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British Man And Thai Doctor Report Central Pattaya Wedding Studio To Police


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British man and Thai Doctor report Central Pattaya Wedding Studio to Police


PATTAYA:--A wedding studio located on the Central Pattaya Road was reported to Police by two separate customers on Wednesday who accused the studio of taking money for services which were never provided.

According to the Police Report the allegations were made against the Studios which are located on the Central Pattaya Road. Those presenting themselves at Pattaya Police Station included the owner of the studio, Khun Tanapat aged 32 who strongly denied allegations brought against two separate complainants, Mr. Chris Carroll aged 43 from UK and his Thai wife, Khun Supapan Carroll aged 27 along with a Thai Doctor who runs a clinic in East Pattaya who did not wish to give his name to us.

Mr. Carroll claimed he paid a total of 500,000 Baht to the Wedding Studio for a complete wedding service including pictures and the hire of wedding outfits and a venue. He claimed the money was paid and no services were forthcoming and he had to pay an additional 200,000 Baht to another Wedding Studio at short notice so he could marry as planned.

The Thai Doctor claimed he paid 750,000 Baht which was part payment for a full wedding service costing 1 Million Baht and once again he claimed the promised services were not forthcoming.



-- Pattaya One 2012-11-22


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Is this for reals...do people (farangs and Thais) really hand over US$ 20k-30k IN ADVANCE for some sort of wedding services to be provided later??? Complete insanity in my book...at the most, maybe a 25 percent deposit, 50 percent day of the wedding, and 25 percent after conclusion. I won't even go on to comment on the cost of the services being contracted for as it's up to the people getting married (Ok I will...also completely daft) but to each his own.

Of course, as already mentioned, the amphur and/or village wedding organized by the brides family and costing AT MOST US$ 5k all in is the way to go.

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It makes no sense to pay upfront like this. The wedding studio adds nil value in dealing with the hotel which is the most expensive part. So you deal with the hotel yourself, save the wedding studio's commission, which will be added on by the hotel, and pay no more than a 30% deposit to the hotel upfront. The wedding studio only has the ability the take your photographs and rent out very cheaply made costumes. Pay them for that in stages, not all upfront. Do this and you will have a happier day than these two poor suckers.

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I had a person I knew who about 15 years ago paid over a million bhat for a wedding. It all went as planned and she has made his life a misery every since. ha ha. He wishes someone had stolen his money I think, less headaches than he has had. LOLthumbsup.gif

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Have doubts a Thai doctor would give cash like that especially as he well knows what happens here. A theory; what if the doctor gets commission by sending foreigners there? What if the doctor didn't actually lose money there but invented the story to appear clean and scammed as well in the eyes of the others?

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Have doubts a Thai doctor would give cash like that especially as he well knows what happens here. A theory; what if the doctor gets commission by sending foreigners there? What if the doctor didn't actually lose money there but invented the story to appear clean and scammed as well in the eyes of the others?

I am sure this is what happened too .

Even a wealthy Thai would not pay upfront like this.

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Someone has to much money, why not just do the arranging himself.

Sad someones big day is ruined by the owners of this studio.

It's my opinion, that the future Thai wife wanted to outdo her friends. I see this happening all the time.. I see a Thai girl marrying a farang and having a lavish wedding costing 300,000 baht or more. And it's all to outdo their friends.. I think my last wedding in the US cost me about 3000 bucks US, and we had a heck of a time.

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not being nasty,but as a lot of people know and not saying the thai woman is,but bargirls love to outdo each other.

that is not some trait that is exclusive to bar girls by any means. Perhaps that is just where your experience lies.

Edited by Jayman
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