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Best Place To Watch The F1 Final Tonight In Chiang Mai


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A friend of mine has found himself in chiang mai and wants to watch the f1 final (starting at 11pm) in a pub as his hotel/resort has no star /espn.

where will he be able to watch with sound, maybe a crowd of people who are watching the last race to decide the drivers championship without having the screen switched over to football mid race

thanks in advance.


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Does F1 have any live feed type sites?

If you have a good Internet connection you can

hook your PC to your TV

I know many sport events are available for a fee &

sometimes free through "various" sites ;)

Only of course if you have a decent Internet connection

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Does F1 have any live feed type sites?

If you have a good Internet connection you can

hook your PC to your TV

I know many sport events are available for a fee &

sometimes free through "various" sites wink.png

Only of course if you have a decent Internet connection

nothing really worth it in terms of quality of broadcast, but the guy has no laptop and if he did, it is highly unlikely he would have good enough internet or even want to watch in the room. thanks all

Edited by tinfoilhat
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For sure there will be a few venues showing the race but for watching the race with sound with like minded people you cant beat the UN Irish Pub.

If the UN is packed I'll be heading across the road to The Wall.

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Star Sports commentary is crap. I prefer the BBC with Eddy Jordon and David Coulthard. A VPN and a UK TV licence can work wonders. I'll be watching it early tomorrow when I get up on BBC Iplayer

i wanted to watch it live, and the vpn method is spotty, and if you dont have a sky login, you only get to see bbc highlights as they only cover 10 races this year. No BBC tv licence in needed to watch iplayer if you have a vpn or even loccal proxy.

nobody will argue that slater is an idiot, but Star sports commentary is adequate if you have live timing.

I watched the race live (ish) tonight on thaiexpattv bbc1, without live timing, however i would gladly have watched star with live timing instead.

alas i will not pay truevisions a dime and expattv coverage is about 4 laps delayed, so live timing was a no go, and the child asleep upstairs meant i could not head out to a bar.

Anyways my friend in Chiang mai did watch at UN irish i believe and seemed happy with the setup when last we had contact pre race, so those of you who actually did provide provide useful advice germaine to the question, thank you very much.

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Great race. I just finished watching over almost 5 hours worth of coverage on BBC Iplayer. This last race was covered in full by Beeb + the after race forum. I think your are wrong about the TV licence, I have to tick a box saying I have one. Pity that this year Beeb shared the coverage with Sky so only 10 races live but the other races have delayed highlights.

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It was an interesting race made more difficult because of the fluctuating wet conditions. Button eventually won it, but a few accidents changed the results of the driver's cup and the team standings. Vettel did just enough to finally get the crown again, but with Alonso coming in a close second. Too bad it ended with the lap car leading the pack around for the final few laps.

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Great race. I just finished watching over almost 5 hours worth of coverage on BBC Iplayer. This last race was covered in full by Beeb + the after race forum. I think your are wrong about the TV licence, I have to tick a box saying I have one. Pity that this year Beeb shared the coverage with Sky so only 10 races live but the other races have delayed highlights.

yes, you have to tick a box, but you need not actually have a license to tick that box

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