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What Do You Consider Wealthy?


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I spent 12 years of my life unable to climb two flights of stairs, coughing up blood every time I got a chest infection - essentially crippled.

This morning I cycled 88Kms in under 2hours 45 minutes over a circuit that includes two seriously hard climbs (one of which I went over twice).

I feel like the wealthiest man alive.

I have been there too, now lifting weights in my seventh decade. Don't know how but...............thumbsup.gif
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I spent 12 years of my life unable to climb two flights of stairs, coughing up blood every time I got a chest infection - essentially crippled.

This morning I cycled 88Kms in under 2hours 45 minutes over a circuit that includes two seriously hard climbs (one of which I went over twice).

I feel like the wealthiest man alive.

I have been there too, now lifting weights in my seventh decade. Don't know how but...............thumbsup.gif

i do heavy weight liftings and sports in the very early mornings. first i lift my eyelids to take a look at the clock. then i lift my weight out of the bed and minutes later i lift my coffee cup a number of times. but that's not all! after two cups of coffee made me fully awake i do some swimming. what kind of style i use depends on my prevailing physical capability which varies. normally i do 1½ lengths and when i'm in good shape and feel alright even 2.

quite often i feel like doing some breast clawing. but that early there's never a lady with me in the pool.

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I spent 12 years of my life unable to climb two flights of stairs, coughing up blood every time I got a chest infection - essentially crippled.

This morning I cycled 88Kms in under 2hours 45 minutes over a circuit that includes two seriously hard climbs (one of which I went over twice).

I feel like the wealthiest man alive.

I have been there too, now lifting weights in my seventh decade. Don't know how but...............thumbsup.gif

i do heavy weight liftings and sports in the very early mornings. first i lift my eyelids to take a look at the clock. then i lift my weight out of the bed and minutes later i lift my coffee cup a number of times. but that's not all! after two cups of coffee made me fully awake i do some swimming. what kind of style i use depends on my prevailing physical capability which varies. normally i do 1½ lengths and when i'm in good shape and feel alright even 2.

quite often i feel like doing some breast clawing. but that early there's never a lady with me in the pool.

WoW, swimming with a cup of coffee balanced on your head takes some doing. thumbsup.gif .....biggrin.png
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I think people misinterpret wealth from rich. Wealth is usually defined as having a lot of money or owning a lot of valuable property or items such as gold. But, you can be rich in many ways that do not include material wealth. And, being wealthy is no guarantee of living a rich life.

Personally, I think someone who is wealthy does not have to overly concern themselves with mundane things such as what to buy, or where to go to have whatever they want. Someone else posted a question of how much is enough. When you can buy whatever you want, when ever you want, then you are wealthy.

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He who is not content with what he has, will not be content with what he would like to have.

Sounds like what a rich person would tell a poor person to justify their poverty.

a paranoid person may very well think that yes

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I think more money doesn't mean more happy . I saw many rich people cry while them talk about theirs family so money garantee nothing . A millionaire with esophagus cancer still hungry , rich family with no time still unhappy . So wealthy is mean you have much money but garantee nothing too .

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Without exception every one of my very wealthy friends would all say that they are not wealthy, but, then immediately follow that up by telling me of someone that is really wealthy.

This just goes to show that wealth is a concept that can only be judged subjectively. Chasing wealth is futile as most never realise when they have achieved it.

Attaining happiness, now that is a goal worth the effort. .....and the first step is to never compare your life with that of others.

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He who is not content with what he has, will not be content with what he would like to have.

Sounds like what a rich person would tell a poor person to justify their poverty.

a paranoid person may very well think that yes

Actually, I think your sound-bite is a load of crap.

Ask any person in any developed, or developing country who works at a McJob and struggles to pay the bills and can't save enough and they will tell you the same.

It's quite obvious you've never been stony-broke before.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Their is a ski resort in Montana that is membership only and to be considered you need 1 billion in net worth and have 100 million a year in income ! LOL

It kind of depends on how you have your 10 million situated to , one person might have a nice car and a 9 million dollar house and not much to spend anymore, another may live in a normal house and have loads to spend on travel and resturaunts etc ......

Really wealthy people on an day to day basis probabbly couldn't tell you their net worth to any degree of accuracy at all ...... if your net worth isn't fluctuating by millions of dollars a day your not that wealthy !

I think we have reached an age where you need at least a Billion to be really wealthy as meashured in monetary terms alone. At least plenty of Billionares would tell you that.

