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Hundreds Of Thai Schools Shut Over Militant Attacks


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Hundreds of Thai schools shut over militant attacks

BANGKOK, Nov 27, 2012 (AFP) - Teachers in insurgency-wracked southern Thailand decided Monday to suspend classes at hundreds of schools in the region over the killings of education workers by Muslim militants.

"We want to put pressure on security forces and the government to take greater care of our safety," Boonsom Thongsriply, chairman of the teachers association in the region, told AFP.

The move means 321 schools will temporarily shut from Tuesday in Pattani, one of several southernmost provinces plagued by an eight-year-old insurgency. It is unclear when they will reopen.

The unrest has claimed more than 5,300 lives, both Buddhist and Muslim, with near-daily bomb or gun attacks.

Teachers working in non-religious schools are frequently targeted because they are seen as a symbol of government authority. Militants view the school system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture on the south.

More than 150 education workers have been killed in the Thai south since 2004. The latest victim was a head teacher who was gunned down last week.

Critics accuse the government of failing to address the grievances of Thailand's Malay Muslim minority, including alleged abuses by the military and a perceived lack of respect for their ethnic identity, language and religion.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-11-27

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@Simple1 Sorry to see your post was deleted but thinking about it, nothing was added by you that was Thai related which needs to be done. Perhaps you would care to rewrite in the context of Thailand but leave out the Golden Era stuff which in tenuous to say the least.

The problems in the south are a huge issue and Thailand needs to get to grips with it before it gets out of hand... and it will get out of hand. Long live the King because Thailand needs him.

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Militants view the school system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture on the south.

Utter rubbish, the objection is to education in general.

Education is promoted by Islam and some of the first universities and libraries were established in Islamic countries. e.g. The University of Fez claims to have had a continuous existence since 859 AD. Where I live in Pattaya, the local Muslim children attend the government schools or if the parents can afford to do so attend private Thai schools. They absolutely encourage the children to have an education. For education regards Islam they attend school at the mosque on Saturday.

It is terrible that more than 60 teachers have been murdered during the past five years in the Deep South. I understand the local language is not used in the schools and the "insurgents" see the curricula as a tool for eroding their culture. This objection no way justifies the killing of teachers. Hopefully a member of TV who has deeper knowledge can confirm if this is correct/incorrect; not just babble on with generalised misinformed comments about Muslims in Thailand.

Many ignorant westerners are unaware of the how many muslim villages in the South of Thailand have been exploited by the Chinese-Thai's and cheated out of oil rights in a land once considered a part of Malaysia. You must truly understand the history to understand that cultural diversity should be accepted and to force Buddhism on every government school student is complete discrimination. I don't agree with killing innocent people and teachers to prove a point. But I do agree with equal rights and for the government to stop preaching buddhism in the school systems all over Thailand...

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@Simple1 Sorry to see your post was deleted but thinking about it, nothing was added by you that was Thai related which needs to be done. Perhaps you would care to rewrite in the context of Thailand but leave out the Golden Era stuff which in tenuous to say the least.

The problems in the south are a huge issue and Thailand needs to get to grips with it before it gets out of hand... and it will get out of hand. Long live the King because Thailand needs him.

Thanks for the courtesy note, but to reply in context I would need to point to the education institutes that are very much in place in the Islamic world. Yes many are based on Islamic studies, but many are based upon traditional areas of study such as medicine, engineering and research - so education and research is not Haraam; only with the extremist elements.

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What a sad situation. Aah, just give them a tablet computer. (I know it is not funny.. but true). All those billions that are being stolen by the Shin clan from the rice scam could provide a lot of security for the hard working Thai teacher.

Meanwhile back in the real world...http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/600928-yingluck-touts-her-achievements/

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I would recommend the closing of all musim madrasas, children being required to attend schools with an approved curricula. But I doubt this would stop the school related violence, as the exremists show as much regard for their own as they do their other victims.

Simple 1 ignores the ongoing muslim disdain for female education reported all too often. How many female students has the University of Fez had in its long history?

We are talking about Thai Muslims, not some Islamic country dictated to by Islamic extremists. As far as I have experienced living in a Thai Muslim community, Thai Muslims are not against female education, unless you are talking about a small minority that comprises Islamic extremists.

That would be the lot with guns and bombs then? Fez, female students????

