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Legal Firm To Help With Non-Imm B Visa Process

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Hi all

I will be applying for a multiple entry non-immigrant B visa in the next few weeks.

I have done a lot of reading on this site, and I am pretty sure this is the right option for my circumstances.

The first time I do this I am going to choose a "legal/visa" firm to help me through the process. I don't mind paying for this the first time to make sure it goes smoothly.

I will speak to Sunbelt.

Are there any other reasonably priced companies that anyone would recommend? (Or not recommend?)

I am currently in the Sukhumvit area


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Non B based on what?

"The first time I do this I am going to choose a "legal/visa" firm to help me through the process."

Based on the papers, the legal firm can provide for the fee, maybe?


For once, this is totally legitimate.

Based on the fact that I work for a UK company who already does business in Thailand, and wants to look for more business opportunities there.

I already do a few trips a year on the standard 30 day tourist visa on arrival. The next couple of years will require more, and longer trips, and I am not comfortable doing that over and over again on a tourist visa. That is not what they are for.

I believe non-imm B multiple entry is the most appropriate option, and I think I have a reasonable idea of the process.....but I want someone to help me the first time.

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For once, this is totally legitimate.

Based on the fact that I work for a UK company who already does business in Thailand, and wants to look for more business opportunities there.

I already do a few trips a year on the standard 30 day tourist visa on arrival. The next couple of years will require more, and longer trips, and I am not comfortable doing that over and over again on a tourist visa. That is not what they are for.

I believe non-imm B multiple entry is the most appropriate option, and I think I have a reasonable idea of the process.....but I want someone to help me the first time.

If you say so! (legitimate)

But you wrote

Legal Firm To Help With Non-Imm B Visa Process

You usually need a company, confirming you need one.

And the easiest way, working for a UK-Company, would be, to get it in the UK.

Your company needs to do this:

To whom it may concern, bla, bla, bla, Mr. Kevin2012, blablabla traveling for our company in Asia, blabla and is visiting also Thailand, bla bla bla.issuing a non Im B is much appreciated

Thank you very much

Company stamp, managment, sign ,

You, then:

Take Passport, money, this letter, consulate in the UK, Visa stamp in your passport

That would be the Non Im B Visa. No law firm needed. Saves a lot of money and time.

And no visa run to KL or elsewhere. In case your law firm is providing any kind of papers, to get a multiple non-B, later here in Asia!

Working in Thailand, for a UK Company, is a totally different pair of shoes.

Actually, I do not know, how to do that legitimate, without a wp.

So a law firm can be helpful.

But why do you think, you need a law firm, to get your visa?I mean, in case you don't expect them, to provide some papers, that will get you a non Im B Visa? (Based on the papers, the legal firm can provide for the fee, maybe?)

Edited by noob7
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I you have a proper invitation from a company that does work in Thailand you will get your Non Im-B Multiple with no problem. I write invitations letters frequently for our business partners requesting a multiple Non Im-B. UK, USA, Aus no problem they get them straight away, no need for any help. Go to the Royal Thai embassy website that serves your residence area in your home country, get all the docs on the checklist sorted and on your next trip back home get the visa.

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If you are applying for the visa in the UK all that you should need is a letter from company you are working for in the UK requesting your multiple entry visa because you will be making frequent trips to Thailand to meet with customers or suppliers. Then a short statement that the company will be responsible for all expenses while you are in Thailand.

Just contact one of the honorary Thai consulates in the UK (not the Embassy) to find out what they require for you to get the visa.

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To clarify, I am looking for the non-immigrant B multiple entry.....not single entry. This will be an ongoing travel situation, so I don't want the hassle of going through the visa application process every 3 months.

- I work for a UK company that does business in the travel sector in Thailand (and around SE Asia actually)

- I have been based in Singapore for the last few years, traveling around the region a few times each year (on tourist visas)

- I am a UK citizen/passport holder, but also Permanent Resident in Singapore

- My UK company will write a letter explaining that I will have an increased travel need to Thailand in the next 1-2 years

- I have 2 or 3 Thai suppliers who will write me a 'letter of invitation'

- I believe I need letters from BOTH the UK company and a Thai company

- I will not be "working in Thailand" ( = work permit). I will be traveling to Thailand for extended periods on a regular basis for business.

- I believe I cannot get the multiple entry non-imm B in Singapore, but I can get it from Hull in the UK (and maybe a couple of other places?)