Most people who really wanted to live a luxury lifestyle and started from scratch could burn through 50 Million buying things in a couple of years. It cost 30 million for a nice sized luxury condo in Manhattan. 1 million for a Supercar , 10-400 Milllion for a Yacht ..... it's easier to blow 200 million than you would think.

And does buying all that stuff and driving your Supercar to your Yacht and having a Party then going back to your fabulous house bring happiness ? ....... Sorry to tell the naysayers but yes it does !

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Horses for courses, my ex chinese gf loves being wealthy above all else,

notably to speak of going to polo games, having sportcar & burberry stuff etc,

which is pretty frickin boring to hear for someone who couldn't care less.

OTOH she was also by far and away the best i ever tried in bed which made ME feel wealthy

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He who is not content with what he has, will not be content with what he would like to have.

Sounds like what a rich person would tell a poor person to justify their poverty.

a paranoid person may very well think that yes

Actually, I think your sound-bite is a load of crap.

Ask any person in any developed, or developing country who works at a McJob and struggles to pay the bills and can't save enough and they will tell you the same.

It's quite obvious you've never been stony-broke before.

i have always had medium paying work, the most i ever had in my bank as i recall was about 8 thousand.

if something does not apply to your general way of thinking, if you cannot see yourself thinking it, does not mean others dont.

I only care to pay my bills, my rent,and set up my children, so get a whiff of that load of crap.

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I spent 12 years of my life unable to climb two flights of stairs, coughing up blood every time I got a chest infection - essentially crippled.

This morning I cycled 88Kms in under 2hours 45 minutes over a circuit that includes two seriously hard climbs (one of which I went over twice).

I feel like the wealthiest man alive.

Sounds like a nice story GH please tell us more !

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i have always had medium paying work, the most i ever had in my bank as i recall was about 8 thousand.

if something does not apply to your general way of thinking, if you cannot see yourself thinking it, does not mean others dont.

I only care to pay my bills, my rent,and set up my children, so get a whiff of that load of crap.

So....you've never been poor.

Spout your sound-bite at a poor person and listen to their answer.

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I think people misinterpret wealth from rich. Wealth is usually defined as having a lot of money or owning a lot of valuable property or items such as gold. But, you can be rich in many ways that do not include material wealth. And, being wealthy is no guarantee of living a rich life.

Personally, I think someone who is wealthy does not have to overly concern themselves with mundane things such as what to buy, or where to go to have whatever they want. Someone else posted a question of how much is enough. When you can buy whatever you want, when ever you want, then you are wealthy.

I think people misinterpret wealth from rich. Wealth is usually defined as having a lot of money or owning a lot of valuable property or items such as gold. But, you can be rich in many ways that do not include material wealth. And, being wealthy is no guarantee of living a rich life.

Personally, I think someone who is wealthy does not have to overly concern themselves with mundane things such as what to buy, or where to go to have whatever they want. Someone else posted a question of how much is enough. When you can buy whatever you want, when ever you want, then you are wealthy.

Can't buy me love, lllllllllloooooooovvvvvveeeeeeee!!!! I'll buy you a diamond ring ......

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i have always had medium paying work, the most i ever had in my bank as i recall was about 8 thousand.

if something does not apply to your general way of thinking, if you cannot see yourself thinking it, does not mean others dont.

I only care to pay my bills, my rent,and set up my children, so get a whiff of that load of crap.

So....you've never been poor.

Spout your sound-bite at a poor person and listen to their answer.

i was raised in a poor place until i was old enough to go my own way, nothing worse then a person thinking they know you because they read a post, then claim to know your whole past as well.

you sir must be a genius, if you dont like my views on life and it fires you up so much you can buy a box of tissues and dry your eyes, also search for a forum that is called the i agree with everything you say and believe forum.

Edited by payak
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No point in having a lot of money if it takes 84hrs a week, every week to make it.

To me wealth is having a good amount of money and time to enjoy it.

Well for me, I sure agree. I have a friend who has built a very big and successful chain for tire stores. It's his life. It's always been his life. He works 7 days a week about 10 hours a day and loves it. He spends most of his time with customers. He has others do the other work. You couldn't pry his azz from his stores and he'll die there. I honestly think his wealth came as a byproduct of his love for his business.

But I don't see him enjoying his wealth. Just his business. Sure he has a beautiful home and a high end car and all, but when does he use it?

