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Chi Or Qi Master Or Teacher Or Those With Interest In Pattya


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The chi is the invisible life energy that runs through the body.

Martial arts, meditations, and healing often use the chi or qi.

I think acupuncture also uses the chi/qi.

Are there any chi or qi masters or teachers in pattaya of all places?

Or might there be people with experience or similar interest.

I will google but am open to suggestions how to get in touch with it, best use it and develop it further for health and life.

Edited by infinity11
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If you are prepared to pay with hard cash, I am absolutely sure you will meet a wide range of "teachers" and indeed "masters" of all sorts of "arts" some of which you may never even have imagined existed before in Pattaya, I assure you.

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Interestingly at the PCEC the other Sunday there was an Australian who is a genuine Han Shi / Sifu (Grand Master / Professor ) giving a talk on his first book from the 70s on Australian Police Corruption.

He teaches SWAT Teams / Interrogators etc all over the world & has been coming to Patts for many decades. He could tell you who is 'Real' here. He will not get 'involved' here it is his getaway place.

Don't know if that is a help I went to see him because he was a Teacher at our SWAT School in early 2001 on less than lethal weapons

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