- I believe Singapore and KL only issue single entry non-imm B visa

......I think unsure.png

If I have got this all horribly wrong, then let me know!

Sunbelt will charge me a very small fee just to review my letters and documents. That is what I mean by "helping me through the process". They have done this loads of times, I have not. That is worth it.

They can also charge me a lot more to provide the actual letters as well, but I have them from legitimate sources, so I don't need that service.

Thanks for all the comments

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To clarify, I am looking for the non-immigrant B multiple entry.....not single entry.

- I will not be "working in Thailand" ( = work permit). I will be traveling to Thailand for extended periods on a regular basis for business.

I was expecting a non-Imm B. Because other way round, the '30 day at every entry' would work better for you.

I still not need to understand, how you aren't working, in case you are doing business in Thailand whistling.gif

But that is rhetoric!. And in case, you can deliver the prove, that your 'many trips to thailand' have nothing to do with work:

Ask sunbelt, what you need for, and where to get, a 3 years Non Im B visa.

Even Singapore ("Permanent Resident in Singapore") should get you one, in case it is not connected with 'working in Thailand', and in case, your company is stating, that you have to go to Thailand for 'no working reasons'. What in this case, based in Singapore, can be a bit hard to prove. Because of this, you do not have a real reason, to go often to Thailand, methinks Except for doing business. What is understood as workingcoffee1.gif

But what do I know?

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To clarify, I am looking for the non-immigrant B multiple entry.....not single entry.

- I will not be "working in Thailand" ( = work permit). I will be traveling to Thailand for extended periods on a regular basis for business.

I was expecting a non-Imm B. Because other way round, the '30 day at every entry' would work better for you.

I still not need to understand, how you aren't working, in case you are doing business in Thailand whistling.gif

But that is rhetoric!. And in case, you can deliver the prove, that your 'many trips to thailand' have nothing to do with work:

Ask sunbelt, what you need for, and where to get, a 3 years Non Im B visa.

Even Singapore ("Permanent Resident in Singapore") should get you one, in case it is not connected with 'working in Thailand', and in case, your company is stating, that you have to go to Thailand for 'no working reasons'. What in this case, based in Singapore, can be a bit hard to prove. Because of this, you do not have a real reason, to go often to Thailand, methinks Except for doing business. What is understood as workingcoffee1.gif

But what do I know?

Being a British citizen, it will be highly unlikely he would be issued a multiple non-imm B in the region, to get that would need to apply in the UK and the chances would be very good in getting one...

the other part of this ie working or not working in Thailand ?...based on the fact he has stated his intention is to stay in Thailand for "extended periods" we are certainly in a grey area over interpretation of whether he is "working" or not....certainly in principle the Non-imm B is in place to enable someone to look at conducting business in Thailand without the need for a WP, but how far this extends I am not sure. If the OP tells us exactly what he is upto on these "extended visits" sure we can form a better opinion.

There has been a rumour floating about and I stress its a rumour, that plans are being put in place to change the rules and people using Non-imm B visa's as a vehicle to visit Thailand for business reasons will now require a WP, one suspects this would be the temporary WP variety for the duration of the business visit..

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Being a British citizen, it will be highly unlikely he would be issued a multiple non-imm B in the region, to get that would need to apply in the UK and the chances would be very good in getting one...

the other part of this ie working or not working in Thailand ?...based on the fact he has stated his intention is to stay in Thailand for "extended periods" we are certainly in a grey area over interpretation of whether he is "working" or not....certainly in principle the Non-imm B is in place to enable someone to look at conducting business in Thailand without the need for a WP, but how far this extends I am not sure. If the OP tells us exactly what he is upto on these "extended visits" sure we can form a better opinion.

There has been a rumour floating about and I stress its a rumour, that plans are being put in place to change the rules and people using Non-imm B visa's as a vehicle to visit Thailand for business reasons will now require a WP, one suspects this would be the temporary WP variety for the duration of the business visit..

The reason for getting the Non Imm B, even in Singapore is:

"- I am a UK citizen/passport holder, but also Permanent Resident in Singapore"

In case, he is a permanent resident, what would mean, his company pays his taxes in S-Pore!

But again: What do I know?

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You failed to state in your original post that you were residing in Singapore.

