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Ubon Hash House Harriers Run No 52 - Saturday 1St December - Northwestern Meuang Ubon


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Ubon Hash Run 52 will be on this coming Saturday, 1st December. Meet for a pick-up at Wrong Way café (Phadaeng Road in central Ubon) at 3.45pm prompt or go direct to the start point at the South East corner of Huai Wang Nong (plenty of public parking on the road opposite the Wat) for a 4.00 pm prompt start. Now that the the night comes quick we will start 30 minutes earlier for the next few runs.

A mix of on and off-road this week - a different trail from previous starts at his location. Beer Stop during the run - yes, probably. Afterwards at Wrong Way or whichever hostelry takes our fancy.

E-mail me (or PM me if viewing the ThaiVisa website) if you need more information.

Hashing is social running and there have been hash clubs all over the world since its 1930s origins in Kuala Lumpur. The running bit is not taken seriously and beer is drunk to oil the social side. Ubon Hash, in line with the Ubon environment is laid back and only a few enthusiasts put in a few spurts of running. The rest walk. A trail is laid, typically in white powder like flower/chalk and the pack has to find the trail, which keeps the front runners busy while the walkers catch up. After the run the beer ice-boxes are opened and the socialising begins. We usually go back for some more beer and maybe some food around town in the early evening, but that is optional.

Don't be a stay at home wuss - get out there with us and discover the sides of Ubon you would not normally uncover. It's dead cheap (150B) for your first run and inexpensive (250B) thereafter; even cheaper for Thais - and that includes free beer after, and sometimes during, the run


Flash Git

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