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How Much Of An Age Gap Is Too Much?

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Formula for the age gap

Woman's age = half the man's age + 7

And yes its just an old generalisation (before everyone cites examples to prove otherwise) wink.png

I kind of like it - plugging in any number gives something realistic.

Doesn't work for Hef though - and why should it. If I had that much money, I wouldn't give a stuff about maths.

You are quite right, just an old generalisation, you fit right in the General Forum.

Well Done

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As this is more of a financial agreement then the age gap does not really make a difference. The girl has a right to charge accordingly for services given each time they meet together and the man has his right to a good service not matter the cost. If he does not like the rate then look for a cheaper one. If the supplier is supplying poor service move on to a new supplier your happy with. The key here is it is financial, work a business transaction. For me I do not care if a girl is older or younger male or female business is business all involved are adult. Forget about it !!!! Not sure what I will fancy when I am 75 y/o.

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So which would you rather see a 21 year old guy with a 12 year old girl or a 75 year old with a 25 year old girl? I don't think you can pick a fixed age difference. Depends on the circumstances. By the way I don't think much of either of them but dislike child abuse most.

A 75yo and a 25yo is not child abuse. You are right, you cannot fix an age difference, but you can fix a lower age limit.

I was referring to the 12 year old for child abuse, a 25 year old is old enough to know what they are doing but certainly not a 12 year old.

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Well I thought I would make this my first post after reading through.

Having first visited Thailand in April this year and going under strict rules...

1. Don't fall in love.

2. Don't fall in love.

3. Don't fall in love

I met a girl from up country, very sweet, little English and wearing braces. She only had been in Pattaya a week. It took me 5 days to eventually bar fine her which I took a punt and took her away from the bar for 5 days until I was due to fly home.

I had a translation app on my phone so we got by. She was 21 and I am 45. We had a great time, going to the movies and she showed me Thai food and such like. I bought her clothes from the market and treated her well.

I arrived home and after a few days she called to say hello, which I was not expecting, then again the following week. She asked me if I would ever go back to Thailand which after my first visit it was on my mind, so I said I will come out in June for 10 days. We agreed to meet and again got on well, her English was improving and the braces gone. She took me off to go and do Bhudda stuff and she took me home for 3 days which was an eye opener and I consider myself well travelled.

I left to come home, once home I downloaded a low cost overseas calling app on my phone booked to go back in October and then called her!

We spoke everyday and in October I went out, along with an iPad for her so we can Skype.

We went up to Chiang Mai and did Bhudda stuff, elephants, tigers and such like. First time for her flying as well. She then took me round BKK.

She was now 22 which is a little better I guess!

She has been very honest with me all along the way. And she was at first weary of me as she assumed I would butterfly which I have now proved I don't.

She has access to me 24/7 and we do have something going even though we have an age difference. I know she like so many other ladies would like stability by having a farang "boyfriend".

Tomorrow she is packing up and leaving Pattaya to go home which she is delighted about. And yes I will be sending her allowance and when I am out there next month I believe we might be shopping for a motorbike!

I'm not getting too worked up over her and the moment it starts to go downhill we have agreed we will let each other know.

So if you are still reading my little tale! I am 45 and she is a cute 22 year old and maybe it might work out. If not then I will go and sit in a beer garden and wait 10 minutes or so before I get asked if I want to play Connect 4!

The girls back in my office are not that surprised as they know I don't date anyone over 30 as a general rule.

What it has done for me, it has made me decide that i want to retire early and go out to Thailand, so now I am making overpayments on my mortgage and have a goal to get too. If redundancy was offered in about 5-7 years time that would work just well also.

This forum is a great source of info and getting a lot out from it, thanks guys and girls.

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So which would you rather see a 21 year old guy with a 12 year old girl or a 75 year old with a 25 year old girl? I don't think you can pick a fixed age difference. Depends on the circumstances. By the way I don't think much of either of them but dislike child abuse most.

