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Ex-Thai Prime Minister Abhisit ' To Face Murder Charge ': Officials


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unless he pulled the trigger he didn't murder anyone - rediculous

If a Thai soldier on the ground was trigger happy and there's evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that he killed an inocent taxi driver then he should be brought to court to answer the allegations

only in Thailand

Not ridiculous law-wise ... the Military Tribunal at Nurnberg did not regard this as - ridiculous - the eight top judges from US, UK, USSR, and France did find the accused leaders guilty and they were sentenced, although they had not killed people personally.

The same applied recently to the deposed Egyptian president Mubarak, he did not kill people personally, but was find guilty and sentenced accordingly.

The same has also applied to many political leaders across the globe, they had not killed people personally, but were fund guilty and sentenced.

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Thailand is going to be "left in the dust" as the politicians (yellow/ red/ greed color of whatever) continue to protest against one another and plan out schemes against one another; meanwhile surrounding countries will soon catch up with their "appeal" and soon surpass Thailand with international businesses moving in. Look at what happened to the Philippines 30? years ago.

You are so right. The Philippines and other SE Asian countries are starting to look better and better. Better pack my bags.

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Once again , don't forget the Temple murder ! and how given order to.open fire !? How was responsible !? for death of 91 people's !?

91? Were the government responsible for all the grenades that were shot from the protest areas?

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Once again , don't forget the Temple murder ! and how given order to.open fire !? How was responsible !? for death of 91 people's !?

Once again, out of 91, 20 were officials. A truly fascinating number.

is it ok to shoot the nurse for revenge?

No. When did that happen?

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Once again , don't forget the Temple murder ! and how given order to.open fire !? How was responsible !? for death of 91 people's !?

Once again, out of 91, 20 were officials. A truly fascinating number.

is it ok to shoot the nurse for revenge?

I didn't know it happened but those things are not ok.

Maybe you are confused with invading a hospital? Hence the nurse story..

Edited by Nickymaster
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Thailand is going to be "left in the dust" as the politicians (yellow/ red/ greed color of whatever) continue to protest against one another and plan out schemes against one another; meanwhile surrounding countries will soon catch up with their "appeal" and soon surpass Thailand with international businesses moving in. Look at what happened to the Philippines 30? years ago.

You are so right. The Philippines and other SE Asian countries are starting to look better and better. Better pack my bags.

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Wonder if the courts will make charges against Jatupon and the others as their red shirts killed Army personnel. Doubt it very much.

Think the outside world is laughing at Thailand again

What makes you thnk it ever gets much of a chance to stop

What makes you think the world outside Thailand is even paying attention to the world inside Thailand?

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Think the outside world is laughing at Thailand again

To be honest I don't think the outside world gives a toss what happens here

When governments go out of their way to use trumped-up charges to accuse former PMs it does tend to become news worldwide. Taiwan, Banglsdesh, Ukraine & others are recent examples of this type of political vendetta.

Name me one Thai Government that hasn't gone out of its way to use trumped-up charges, including opposition parties

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In politics, this strategy never works. Look at Clinton's impeachment hearing. A lot of the Congressmen who supported impeachment got thrown out by the voters. You don't want to make your enemy look like a victim.

You aren't in America anymore.

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unless he pulled the trigger he didn't murder anyone - rediculous

If a Thai soldier on the ground was trigger happy and there's evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that he killed an inocent taxi driver then he should be brought to court to answer the allegations

only in Thailand

by your same thinking Hitler is innocent to? Where do you people get your twisted ideas?

ever heard of war crimes, you obviously don't know the difference between "civil disturbance" and "war"

go check it out we'll miss you while you educate yourself

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Think the outside world is laughing at Thailand again

To be honest I don't think the outside world gives a toss what happens here

When governments go out of their way to use trumped-up charges to accuse former PMs it does tend to become news worldwide. Taiwan, Banglsdesh, Ukraine & others are recent examples of this type of political vendetta.

Name me one Thai Government that hasn't gone out of its way to use trumped-up charges, including opposition parties

So, you agree that this is a trumped-up charge. In fact it is a vendetta (including the military service kangaroo court) against the opposition leader to stop him opposing the whitewash for Thaksin.

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Forgive me if I'm wrong about this but here goes

The DSI start an investigation gathering evidence etc

They then present the case to the courts (in the UK it would be the DPP first) to see if there is a case to answer.

The court rules no case

Case thrown out

The DPI have said they will detain the two accused regardless the outcome of a court hearing

so what happens next if the coust says no case to answer ?

Do the DSI or government form their own court

where is this leading ?

The only outcome I can see here is Tarit Pengdith and what ever Thai prosecutors involved in this being removed from office as unfit

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And still the politicians prefer to attack each other instead of bringing Thailand ahead. It's just s shame!

Really wondering if there is any other country on this globe where the (political) SHIT OF THE BULL is continuing for decades like in this by imbecils and corrupt gangsters ruled country whistling.gif Poor Thailand, must be ashamed of yourself! (pointing to those ^ssholes in Krungthep....).

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