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40K In Thailand

matt helm

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You have to know first how you can fit in the Thai system your way. $40K can be a few months but also 3 years+.

It all depends on your personality and your knowledge of Thailand.

I agree, It is difficult to say as lifestyles vary so much - In a rural / semi rural setting and leading a quiet life and not adding to your money I imagine you can have a very pleasant 4 - 5 years. Add in a part time job, some investment interest and maybe longer - good luck and hope you enjoy it.

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You can live quite nicely in Pattaya for example, with minimal Thai language skills and access to much of the food and amenities you would be familiar with from home for about $2000 a month. This covers apartment, bills, eating out all the time, entertainment, and a lil to put aside for emergency So your looking at almost 2 years. If you wanna live out in Whatdaphukaburi somewhere in Issan you could literally be there for double that amount of time. And this is just spending the money outright. Not investing in any businesses(which require a significant amount of local acumen) or working part time.

You gotta know you and how you fit in here. But I'd say Pattaya is good for first timers and cost of living / value for money.

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He just said he dont drink, and drinking is half the cost of living here, so,

You can easily live here on 1000 dollar per month, that is 40 months, over 3 years,

as long as you don't lend out your money, to anyone.

Thats how i got to the 3 yearsthumbsup.gif

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That amount would last a lifetime to posters on here.

It depends if you want to live or just exist.

I cannot live on a cent less than 100k a month, but I have a gf and live like a westerner here, ie I live somewhere nice and don't eat noodels for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Btw, you haven't thought about the visa issues.

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Myself and my wife live on B45k a month. We rent a two bed bungalow (B7k rent), have a car (B10k in repayments) and then live comfortably on 7000B a week.

So $1500 a month, which will give you 2 years plus some cash to organise visas etc.

However, I have spent a lot on car deposit, buying a motorbike, furniture etc.

In Chiang Mai.

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Any gobsh1te that has to be told how much his $$$ last's needs a kick in the sack ,<deleted> know's? ...Get on it, spend it ,don't spend it ,give it to a charity,a whore/wife,get buttered up on a baht bus or leave it all in ye hotel safe and go get a shower...Honestly !!

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WTB: Translation services.

Must be good a deciphering unintelligible pre-human communication. Must have a strong constitution and be prepared for random acts of alcohol-induced violence and bouts of unexplained rage, followed by bouts of uncontrollable laughter, remorse and the deep sorry regret of a steaming hangover that just won't go away in the cold light of day.

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WTB: Translation services.

Must be good a deciphering unintelligible pre-human communication. Must have a strong constitution and be prepared for random acts of alcohol-induced violence and bouts of unexplained rage, followed by bouts of uncontrollable laughter, remorse and the deep sorry regret of a steaming hangover that just won't go away in the cold light of day.

you're dead god you ,proper psychiatrist stuff this ...How much for an hour consultation pal?

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You can live quite nicely in Pattaya for example, with minimal Thai language skills and access to much of the food and amenities you would be familiar with from home for about $2000 a month. This covers apartment, bills, eating out all the time, entertainment, and a lil to put aside for emergency So your looking at almost 2 years. If you wanna live out in Whatdaphukaburi somewhere in Issan you could literally be there for double that amount of time. And this is just spending the money outright. Not investing in any businesses(which require a significant amount of local acumen) or working part time.

You gotta know you and how you fit in here. But I'd say Pattaya is good for first timers and cost of living / value for money.

<deleted> is, whatcaburi in imsamsad.png

pattaya is the cheapest place , if you want to have some kind of live in thailand, and not die of boredom.giggle.gif

p.s. do not lend money , to them farang types.

Edited by elliss
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I didn't buy a car because I would have had to get rid of it before I left. Used car prices are ridiculous and new are very high. The cost of ownership is there too including insurance.

I bought a nice used, newer scooter from an expat and it didn't cost much. I think about 30,000 baht or about $1,000 US m/l. Can't recall exactly but close.

I rented a studio at the Riverside Apartments in Chiang Mai for I think ? 9,000 baht per month. With electricity, etc. I think it was about $375 US per month. I'm not into throwing money away on rent. You could get something for 1/2 that outside the city. Maybe a little more.

Seriously consider a minimum of $200 US each month for food. I spent more like $300. I got tired of street food real fast, and even street food that's good with meat or seafood instead of just fruit or noodles will add up.

I seriously didn't find LOS to be much cheaper than the West other than housing and utilities including electricity, internet, cable, etc. However, if you went to a small area and rented cheap, ate what the locals eat and really conserved in third world style, it would be cheaper.

It's all what's the minimum lifestyle you can put up with.

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It looks like some people are getting by on one thousand a month so i'll take that to be the minimum. I'm assuming that's without "going native" with AC and high speed internet.

Yup ..... minimum might be a slight exaguration but if you want to live well in a decent place it's pretty close. The real differentiator is WHERE you live not so much how you live , the further away from the metro you get the cheaper it is.

Most of the people living well for less didn't start off that way they have been here a while and waited and watched for a while and found a good deal.

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