A 75yo and a 25yo is not child abuse. You are right, you cannot fix an age difference, but you can fix a lower age limit.

I was referring to the 12 year old for child abuse, a 25 year old is old enough to know what they are doing but certainly not a 12 year old.

We're talking about legal sexual relationships on this thread.

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It's a slightly complicated formula similar to a set of simultaneous equations involving at least 3 variables and more could be added. They are

1) The age gap

2) The average age of the couple (the greater the average, the higher the allowed age gap).

3) The amount of financial support the man provides (the greater the amount, the higher the allowed age gap).

Others include

i) the woman's level of education, social standing and expectations

ii) their relative physical attractiveness

iii) <snip>

The list goes on. It is just a case of assigning values and you can come up with a mathematical answer and then you will know that such-and-such a relationship is acceptable and this one is not.

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Well I thought I would make this my first post after reading through.

Having first visited Thailand in April this year and going under strict rules...

1. Don't fall in love.

2. Don't fall in love.

3. Don't fall in love

I met a girl from up country, very sweet, little English and wearing braces. She only had been in Pattaya a week. It took me 5 days to eventually bar fine her which I took a punt and took her away from the bar for 5 days until I was due to fly home.

I had a translation app on my phone so we got by. She was 21 and I am 45. We had a great time, going to the movies and she showed me Thai food and such like. I bought her clothes from the market and treated her well.

I arrived home and after a few days she called to say hello, which I was not expecting, then again the following week. She asked me if I would ever go back to Thailand which after my first visit it was on my mind, so I said I will come out in June for 10 days. We agreed to meet and again got on well, her English was improving and the braces gone. She took me off to go and do Bhudda stuff and she took me home for 3 days which was an eye opener and I consider myself well travelled.

I left to come home, once home I downloaded a low cost overseas calling app on my phone booked to go back in October and then called her!

We spoke everyday and in October I went out, along with an iPad for her so we can Skype.

We went up to Chiang Mai and did Bhudda stuff, elephants, tigers and such like. First time for her flying as well. She then took me round BKK.

She was now 22 which is a little better I guess!

She has been very honest with me all along the way. And she was at first weary of me as she assumed I would butterfly which I have now proved I don't.

She has access to me 24/7 and we do have something going even though we have an age difference. I know she like so many other ladies would like stability by having a farang "boyfriend".

Tomorrow she is packing up and leaving Pattaya to go home which she is delighted about. And yes I will be sending her allowance and when I am out there next month I believe we might be shopping for a motorbike!

I'm not getting too worked up over her and the moment it starts to go downhill we have agreed we will let each other know.

So if you are still reading my little tale! I am 45 and she is a cute 22 year old and maybe it might work out. If not then I will go and sit in a beer garden and wait 10 minutes or so before I get asked if I want to play Connect 4!

The girls back in my office are not that surprised as they know I don't date anyone over 30 as a general rule.

What it has done for me, it has made me decide that i want to retire early and go out to Thailand, so now I am making overpayments on my mortgage and have a goal to get too. If redundancy was offered in about 5-7 years time that would work just well also.

This forum is a great source of info and getting a lot out from it, thanks guys and girls.

I wish you all the best mate. You seem to have a measured practical understanding of the possibilities with this relationship. Something similar has worked out perfectly for me and many others. As with many things in life you tend to mostly hear the bad news stories so while knowledge is indeed power it should not stop anyone from pursuing happiness.

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There is no amount that is too much if you don't marry the girl. These old farts (like me) who somehow believe that a marriage between a senior citizen and a very young girl is anything more than financial for the girl are nuts. Nuts.

I can show a girl who is 30 - 35 years younger than I a really good time and not get ripped of by my standards. She gets what she wants in the form of a much better lifestyle for the time, and maybe leaves with a new scooter. (Did that once.) I get what I want and it's a lot cheaper than bar girls per day or month or however it's measured. Even if it wasn't cheaper, I prefer a normal everyday gal to a bar girl even though in honesty I have to admit it's still a financial transaction.

dam_n, finally someone who is honest, and has the brains to see it, i thought this day would never come.

go get em and enjoy.

