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Adsl Through Apartment Switchboard?


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Hi Guys

I will be spending far more time in my apartment in Ratchada now I have everything for my company on line. I am still in Oz at the moment but I was wondering how I go getting ADSL connected through the swithboard in my apartment block? As far as I know you can't ring direct to my apartment rather you ring the apartment office and they get the apartment number and patch the call through. When I call out I think I pay per call. Any recommended ADSL suppliers? True is just in the Lotus around the corner but I used CSLoX for my dialup.



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If it's as you describe, no-can-do :o

ADSL needs a direct line to the exchange, so you need to get one installed


Talk to the apartment management about getting the ADSL on their main line and run a network cable up to your apartment. This opens up the possibility of getting a better connection and sharing the costs with other tenants (we did this in Belgium, landlord was really happy, the tenants [4] paid for the ADSL, he got his for free).

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you could also think about going the wireless route

GPRS/EDGE , CDMA or maybe even WiFi ( depends where you are located )

many members use the GPRS/EDGE solution as they are not able to get a phone line installed where they are - be it in the country or an appartment.

use the search function in the top right hand corner of the board and search GPRS and have a read about some of the discussions and solutions used by other members

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The apartment where my office is has ADSL through the switchboard. It's on a system called HPNA and they supply you with a special HPNA modem. You just plug in the phone line, login, and away you go. They separate local and international ADSL as they are using two leased lines. The only drawback is that you're sharing with whomever is using it at the time in the apartment, and that can slow things up considerably. Another minor drawback is that the HPNA connection is limited to 1Mbps. As you rarely get speeds much above 700kbps, this doesn't really factor in.

Perhaps you could request your apartment to install this system.

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How big is your apartment building? How many units? My guess is that there are several lines coming into the PBX, and that these are shared across many units? When you dial in do you get a prompt to enter an extension or room number?

In a similar situation I asked the apartment manager/owner to cross-connect one of the four incoming TOT lines directly to my apartment, bypassing the PBX. Then I was able to get ADSL on that TOT line from CSLoxInfo. I pay for the TOT line as part of my monthly bill (it's 214 THB incl. VAT), and I pay CSLoxInfo directly (1,070 THB incl, VAT for 1,024/512 service), in cash, even though the ADSL service in my apartment owner's/manager's name.

Failing that you could ask for a new, dedictated line to be installed, again bypassing the PBX, and punched-down/connected directly to the line that goes to your apartment.

In any event, you want the ADSL line terminating in your apartment, where you can access and control the ADSL modem/router.

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Hi Guys

I will be spending far more time in my apartment in Ratchada now I have everything for my company on line. I am still in Oz at the moment but I was wondering how I go getting ADSL connected through the swithboard in my apartment block? As far as I know you can't ring direct to my apartment rather you ring the apartment office and they get the apartment number and patch the call through. When I call out I think I pay per call. Any recommended ADSL suppliers? True is just in the Lotus around the corner but I used CSLoX for my dialup.



Why not ask them if trhey have a direct line that you can have. When i moved into my apartment i had to go through switchboard. But it used to cut me off after every 15 minutes. So i asked for a direct line and when one became free i got it. Now i have True instead od dialup. Worth asking them.

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