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@Simple1 Sorry to see your post was deleted but thinking about it, nothing was added by you that was Thai related which needs to be done. Perhaps you would care to rewrite in the context of Thailand but leave out the Golden Era stuff which in tenuous to say the least.

The problems in the south are a huge issue and Thailand needs to get to grips with it before it gets out of hand... and it will get out of hand. Long live the King because Thailand needs him.

Thanks for the courtesy note, but to reply in context I would need to point to the education institutes that are very much in place in the Islamic world. Yes many are based on Islamic studies, but many are based upon traditional areas of study such as medicine, engineering and research - so education and research is not Haraam; only with the extremist elements.

It's certainly very hard to keep a subject such as this Thai related but those are the rules as I understand them. Maybe OTB would be a better place?

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This has got dam all to do with all the rhetoric regarding occupation,education, historical homeland. It is simply a total breakdown in the rule of law and the acceptance of sovereignty by those who choose murder , bombing and the amplicifation of fear and unrest to ratify a cause which frankly they have not got. It has been further exacerbated by the denial of the Government as to the seriousness of the condition and the total incompetence and ineptness of both the muppet army and police force. The South is in civil war to all extent and purpose,meanwhile Nero fiddles while Rome burns. It is a disgrace caused greatly by the inability of the Government to react accordingly as they are more concerned with their own position than they are of their countrymen. A negotiated peace , won't happen without a much firmer response from the so called peace keepers.

The only thing that terroists have to loose is their lives. so lets ask them to desist or oblidge them.

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Terrorists win by intimidation, by forcing their victims to alter their behavior and lives out of fear. With that in mind, the terrorists did win a victory after 9/11, because Americans willingly gave up many of their freedoms in return for false security. These folks in the south of Thailand, by closing their schools, are saying to the terrorists there, "You win". It's too bad that the government hasn't called this what it is, war, and taken appropriate action. Terrorists aren't interested in negotiations. They're interested only in victory, and they'll lie and cheat and kill to get their way.

Well said, its time the Thai army sent a very very severe message to these muslim extremist's, who's country is it , drive them back over the border and finish it now before more decent human beings are cowardly killed by these people who are a problem all over the world, violence is all they know


So true it is sickening !

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It's easy to jump to conclusions, especially when the word "Muslim" is involved.

You need to read up a bit on the history of the region to really understand their grievance.

Of course you CANNOT condone violence, and I'm not suggesting that it's ever justified to use violence against innocent civilians.

PERHAPS if the views of both sides were made clear in the media rather than just focusing on calling them "insurgents" or "militants" there may be a path to peace and reconciliation.

Comparing anything going on in this region with the issues in other parts of the world just because there are Muslim people involved is just showing your ignorance.

I totally disagree.

They are Muslims.

Granted the violent ones are a small percent and most Muslims are not violent.

But, killing teachers and farmers is just NOT RIGHT.

They are insurgents.

They are militants.

That is the plain and simple sad truth of the matter.

I agree with Scoop.

If hey can't live peacefully where they are (and it's obvious that they can't) send them back !

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It's easy to jump to conclusions, especially when the word "Muslim" is involved.

You need to read up a bit on the history of the region to really understand their grievance.

Of course you CANNOT condone violence, and I'm not suggesting that it's ever justified to use violence against innocent civilians.

PERHAPS if the views of both sides were made clear in the media rather than just focusing on calling them "insurgents" or "militants" there may be a path to peace and reconciliation.

Comparing anything going on in this region with the issues in other parts of the world just because there are Muslim people involved is just showing your ignorance.

I totally disagree.

They are Muslims.

Granted the violent ones are a small percent and most Muslims are not violent.

But, killing teachers and farmers is just NOT RIGHT.

They are insurgents.

They are militants.

That is the plain and simple sad truth of the matter.

I agree with Scoop.

If hey can't live peacefully where they are (and it's obvious that they can't) send them back !

Send them back ????? You don't have a clue what you are talking about do you!

They didn't come to Thailand... it was the border that moved. They just want to live where their families lived for generations before them.

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Militants view the school system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture on the south.

Utter rubbish, the objection is to education in general.

Education is promoted by Islam and some of the first universities and libraries were established in Islamic countries. e.g. The University of Fez claims to have had a continuous existence since 859 AD. Where I live in Pattaya, the local Muslim children attend the government schools or if the parents can afford to do so attend private Thai schools. They absolutely encourage the children to have an education. For education regards Islam they attend school at the mosque on Saturday.