Everyone knows and has for years. There are poets who have written about it in Bangkok see enclosed Video with the poet reading from his book, "The go go dancer who stole my Viagra." What amazes me is that you don't know we know. The only people I have ever met who don't know the old guys know are young guys who post on Thai Visa.


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Everyone knows and has for years. What amazes me is that you don't know we know. The only people I have ever met who don't know the old guys know are young guys who post on Thai Visa.

I'd stop short of saying everyone (humans are capable of astonishing self-deception and denial) but I think the gist of your post is probably right: the average old dude with a much younger wife who is with him for reasons not entirely about lust or romantic love knows what's going on and presumably counts himself lucky that it is.

It's the young guys who seem to have a hard time working out something which is really quite simple.

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Everyone knows and has for years. What amazes me is that you don't know we know. The only people I have ever met who don't know the old guys know are young guys who post on Thai Visa.

I'd stop short of saying everyone (humans are capable of astonishing self-deception and denial) but I think the gist of your post is probably right: the average old dude with a much younger wife who is with him for reasons not entirely about lust or romantic love knows what's going on and presumably counts himself lucky that it is.

It's the young guys who seem to have a hard time working out something which is really quite simple.

I would agree with that. If there is obsession about this topic it is with our younger members as the old guys figured it out eons ago. When I was 25 I was attracted to 25 year old women. I haven't changed I still like 25 year old women at 65 and I'm sure I will at 85. One of the keys to success is consistency in any endeavor.

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Very long gap like that can be possible but hard to believe this is purely love ,

I have seen once on the TV programme which the woman die and born again fall in love with the same guy so the has long gap but not more than 30 year , Notice ! On the TV

so even the movies the gap is still not too long like that case

Living together doesn't mean loving each other , I am not sure flower and butterfly love each other or not but they live together .

"I am not sure flower and butterfly love each other or not but they live together"

Excellent analogy Seefaonuma, I like that a lot..............thumbsup.gif

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Everyone knows and has for years. What amazes me is that you don't know we know. The only people I have ever met who don't know the old guys know are young guys who post on Thai Visa.

I'd stop short of saying everyone (humans are capable of astonishing self-deception and denial) but I think the gist of your post is probably right: the average old dude with a much younger wife who is with him for reasons not entirely about lust or romantic love knows what's going on and presumably counts himself lucky that it is.

It's the young guys who seem to have a hard time working out something which is really quite simple.

I agree with you. What the young guys don't seem to get (and this has been raised ad nauseum) is that the old guys don't give a dam_n why their young wife stays with them. If it's for the money, so what? All this rubbish about old guys thinking that their 25 year old girl friend is with them for their good looks and charm, is exactly that. Rubbish.

I confess I was being somewhat disingenuous: I think in fact that young can work it out but prefer to pretend or believe they can't (speaking of delusion and denial) because accepting the truth leaves them with no grounds to criticize beyond some sort of affected moralistic disdain -- which is not a good look on a modern young guy.

Now why do they truly feel compelled to criticize? I'll not openly theorize but it's not hard to come up with some plausible and obvious reasons.

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Well I thought I would make this my first post after reading through.

Having first visited Thailand in April this year and going under strict rules...

1. Don't fall in love.

2. Don't fall in love.

3. Don't fall in love

I met a girl from up country, very sweet, little English and wearing braces. She only had been in Pattaya a week. It took me 5 days to eventually bar fine her which I took a punt and took her away from the bar for 5 days until I was due to fly home.

I had a translation app on my phone so we got by. She was 21 and I am 45. We had a great time, going to the movies and she showed me Thai food and such like. I bought her clothes from the market and treated her well.

I arrived home and after a few days she called to say hello, which I was not expecting, then again the following week. She asked me if I would ever go back to Thailand which after my first visit it was on my mind, so I said I will come out in June for 10 days. We agreed to meet and again got on well, her English was improving and the braces gone. She took me off to go and do Bhudda stuff and she took me home for 3 days which was an eye opener and I consider myself well travelled.