I do think he's happy in his own way.

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i have always had medium paying work, the most i ever had in my bank as i recall was about 8 thousand.

if something does not apply to your general way of thinking, if you cannot see yourself thinking it, does not mean others dont.

I only care to pay my bills, my rent,and set up my children, so get a whiff of that load of crap.

So....you've never been poor.

Spout your sound-bite at a poor person and listen to their answer.

i was raised in a poor place until i was old enough to go my own way, nothing worse then a person thinking they know you because they read a post, then claim to know your whole past as well.

you sir must be a genius, if you dont like my views on life and it fires you up so much you can buy a box of tissues and dry your eyes, also search for a forum that is called the i agree with everything you say and believe forum.

Why do you attack me, the poster instead of defending your original post?

It is quite obviously nonsensical to a poor person. Can't you see that?

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No point in having a lot of money if it takes 84hrs a week, every week to make it.

To me wealth is having a good amount of money and time to enjoy it.

bingo! thumbsup.gif

but let's not forget that some people worked for years 84hrs a week to save a lot of money and enjoy the proceeds of this money for many more years.

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No point in having a lot of money if it takes 84hrs a week, every week to make it.

To me wealth is having a good amount of money and time to enjoy it.

bingo! thumbsup.gif

but let's not forget that some people worked for years 84hrs a week to save a lot of money and enjoy the proceeds of this money for many more years.

Cool, but l know a few who dropped dead trying to do just that. sad.png
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I've been rich and I've been poor. Being rich wasn't what it is cracked up to be if you're trying to get even richer. Too much stress involved. Being poor isn't any good either because that causes stress in itself. At this point in my life, I am neither rich nor poor but I am comfortable. The ideal amount of money to have allows you to live comfortably wherever you want and not have to scrimp by on a budget. Best of all I no longer have to work. I've paid my dues and am entitled to live out my remaining time left as I see fit.

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No point in having a lot of money if it takes 84hrs a week, every week to make it.

To me wealth is having a good amount of money and time to enjoy it.

bingo! thumbsup.gif

but let's not forget that some people worked for years 84hrs a week to save a lot of money and enjoy the proceeds of this money for many more years.

Cool, but l know a few who dropped dead trying to do just that. sad.png

God bless even time rosters.

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How much can one spend in a lifetime? Life as one continuous holiday is a bore. How many bedrooms do we need to sleep in? Where is the satisfaction in someone else doing everything for us? Do people sit in their bank vaults counting their money ever week?

To me satisfaction comes from having enough to get by on, having a loving partner, food in my stomach and a great satisfaction in having done a good job with whatever I am doing, be it fixing the plumbing, decorating the house or seeing my football team do well.

The simple things in life can bring more satisfaction and happiness in life, such as Yoga or even a walk in beautiful countryside.

I can be as happy sat by the beach and watching the ladies go by as some millionaire sailing his yacht.

Life is what we make of it and your satisfaction will come.

-you'd be surprised how much money some people are able to spend in a lifetime,

-hundreds of millions of people will disagree and dream of a continous holiday,

-the number of bedroom depends whether you prefer your children or your guests sleeping with you and your wife in one bed,

-the satisfaction of someone else doing some shitty unwanted work is quite high,

-others might not care what satisfies you and have their own priorities,

-they also might prefer to watch car racing instead of seeing a football team win or... knitting a sweater,

-nobody in his right mind is sitting in a vault counting his/her money,

-i refrain to describe what some people might think of contorting their bodies or extremeties by doing yoga or sitting and sweating under the tropical sun at a beach and they might prefer watching, instead of the ladies, the boys go by tongue.png

what i am trying to say is "happiness is an individual feeling." for me happiness is when one, or both, of my dogs are licking my face to wake me from an afternoon nap begging for a treat wink.png

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money alone doesn't make happy...
...you also need

-a loving partner

-pets to play with

-real estate

-blue chip stocks

-AAA rated bonds


-precious stones

-works of art

-cattle herds

-a coal mine

-a crude oil well

-a power plant


but above all something that can't be bought, namely health.

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money alone doesn't make happy...
...you also need

-a loving partner

-pets to play with

-real estate

-blue chip stocks

-AAA rated bonds


-precious stones

-works of art

-cattle herds

-a coal mine

-a crude oil well

-a power plant


but above all something that can't be bought, namely health.

You are only missing 1 thing in that list .....

a brewery thumbsup.gif

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