It is terrible that more than 60 teachers have been murdered during the past five years in the Deep South. I understand the local language is not used in the schools and the "insurgents" see the curricula as a tool for eroding their culture. This objection no way justifies the killing of teachers. Hopefully a member of TV who has deeper knowledge can confirm if this is correct/incorrect; not just babble on with generalised misinformed comments about Muslims in Thailand.

Many ignorant westerners are unaware of the how many muslim villages in the South of Thailand have been exploited by the Chinese-Thai's and cheated out of oil rights in a land once considered a part of Malaysia. You must truly understand the history to understand that cultural diversity should be accepted and to force Buddhism on every government school student is complete discrimination. I don't agree with killing innocent people and teachers to prove a point. But I do agree with equal rights and for the government to stop preaching buddhism in the school systems all over Thailand...

But I do agree with equal rights and for the government to stop preaching buddhism in the school systems all over Thailand...

Buddhism seems to be a subject, which Muslim kids don't have to study.

When I went to a primary school somewhere in Europe, there was a cross in each classroom. Nobody had to look at it, just part of the culture.

When Turks brought their kids to schools in my country, they went to court and guess what.

They'd won and they'd to remove all crosses in German classrooms. You got them all over the country, they receive money from the government, but many of them refuse to learn the spoken language.

​ They've got their cities within cities, their own stores etc...they're only there, because of the cash they receive.

The southern provinces are in Thailand and they shouldn't fight their (holy) war, as killing isn't allowed for a Muslim.

People who hate us for eating pork shouldn't live with those who eat pork. It' that easy. wai2.gif

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Militants view the school system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture on the south.

Utter rubbish, the objection is to education in general.

Education is promoted by Islam and some of the first universities and libraries were established in Islamic countries. e.g. The University of Fez claims to have had a continuous existence since 859 AD. Where I live in Pattaya, the local Muslim children attend the government schools or if the parents can afford to do so attend private Thai schools. They absolutely encourage the children to have an education. For education regards Islam they attend school at the mosque on Saturday.

It is terrible that more than 60 teachers have been murdered during the past five years in the Deep South. I understand the local language is not used in the schools and the "insurgents" see the curricula as a tool for eroding their culture. This objection no way justifies the killing of teachers. Hopefully a member of TV who has deeper knowledge can confirm if this is correct/incorrect; not just babble on with generalised misinformed comments about Muslims in Thailand.

I have all the respect in the world for the intellectual achievements of muslims 1100 years ago when they showed tolerance and open-mindedness. If I met Harun al-Rashid today, I would be honored to shake his hand. Harun, on the other hand, would shake his head mournfully when he found out how his religion and culture has drifted into the benighted, death-loving mire of intolerance in which it finds itself today. Islam, as it is often practiced today, is more of a dangerous criminal psychosis than a religion.

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Militants view the school system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture on the south.

Utter rubbish, the objection is to education in general.

Education is promoted by Islam and some of the first universities and libraries were established in Islamic countries. e.g. The University of Fez claims to have had a continuous existence since 859 AD. Where I live in Pattaya, the local Muslim children attend the government schools or if the parents can afford to do so attend private Thai schools. They absolutely encourage the children to have an education. For education regards Islam they attend school at the mosque on Saturday.

It is terrible that more than 60 teachers have been murdered during the past five years in the Deep South. I understand the local language is not used in the schools and the "insurgents" see the curricula as a tool for eroding their culture. This objection no way justifies the killing of teachers. Hopefully a member of TV who has deeper knowledge can confirm if this is correct/incorrect; not just babble on with generalised misinformed comments about Muslims in Thailand.

I have all the respect in the world for the intellectual achievements of muslims 1100 years ago when they showed tolerance and open-mindedness. If I met Harun al-Rashid today, I would be honored to shake his hand. Harun, on the other hand, would shake his head mournfully when he found out how his religion and culture has drifted into the benighted, death-loving mire of intolerance in which it finds itself today. Islam, as it is often practiced today, is more of a dangerous criminal psychosis than a religion.

Still, in sheer numbers Muslims are in the minority of terrorists worldwide. In fact, even pro-rata Muslims have a lower number of terrorists than many other ethnic groups.

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