Since you already appear to have all the documents needed to apply for the multiple entry visa at the Thai embassy in Singapore I suggest you just fill out an application and then make a trip to the embassy and attempt to make the application. If you are lacking any documentation they will then tell you what you need. They will not take your application and money unless you qualify for the visa.

Does the company have an office in Singapore that could issue the letter verses having one from the UK office. This is the only problem i can foresee might present a problem.

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Being a British citizen, it will be highly unlikely he would be issued a multiple non-imm B in the region, to get that would need to apply in the UK and the chances would be very good in getting one...

the other part of this ie working or not working in Thailand ?...based on the fact he has stated his intention is to stay in Thailand for "extended periods" we are certainly in a grey area over interpretation of whether he is "working" or not....certainly in principle the Non-imm B is in place to enable someone to look at conducting business in Thailand without the need for a WP, but how far this extends I am not sure. If the OP tells us exactly what he is upto on these "extended visits" sure we can form a better opinion.

There has been a rumour floating about and I stress its a rumour, that plans are being put in place to change the rules and people using Non-imm B visa's as a vehicle to visit Thailand for business reasons will now require a WP, one suspects this would be the temporary WP variety for the duration of the business visit..

The reason for getting the Non Imm B, even in Singapore is:

"- I am a UK citizen/passport holder, but also Permanent Resident in Singapore"

In case, he is a permanent resident, what would mean, his company pays his taxes in S-Pore!

But again: What do I know?

OK...but one assumes the visa will be put in his British passport, which in the eyes of the Thai embassy means they consider him British, not a PR of Singapore, being a PR somewhere will have no bearing on a visa being issued, of course he will not have problem getting a single entry Non-imm B in Singapore, but typically multiple entry Non-imm B are only handed out in your home country, ie the passport your holding..

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Being a British citizen, it will be highly unlikely he would be issued a multiple non-imm B in the region, to get that would need to apply in the UK and the chances would be very good in getting one...

the other part of this ie working or not working in Thailand ?...based on the fact he has stated his intention is to stay in Thailand for "extended periods" we are certainly in a grey area over interpretation of whether he is "working" or not....certainly in principle the Non-imm B is in place to enable someone to look at conducting business in Thailand without the need for a WP, but how far this extends I am not sure. If the OP tells us exactly what he is upto on these "extended visits" sure we can form a better opinion.

There has been a rumour floating about and I stress its a rumour, that plans are being put in place to change the rules and people using Non-imm B visa's as a vehicle to visit Thailand for business reasons will now require a WP, one suspects this would be the temporary WP variety for the duration of the business visit..

The reason for getting the Non Imm B, even in Singapore is:

"- I am a UK citizen/passport holder, but also Permanent Resident in Singapore"

In case, he is a permanent resident, what would mean, his company pays his taxes in S-Pore!

But again: What do I know?

OK...but one assumes the visa will be put in his British passport, which in the eyes of the Thai embassy means they consider him British, not a PR of Singapore, being a PR somewhere will have no bearing on a visa being issued, of course he will not have problem getting a single entry Non-imm B in Singapore, but typically multiple entry Non-imm B are only handed out in your home country, ie the passport your holding..

Typically, these people aren't 'living' in Singapore!

In case, he is legally a 'permanent resident' of Singapore, it shouldn't be a problem.

Paying taxes, longer than 6 month, would be a step, to become one!

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If you look at most Thai embassy websites they often mention residency of the country where applying for the visa for people from certain countries.

A Non OA retirement visa requires you to apply for in your home country unless you are a resident of the country where you are making the application.

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To clarify, I am looking for the non-immigrant B multiple entry.....not single entry.

- I will not be "working in Thailand" ( = work permit). I will be traveling to Thailand for extended periods on a regular basis for business.

I was expecting a non-Imm B. Because other way round, the '30 day at every entry' would work better for you.

I still not need to understand, how you aren't working, in case you are doing business in Thailand whistling.gif

But that is rhetoric!. And in case, you can deliver the prove, that your 'many trips to thailand' have nothing to do with work:

Ask sunbelt, what you need for, and where to get, a 3 years Non Im B visa.

Even Singapore ("Permanent Resident in Singapore") should get you one, in case it is not connected with 'working in Thailand', and in case, your company is stating, that you have to go to Thailand for 'no working reasons'. What in this case, based in Singapore, can be a bit hard to prove. Because of this, you do not have a real reason, to go often to Thailand, methinks Except for doing business. What is understood as workingcoffee1.gif

But what do I know?