I left to come home, once home I downloaded a low cost overseas calling app on my phone booked to go back in October and then called her!

We spoke everyday and in October I went out, along with an iPad for her so we can Skype.

We went up to Chiang Mai and did Bhudda stuff, elephants, tigers and such like. First time for her flying as well. She then took me round BKK.

She was now 22 which is a little better I guess!

She has been very honest with me all along the way. And she was at first weary of me as she assumed I would butterfly which I have now proved I don't.

She has access to me 24/7 and we do have something going even though we have an age difference. I know she like so many other ladies would like stability by having a farang "boyfriend".

Tomorrow she is packing up and leaving Pattaya to go home which she is delighted about. And yes I will be sending her allowance and when I am out there next month I believe we might be shopping for a motorbike!

I'm not getting too worked up over her and the moment it starts to go downhill we have agreed we will let each other know.

So if you are still reading my little tale! I am 45 and she is a cute 22 year old and maybe it might work out. If not then I will go and sit in a beer garden and wait 10 minutes or so before I get asked if I want to play Connect 4!

The girls back in my office are not that surprised as they know I don't date anyone over 30 as a general rule.

What it has done for me, it has made me decide that i want to retire early and go out to Thailand, so now I am making overpayments on my mortgage and have a goal to get too. If redundancy was offered in about 5-7 years time that would work just well also.

This forum is a great source of info and getting a lot out from it, thanks guys and girls.

Actually you'd be amazed at home many of the Issan girls in Bangkok and Pattaya btw 18-22 have only been in those places a week or 2. At least when I asked around the percentage was quite high. I was 41 and grabbed an 18 y/o Issan girl like that for a 6 year live in arrangement. Her family came to visit twice but I never visited them in Issan. Come to think of it I've been to Issan only to Udon Thani airport on a Vientiane visa run a few times across friendship bridge. That relationship was scrapped and a Uni grad hottie took her place and we're married 4 years now. Ironically both are the same age but light years apart intellectually. Good luck to you pal as I found that age gap where you are to be perfect at least for me. In 8 years that gap will be the half + 7 year diff that SVB said was ideal.

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Actually you'd be amazed at home many of the Issan girls in Bangkok and Pattaya btw 18-22 have only been in those places a week or 2. At least when I asked around the percentage was quite high.


Yes, I'm sure that percentage was high indeed.

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Many marriages between couples of the same age turn into business transactions when the flower of the intial attraction fades and dies. I don't think it's anyones business other than the couple involved. Too many nosy hypocrites want to mess in somebody elses affairs. I hate hypocrites with a passion. They are mostly jealous slimeballs. If a wealthy old woman wants to have her toy boys then I say go for it.

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Many marriages between couples of the same age turn into business transactions when the flower of the intial attraction fades and dies. I don't think it's anyones business other than the couple involved. Too many nosy hypocrites want to mess in somebody elses affairs. I hate hypocrites with a passion. They are mostly jealous slimeballs. If a wealthy old woman wants to have her toy boys then I say go for it.

Older women have been travelling to places like the Caribbean and Africa for years to enjoy the company and sexual favours of young men, and why not?

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I'm curious about somethig the age gap arbiters can perhaps help me with: does the correct or acceptable gap remain constant regardless of respective ages?


Is a 31 year old allowed to be with a 20 year old?

How about a 50 year old with a 39 year old?


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I would agree with that. If there is obsession about this topic it is with our younger members as the old guys figured it out eons ago. When I was 25 I was attracted to 25 year old women. I haven't changed I still like 25 year old women at 65 and I'm sure I will at 85. One of the keys to success is consistency in any endeavor.

The young guys who are 25 will also still like 25 year olds when they are older. They may just not know it yet. I do like 30 year olds though. I find them a bit more relaxed with life.

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