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Looking For Immediate Help With Tree Problem Nong Hoi Area


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM friends,

In the area near the Gymkhana Club.

It took a few days, after last Friday's major storm, but a major branch on a tree within the wall surrounding the house I rent finally fell. Fortunately, it fell across a small dead-end soi, to one side of the house, so did not damage the roof, or the neighbors' property, or break any telephone or electric wires.

I've been able to hack-away with saw and hatchet, and clear half the soi, so folks there are not blocked, but I do need some help from someone (or crew) competent to cut away the very large pieces left, and, inside the compound, go up the tree about 6-8 meters, and cut away the hanging-off broken branch, and, I assume, paint the exposed are with tar, or whatever to seal it.

Of course I am concerned that whoever does this observes proper safety measures.

During this time of year, I doubt the Tessiban can help.

Appreciate any referrals, on this thread, or by PM.

thanks, ~o:37;

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Hi orang37,

I recently used a crew of guys to take off about 10 feet of a tree that was about to fall on my house and was also about to take down the electrical lines. These guys showed up looking like something out of a movie which name I can't recall now. 3 rather tough looking guys on motorcycles each with chainsaws, ropes, and fuel cans slung across them and even more chainsaws and tools attached to the rear of the bikes, wearing full-face helmets, riding single file. (Wanted to take a photo but raining too hard). They were total pros, putting bolts into the tree for them to climb up, attach harnesses, etc. I was worried about the electrical lines but the one guy said "no problem, do it every day". They took the tree down in the pouring rain, nicely cut it up, cleaned up, etc. Other than one broken flower pot, no damage from falling branches or anything. The one guy seems to be the foreman, instructing the 2 biggest guys what to do. He did say that in the future if we ever needed them and it was not a big job, only 1-2 guys will come and the price would be less. So, negotiate with them. Maybe you don't need all 3.

Don't know names but telephone 0899972608

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When I lived on Mahidol road the fellow that cut grass for all my neighbours also did tree cutting. Now I live in San Kampang and the local grass cutting person also cuts trees. Therefore I think if you look in your area for whoever cuts grass they may also cut your tree.

Thanks, Khun Market Trader, for your response. I know my moo baan very well, and there's no one here competent for higher "altitude" tree-work.

I am rather paranoid about someone with a rickety bamboo ladder, and a chain-saw, going up in the tree: if they fell, and were injured, or died: guess who would be liable big-time (even though I rent the house) ? I've seen enough farang's lives destroyed here in the last many years.

yrs, ~o:37;

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Thanks, Khun Elektrified,

That's very good information, and that sounds like just the type of crew I need here.

To my surprise, this year, the village chief seems to like me more (perhaps he was impressed with my forty minute performance as geriatric Rambo run amok with saw and hatchet, persisting in his frenzy, yea, though the red tree-ants did mercilessly attack and sting him ?).

So, he's calling the tesphiban (spelling ?) now; my guess is they'll be very, very, busy, now, during Loy Krathong. If they can't come within a day or two, I'll certainly contact the people you recommend.

yrs, ~o:37;

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My neighbours including a high ranking copper engaged the Tesabaan to trim their trees for B 2,000/garden when they were here sniffing for a dollar. It took them several days to recover from the phychological shock of seeing ther well kept gardens reduced to a devestation not unlike a war zone following a carpet bombing. Fortunately the gradens have largely now recovered after 6 months and several other changs trying to minimalise the carnage and indiscrimate wanton vandalism.

Maybe the Tesabaan guys aren't the best in tree lopping, just a thought anyways...

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