Well, this is the official definition of what the non-imm B is for from both the Thai Visa "Useful Information" page and various Thai Immigration websites

3. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA 1. REQUIREMENT This type of visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for the following purposes: - - to conduct business / to work (Category "B")

People travel to other countries all the time on business trips. That is what I will be doing on a much more regular basis next year. That is what the non-imm B visa is for. Using the standard 30 day visa on arrival is for tourists.

I will not be an employee of a Thai company working in Thailand = work permit

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Being a British citizen, it will be highly unlikely he would be issued a multiple non-imm B in the region, to get that would need to apply in the UK and the chances would be very good in getting one...

the other part of this ie working or not working in Thailand ?...based on the fact he has stated his intention is to stay in Thailand for "extended periods" we are certainly in a grey area over interpretation of whether he is "working" or not....certainly in principle the Non-imm B is in place to enable someone to look at conducting business in Thailand without the need for a WP, but how far this extends I am not sure. If the OP tells us exactly what he is upto on these "extended visits" sure we can form a better opinion.

There has been a rumour floating about and I stress its a rumour, that plans are being put in place to change the rules and people using Non-imm B visa's as a vehicle to visit Thailand for business reasons will now require a WP, one suspects this would be the temporary WP variety for the duration of the business visit..

The reason for getting the Non Imm B, even in Singapore is:

"- I am a UK citizen/passport holder, but also Permanent Resident in Singapore"

In case, he is a permanent resident, what would mean, his company pays his taxes in S-Pore!

But again: What do I know?

OK...but one assumes the visa will be put in his British passport, which in the eyes of the Thai embassy means they consider him British, not a PR of Singapore, being a PR somewhere will have no bearing on a visa being issued, of course he will not have problem getting a single entry Non-imm B in Singapore, but typically multiple entry Non-imm B are only handed out in your home country, ie the passport your holding..

Typically, these people aren't 'living' in Singapore!

In case, he is legally a 'permanent resident' of Singapore, it shouldn't be a problem.

Paying taxes, longer than 6 month, would be a step, to become one!

This is a good question that I have been trying to find a definitive answer to.

I think passport trumps permanent residency when it comes to visas.

A single entry Non-imm B from Singapore is OK......but the multiple entry I think would have to come from the UK.

And, yes, I pay my taxes in Singapore

Temporary WP's for business trips? Blimey, what a hassle.

Again, I am just trying to 'do the right thing'. Standard 30 day visa on arrivals are for short, irregular tourist trips. More regular business trips should be done under the non-imm B process. (I think!)

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For only business meetings the non-B visa is enough. More, like giving training, being a tour guide etc and you woud need a work permit.

Correct. I will not be performing any business services or anything like that.

Meetings about potential partnerships, JV's, investments, etc.......what most people do on business trips all round the world every day

Then if we find some good ideas, we will maybe look at setting up representative office or something like that

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Temporary WP's for business trips? Blimey, what a hassle.

As I stressed when I mentioned this....this is rumour thats been floating around for a while, however a I do know of a few MNC's who have implimented this "policy" already and they get overseas vendors they invite to Thailand for a business meeting a temporary WP for the duration, very easy to get issued 24 hours or less..

So maybe a rumour or the MNC's are not leaving themselves open to possible problems and its purely an internal policy change...this I am not sure of..smile.png

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In case, you have your main place of residence in S-Pore, the Thai Embassy should issue a multiple entry visa to Thailand

Paying your taxes there, should give you enough prove, not to have to fly to the UK, for a multiple Business visa.

The UK based Company need to write something, about your local responsibilities for the Company.

And in your case, and asking Sunbelt, anyway, try to get the information, how to get the 3 year multiple Non Imm B Visa.

And maybe, in case, it can't be at a 'nearby Embassy, ask specific for the consulate in Kota Bahru.

They issued this 3 year visa.

And because they violated 2 rules for the 3 year visa (not for wp holder / working in Thailand plus only to issue at an Embassy <afaik>),

there might be an option for you, to get it there.

The simplest thing, methinks, would be, in case you are flying to your company, once a year / every 3 years, or so, to organize this visa in the UK. Also the 3 year visa should be easy to get, for your company, in the UK!

Good luck

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