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Meth Lab Raided And 3 Iranians Held At Production Facility In East Pattaya

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Death sentence please for these upstanding young Iranian Muslims, show some balls for once Thailand and set an example for a change, if it prevents just one more idiot from selling drugs then its worth it. Would'nt they get the death penalty in Iran so no need to worry about their human rights.

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Just to avoid any confusion for readers, the wanted suspect is not Irish, he is British.


is he now!, Really i wonder if they've got any links with the IRA.

Drug Maufacturers & Dealers are the Ultimate lowest form of human life . IMO

They are Murderers by slow Death . I have seen much of the end result.

I agree with Malaysia - Da Da means Death

The worst part is that they will be replaced almost immediately , the profits are too huge to ignore.

If this has saved just one person becoming an addict it is priceless. Well done to all involved.


Here we go again. It's really amazing how many fan boys of the totalitarian nanny state we have posting here.

You can make exactly the same argument against alcohol, tobaco, prescription pain killers, fatty processed foods, etc, etc. And yet all of those things are perfectly legal to help people ruin and end their lives. So you see, the "legal" reference point is rather arbitrary. Prohibition has been tried before even through the enormous power of a constitutional ammendment. And resulted in a huge loss of face and the repeal of the said ammendment. Just like the alcohol prohibition, the war on drugs cost trillions of dollars but failed miserably on all fronts. Drugs are cheaper, more potent and available than ever. The police are wasting their dwindling resources chasing non-violent offenders. Drug cartels are now so powerful that they challenge nation states. The prisons are full of otherwise productive people sucking tax dollars instead of creating them. The only winners are military industrial comlex and private prisons.

Adults will want what they want. The vast majority of users are looking for an occasional fun experience and have no problems controlling their behavior. The minority have addiction issues and need help. That's what AA, rehab clinics, and Weight Watchers are there for. History has shown that to legalize, regulate, tax, and help is a much better approach than prohibit. As Colorado and Washington have demonstrated, citizens are waking up to that reality. I prey the politicians and people like yourself will do so sooner than later.

It was'nt an effin weight watcher that ransacked my aunts house while she was lay petrified and shaking in bed it was a crackhead piece of shit and i say they deserve everything they get in jail as long as its painful.

The street prices quoted are no doubt grossly over inflated but that happens in every country.

It is sill a major success.

Not quite sure what the penalty for this will be but not very pleasant I expect.

Odd that is seems to be mostly Iranians, I can't see this large an operation happening without thai criminal involvement.

maybe more details will come out over the next few days.


Death sentence please for these upstanding young Iranian Muslims, show some balls for once Thailand and set an example for a change, if it prevents just one more idiot from selling drugs then its worth it. Would'nt they get the death penalty in Iran so no need to worry about their human rights.

Who says they're Muslims? The traditional religion of Persia is Zoroastrianism.


Death sentence please for these upstanding young Iranian Muslims, show some balls for once Thailand and set an example for a change, if it prevents just one more idiot from selling drugs then its worth it. Would'nt they get the death penalty in Iran so no need to worry about their human rights.

Who says they're Muslims? The traditional religion of Persia is Zoroastrianism.

no such place as persia bud they're from the islamic state of iran hence muslims.
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Death sentence please for these upstanding young Iranian Muslims, show some balls for once Thailand and set an example for a change, if it prevents just one more idiot from selling drugs then its worth it. Would'nt they get the death penalty in Iran so no need to worry about their human rights.

Who says they're Muslims? The traditional religion of Persia is Zoroastrianism.

no such place as persia bud they're from the islamic state of iran hence muslims.

At present time there are about 200,000 Zoroastrians (faith pre-Islam that was suppressed by the Arab invaders of Persia). Most of the worlds Zoroastrians, about 100,000 live in India. But you don't know if they are Iranian Christian or Jewish - however unlikely.


Death sentence please for these upstanding young Iranian Muslims, show some balls for once Thailand and set an example for a change, if it prevents just one more idiot from selling drugs then its worth it. Would'nt they get the death penalty in Iran so no need to worry about their human rights.

Who says they're Muslims? The traditional religion of Persia is Zoroastrianism.

no such place as persia bud they're from the islamic state of iran hence muslims.

At present time there are about 200,000 Zoroastrians (faith pre-Islam that was suppressed by the Arab invaders of Persia). Most of the worlds Zoroastrians, about 100,000 live in India. But you don't know if they are Iranian Christian or Jewish - however unlikely.

and if they live in india theres a good chance they'd be indian then not iranian as posted in the op.

Who says they're Muslims? The traditional religion of Persia is Zoroastrianism.

no such place as persia bud they're from the islamic state of iran hence muslims.

At present time there are about 200,000 Zoroastrians (faith pre-Islam that was suppressed by the Arab invaders of Persia). Most of the worlds Zoroastrians, about 100,000 live in India. But you don't know if they are Iranian Christian or Jewish - however unlikely.

and if they live in india theres a good chance they'd be indian then not iranian as posted in the op.

i live in Thailand, does that make me Thai?

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