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Gay Life In Thailand!


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hey guys, i am coming to live in Thailand, but i have never had experince with thai men or in thailand for that matter! i am from the Uk, so whats gay thailand like? what are the men like? is it true 98% will want me for my money, even though i am only 25!!

check out me pro at www.gaydar.co.uk/spunky_83


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Um, and your questions are kind of general- you should probably look through a lot of the threads here if you're just interested in generalities. Do you have any specific questions or concerns?

As a 25-yo you will be atypically young on the scene and you should have no problems attracting interest. That's about all I can say in general about your question.

The thing about money: no, not "all" Thai guys will "only" like you for money. Many of them may or may not like you with or without any concern over money. Learning to tell which are which may take you a little bit of time initially, but with a bit of care and intelligence you should be fine. Being younger, your selection should be quite broad. But you should come on vacation first.


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I read your other post that was "moved" I think. ... that plus this post would make me HIGHLY reccoment you 1) do way more research and 2) Do exactly what other people have reccomended. Visit here and more than once ... and more than for a week or two.

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Hi, and welcome.!

I also STRONGLY recommend all the above. I've now had 12 visits to Thailand in 2 years, and have spent several months living here as a local (not as a tourist) before deciding to move here. It is ESSENTIAL that you read up on Thai culture before you spend any serious time here. If you don't you will make more enemies than friends, even accidentally.

It's not like England. Trust me. I was born there.


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I can only echo whats been said.

As someone in their early 30's and notching up a 6th trip, things stilll baffle me.

Just when you think you are beginning to understand, you quickly realise you don't.

There are some good websites on Thai gay culture, I recommend you have a look at them. If you are serious about a relationship there are also quite a few books available.

Please don't let any of this put you off, just go over with an open mind and have "fun"

Thailand is the sort of place that will either grab you or it won't. I watched a travel programme once and the presenter, who was visiting Bangkok, mentioned that Thailand has an elastic effect on him. This being when he went back home the elastic was at full stretch and it wasn't long before it was catapulting him back to the LOS!! :D I think quite a few of us on this forum can relate to that! :o

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As far as books go 'Culture Shock Thailand' by Robert and Nanthapa Cooper is pretty good in explaining the generalities. 'Thailand Fever' by Chris Pirazzi & Vitida Vasant is written by a farang and a Thai in both English & Thai. It explains the different expectations between a farang man and his Thai girlfriend from both points of view. Although it's nominally a man/woman book almost all of it is relevant to any farang/Thai combination of relationships. If you want a bit of entertainment with your education buy 'Mai pen rai means never mind' by Carol Hollinger. It's the story of an American woman whose husband is a US government employee in Bangkok in the '60s and is both funny and touching. Another book worth reading is 'Touch the Dragon' by Karen Connelly, a Canadian girl who did a year's school exchange in Denchai, Northern Thailand. If you can't get them in the UK try www.dcothai.com for them and other Thai stuff.

Edited by endure
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If you want a Thai slant on things get 'Dear Uncle Go' by Dr Peter Jackson. It's a set of (genuine) lonely hearts type letters that were written and replied to by 'Uncle Go' to a Thai magazine by gay Thais in the '80s.

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All those books are worth reading ... but be aware that most are about as old as you are ...

(I'd still read them all!)

dreadedned/dragoncastle and utopia all do decent websites geared to tourists thai I have found useful as a resident.

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All those books are worth reading ... but be aware that most are about as old as you are ...

(I'd still read them all!)

dreadedned/dragoncastle and utopia all do decent websites geared to tourists thai I have found useful as a resident.

Are there any more modern books which you'd recommend?

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have no Idea if there are more recent ones .... wich is why I said 1) they are worth reading and 2) I'd read them if I were him. I haven't had the need for books on Thai culture for some years now ...

Though I am starting to look into books on Farang monks in Thailand (And starting to learn Khmer ;-)

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I'm a fan of Uncle Go, as well. There used to be a book about gays in Thailand called "Trees In The Same Forest," or something like that, but I've never read it and it seems to be out of print.

In general, I've appreciated most of the posters in this forum about most of what they have to say- after all, we're all talking about our specific experiences here, and your mileage may vary, as they say.

None of the stories/opinions I've read here ring falsely. I'd say that as a resource for a foreigner new to the Thai scene re. Thai gay culture, this forum is as good as resource as many of the books cited, and more up-to-date as well.

If you want to get more opinions directly from Thais, you might want to try sites such as Thailandout; however, to use that site to best effect you will need a certain written fluency in Thai.

Good luck!


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