home country when abroad. I do it all the time.

While we think their soaps are of low value, they might also think the same of Benny Hill or Fawlty Towers.

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Seems like the successful post are from gents with partners who did not sit around all day watching television or playing on the internet. If your girl has no interest in doing something like studying, working, starting a business or getting out of the house then it looks like trouble will happen very, very soon.

How true. I see a lot of the wives clinging to very Thai lifestyles - socialising with only other Thais, having their get togethers three times a week and gambling all their money away. That's fine, it's not for me to ssy or judge although I do sometimes wonder whether their husbands also prefer it this way, whether they don't care or whether they have no say in it.

In our situation, my wife chose her own path and did every one of those things you mention - undertook some study (language and other), got out and about to learn as much as she could take in, worked hard, raised kids and (we) started a business which she, more than I, made very successful.

Every couple of weeks we take the hour's drive down the highway to Brisbane's Chinatown. Every time we are there, the same group of middle-aged Thai women are sitting around gossiping in a shop owned by one of them and which sells/rents thousands of DVD's pirated from Thai soapies - a business that doesn't seem to do all that well but which they appear to cling to anyway. My wife has never shown an ounce of interest in what they're selling (she hates Thai soaps) and once said to me 'why did they come here to do that? They could do it in MBK'. I'm not judging them for living that sort of life - they are obviously content with it and my wife is content with the direction she has steered her life in. My point is simply that everybody's different and we can't really 'blame' someone for the way they choose to lead their life. Sometimes people we put in a box in the belief that they are 'all the same' don't even understand each other.

Very true Songhua.

Thai women come in all shapes and sizes of box and it seems pointless to make sweeping generalisations that encompass all of them.

Nowt wrong with people watching TV shows from their home country when abroad. I do it all the time.

While we think their soaps are of low value, they might also think the same of Benny Hill or Fawlty Towers.

FAWLTY TOWERS, probably the best sit com ever. The Germans might not like it but..................laugh.png
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