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Rate The Miserable Food Quality Of Bangkok Hospital!


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Just come back after one week in the Bangkok hospital, and was big disappointed about the food quality and variety of the food!

Every morning the same chicken rice soup a cheap 10 bath bread with a sweeted milk!

All dinner menus was served cold, with a instant spaghetti souce!

Some oversweat low quality deserts, that was the foodplan in Bangkok hospital!

I did not understand why not more money is invested in more quality food !

I don't know have other hospital same problem!

Only one time some apple for the desert other days no fruit at all!

Every 50 bath menu on the market is better, then that what bk hospital served!

A shame on there food quality manegment, Stated to year ago also in Pattaya the fruits have a chemical taste, was thinking another location have better foods but also not have!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I assume you are referring to Bangkok Pattaya hospital.

As many of you will know, I'm not a great fan of that particular hospital but I hear very positive things from friends about their complaints desk which is manned by foreigners.

It may be worth going to have a chat with them and see what they have to say, as these days they seem to be ultra sensitive to criticisms and have been known to bend over backwards to keep their customers satisfied.

Food in all hospitals throughout the world is notoriously awful, and quite frankly, if you're expecting a first class culinary experience when staying in hospital , you will always be disappointed.

Personally I never expect decent food from any hospital; and always try to make alternative arrangements for food to be brought in whenever possible.

However, I was recently an inpatient in a large government hospital in Bangkok, and while the food wasn't exactly of Michelin standards, it wasn't at all bad and much of it was very palatable. - both Thai and farang food.

But back to BPH, you never know - a word in the right ear may provoke some action.....

I know, pigs and all that....

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I was in BKK Rayong Hospital a few years ago for a few days and the food was good as hospital standards go....dont know what the OP was expecting.... Gordon Ramsey cooking or some other Michelin starred chef rolleyes.gif

As with most things in life if you are prepared to pay extra for haute cusine pretty sure BHP would sort you out

As regards the OP's comment

"I did not understand why not more money is invested in more quality food !"

Personally I would prefer they invested all their money in top notch medical care....seeing as this is the reason people are in hosptial....whistling.gif

On a scale of 1 to 10 for the weekly whinger award...this OP rates rather low as a 4 - must try harder with the quality of the whinge...thumbsup.gif

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I stayed in the old BNH on Convent Road in 1976 for a sinus operation and the food was superb. They even brought around a cheese plate after the last course at dinner. I delayed my departure as long as I could.

I'm guessing it's been downhill since then but will find out next month when I'm due to stay a night.

Hospitals have nutritionists and the OP might have been put on a special low-fat diet. Those are not much fun.

That's just a guess.

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Most get a friend to bring their meals in.

Totally inedible everywhere (in the world).

Too true.

Ironic that a place that is supposed to help cure sickness and disease helps progagate it by serving nutritionless garbage.

Get someone to bring your own food in. That is the only solution.

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