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Most Boring Place In Thailand


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I used to agree with Siamesecurious about Aranya Prathet. But then I made an effort to get out. It has it advantages:

Visa runs can be done in lass than an hour! n/a now because I am on a non O but nevertheless useful if you need it.

One of the largest markets in Thailand that everyone travels to where you can buy just about everything. Based on province number plates on pick ups I see there.

If you like gambling 5 X Casinos 100M across the border.

I use the Golf Range in the town.

I Have access to a shooting range.

When I don't do it at home I go to the "nitro" model car and airplane club.

If you need to extra curricula activities on an ST basis that is also available.

When I want a pool I use the local hotel.

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I think one of the major things that makes a Thai province or city boring is flatland and lack of interesting rivers and other geographic features. For example, Kamphaeng Phet city is on the Ping river, surrounded by rice fields with little of interest above the ground level. (It's where I'm writing this on a visit to the GF's village.) The river's nice and the locals have made a nice promenade along the banks, and it has some Sukhothai style ruins. There's a Big C mall, thus providing the only interesting feature above 10 metres. I know, that's a stretch!

By contrast, Nakhon Phanom is smaller but somehow more interesting with the Indochina market, view across the Mekong to some minor mountains, the fact you can cross into Laos easily for some variety, or pop down to Cambodia. Maybe what I'm saying is all the interesting places are outside Thailand. Oops! Otherwise, KP is just another commercial centre like many others around the northeast. (I know nothing about the south.) There's a very active Thai bar, restaurant and karaoke scene in KP but you could say that about any Thai city.

So many Thai cities are just "cut and paste," as a Danish friend describes it. You could set me down in nearly any Isaan city and I might not know where I am because they seemingly all look alike -- and I've visited most of the Isaan provinces.

I think another thing that makes a place "interesting" is an active foreigner contingent with complimentary services and chance to meet and chat. It was two days before I bumped into another farang despite touring the KP Big C mall and surrounding shops and walking many streets for hours.

In the end though, it's what you make of your locale that determines how interesting a place is. Speaking Thai would go some way toward reaching that goal. However, I haven't come close to learning the language yet.

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Good post, Kaoboi Bebobp, I agree with you. One of the main things I love about Chiang Mai is the Doi Sutthep National forest. I just came down from there this afternoon after spending 4 hours extending some of my trails. I was immersed in nature: birds were singing and butterflies surrounded me. And, I extended my trail another km closer to the top. I don't find areas like that so much in the central Thailand cities. I spent and afternoon and evening in both Nakhon Sawan and Tak and never saw one other farang. Suphan Buri was the same, and a little tricky negotiating through to get onto hwy 324 to Kanchanburi. Same goes for other small villages. I didn't see any farangs there either.

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Being locked in a room with a Thai soap opera playing on a TV that you can't turn off .......because you're hand-cuffed to the bed. Boring as hell, yet curiously laced with a degree of anticipation !

Nah........ those Thai soaps are just so predictable....! smile.png

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