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Kids Dying/hurting In Thailand. Is This Actually A Horrible Country?


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Best read/gripe on here .Honest & to the bone .

My MIL's sh!tty little village in Kampangphet sounds like Knightsbridge compared to where you are living .

Agreed. Thanks for the thread mpflover

i can give more stories if you guys want, just give me an idea of what you want to hear about and ill pull something out of the memory bank. i lived in pattaya for about 18mnths too at one stage, so i been in the time warp machine.

one week in pattaya can be like 1 month in a normal city, 18 mnths + there i change the way i look at people.

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its really been in the last year that i came to realise what is going on here.

at first i was just on an exttended holiday, and i didnt care what the thais did to each other.

but after having family ties here my views changed,

i can understand guy living in patts and bkk or wherever are having great times and i dont try to get in the middle of that, i am simply trying to poin out what i see as the truth and just break the illusion. like the guy earlier who said he wanted to retire here, well i hope i could have helped him a little, if he still decides to live here then maybe he would be a littl more carefull about what he gets involved in and stuf, and yes once im out of here i have zero intention to return....

Well, a lot of personal happiness in the world comes from people with whom you associate. If you keep on living in slums, finding girlfriends who come from the most retarded areas of Thailand, it is logical that you will be unhappy, or think that all thais are rotten, drunkards and drug addicts. It seems that you were not very happy choosing your gf... Our parents, of late, used to tell us to choose carefully our partners, by looking into their families. Not an unsound advice. Love is all nice and beautiful, but some degree of realism also helps. You did not tell us much about your gf, btw. Is she also a drug addict, or how did she escape that chain of misery?

no she isnt a drug addict and yeh she works in the Mitsubishi factory at the moment, she is very responsible girl. and the mother of my son.

i dont know where you hang out, but i dont think this village is actually untypical. its more the norm.. yeh sure you can rock through some village, or go with your girlfriend, and im sure that everyone will be on their best behavior, and everything will seem calm and normal, but its not until you live there and people start to drop their gaurd around you, and forget you are a farang.. then... and yeh a girl is a girl too me, if one was fat or ugly i couldn't stay with them, so i am happy, + she is a brillant cook and washes my clothes and all that shit.

Good for you, you apparently found the one flower in the cesspit. thumbsup.gif Sorry, but I do not habitually frequent village people etc. I hang in BKK, in the more respectable area. ;)

Your last remark is however worth a small question: you are aware that a girl will not stay a girl forever? I hope that you do not plan on dropping her once she ages. If you have a child with her, I believe you have some degree of responsibility towards her... And you owe her at least not to leave her in that place.

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I'm a little lost here......

OP what is your actual point?

That Thailand has bad crime?

That you are more likely to die in Thailand than in Australia?

What's your point? 99.9% of the world population would realise this already.

my point is a question, I dont really know the answer to,

Is this a horrible country

Is my TGFs village the worst in thailand

can you give any reason why kids should be raised here over australia. those are kind of my points but its more of a discussion, im just trying to understand why people are here.

my point is you could move to a shithole in Aus and be equally unhappy, leave the country, leave the village, whats the difference?

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Im from Adelaidae also and theres the same stories happening here that you mention in your op.

I agree theres so many sad heartbreaking stories going on, not just in Thailand, but every country.

yeh i know some shit goes down, but im trying to say more goes on here, i mean you have a higher % of running into problems

i did see a few big cases of child abuse in adelaide, but i think they need to build a escape proof fence around the northern suburbs and annex it from adelaide....

its all about education i guess. more educated=less risk, or maybe educated risk...

unless we are talking about drunk tourists.

​but back to the main point. i think i gave a good argument there why you would want kids to grow up here.

Fence in the north, what about the south?..just as bad.

Places like Alice Springs theres signs saying dont walk down here at night put there by police.

Theres good and bad, fair and unfair happening all around us all the time. Theres places alot worse than Thailand. In a country of some 65million, there are more good than bad people. Id still raise my child there.

Fence in the North, what with? Nazi style wire and Towers. The filth live in all suburbs not just the lower economic ones. Judge Liddy the convicted Child fiddler didn,t come from the North, Von Eiman didn,t come from Elizabeth. The Family is rumoured to be full of the Law Professions and they certainly dont live in the North, more like the leafy eastern Burbs. Get your prejudices right fellows.
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Best read/gripe on here .Honest & to the bone .

My MIL's sh!tty little village in Kampangphet sounds like Knightsbridge compared to where you are living .

Agreed. Thanks for the thread mpflover

i can give more stories if you guys want, just give me an idea of what you want to hear about and ill pull something out of the memory bank. i lived in pattaya for about 18mnths too at one stage, so i been in the time warp machine.

one week in pattaya can be like 1 month in a normal city, 18 mnths + there i change the way i look at people.

Some more stories about Pattaya would be good - the good, the bad and the ugly...

Also what brought you to Pattaya in the first place apart from the obvious, and how did a guy in his 20s having the time of his life in Pattaya end up with a child? How were you able to have a house and assets at home before moving to LOS whilst only in your 20s? What did you do for income in LOS? Any regrets? If you dont want to share this and its too personal, thats fine - just curious (and envious in many ways) - not about the child bit and having to go home now, but about you discovering LOS at a young age and being able to put your life back home on hold whilst you partied for a few years in the prime of your life.

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And the sum total of the OP's rant can be found in this one line ---- "then maybe the locals who aren't grateful for our moneys and time here would want us to come back."

If you are here looking for gratitude or to convert a developing nation overnight into a western one ... you will do one of three things.

1) Leave unhappy

2) Stay and whine and be even more miserable

3)Find some place for acceptance of how things are and do what you can.

The OP has opted for £1

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