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Visa Run To Myanmar From Saphan Bpla (Ranong - Kawthaung )


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Just did a Visa Run to Myanmar from Saphan Bpla (Ranong)

  • On arrival at Ranong bus station, take a red Songthaew to Saphan Bpla from the main road (same side of the road as the bus station) – Cost is THB15 and takes circa 25 minutes.
  • Walk through the petrol station ignoring the touts and you will see signs for Thai Immigration (no need to visit the actual Immigration building 800metres back in the direction from which you just came).
  • Chose the right hand lane (Departure).
  • The cost of the boat is THB50 each way but you will need to use common sense and head for a boat that is almost full and not to try to negotiate with a helpful’ tout. I was lucky as there was a Visa Run organised for Vietnamese workers/students and there was a big boat capable of accommodating 60 passengers). I agreed THB100 return (later at Ko Song the driver tried unconvincing to claim it was THB100 each way, but his heart wasn’t really in and as I hadn’t yet paid we agreed to keep to the original agreement.
  • Crossing is circa 25 minutes with one stop each way for Customs.
  • At Kawthaung (Ko Song) it’s best to already have a copy of your passport detail page and a crisp new USD$10 note. Process took 3 minutes.
  • Back to Saphan Bpla and use the left hand lane at Immigration.
  • Songthaew red or yellow from in front of the petrol station to Ranong or bus station – THB15.

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yes for me it was similar....last time I arrived with the motorbike taxi....he openly discussed with one guy there how much they can charge me and how much commission he gets. I listen to it with a silly smile.

than we arrived they guy waited for me I let him stay, took the next boat for 50 Baht.

On the checkpoint at first island Thailand cleared all the Myanmar people but not me, till the boat guy told me to come in. There the boat guy and the immigration officer shouted at each other.

The immigration guy told him he must charge me 100 Baht and give him 50 Baht commission not charge me 50 Baht only.

I asked the immigration guy in Thai what the problem is....he got white (whiter than me) put his stamp in and let me go.....

Bunch of corrupties and rip offs on the Thai side.

Yes the Myanmar guys always change from 2 way to 1 way, hahahaha They also tried that....

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h90 – at least it’s not a strong aggressive type of scam and similar to you I just smiled and repeated 'Gap Ma THB100' - Most of these guys earn small salaries and when I was there I spotted at least 5 farang with their Madame Esan - Two of these guys must have been +120kg – Unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush and presumed to be ‘kind and generous’, ‘naive and foolish’

Edited by Finlaco
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A little bit more expensive (850 THB) I find using the services of the Andaman Club hassle free (no touts) and their ferries run on a regular schedule.

Their pier is about 10km out of town (Ranong). Turn around time is 5-10 minutes so whole process can be done and dusted in 45 minutes.

That's just me...I like things nice and simple.

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h90 – at least it’s not a strong aggressive type of scam and similar to you I just smiled and repeated 'Gap Ma THB100' - Most of these guys earn small salaries and when I was there I spotted at least 5 farang with their Madame Esan - Two of these guys must have been +120kg – Unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush and presumed to be ‘kind and generous’, ‘naive and foolish’

yes.....last time there was a boat full farangs from some organized group and I had a chat with them.....very interesting.....how to tell it.....it seems the Myanmar boat driver had an higher IQ than the sum of IQs of this group....they were just unbelievable.

The immigration officer who was shouting with the boat driver for 50 Baht else he doesn't put his stamp in my passport scared me a bit......

Always good fun and something nice to see.....and if you wait too long you can always agree to pay a bit more....an amount that really doesn't hurt and the boat leaves now and the few other people on the boat are happy.....

In total easy and fun.

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