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How Much Is Red Bill In Thailand Stronger Then In Other Country's?


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I read many time that engery drinks in thailand are much stronger concentrated then in other country's?

How about m 150 and other energy drinks?

Means in Thailand the energy drinks more dangerous?

After drinking I see a report on discovery the blood pressure go up quickly!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Who is Red Bill?

Red Ken's brother?

Surely a communist drink....More sickles in it, while in Europe there are more hammer....

Yes it vary a bit. Depending on the local laws. Also in Thailand there is more sugar in it. Doesn't make it more dangerous, just you should drink less of it.

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Who is Red Bill?

Red Ken's brother?

Surely a communist drink....More sickles in it, while in Europe there are more hammer....

Yes it vary a bit. Depending on the local laws. Also in Thailand there is more sugar in it. Doesn't make it more dangerous, just you should drink less of it.

sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

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Who is Red Bill?

Red Ken's brother?

Surely a communist drink....More sickles in it, while in Europe there are more hammer....

Yes it vary a bit. Depending on the local laws. Also in Thailand there is more sugar in it. Doesn't make it more dangerous, just you should drink less of it.

sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

Sugar is not a health problem, have you just emerged from 50 years in cryogenic sleep?

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Surely a communist drink....More sickles in it, while in Europe there are more hammer....

Yes it vary a bit. Depending on the local laws. Also in Thailand there is more sugar in it. Doesn't make it more dangerous, just you should drink less of it.

sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

Sugar is not a health problem, have you just emerged from 50 years in cryogenic sleep?

It contains about as much sugar as regular coke.

Trying to make the sugar content a problem specific to Red Bull / Krating Daeng is misleading.

Also, sugar is not one of the major health problems to be worried about, and proof for many of its alleged negative effects remains inconclusive.


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Surely a communist drink....More sickles in it, while in Europe there are more hammer....

Yes it vary a bit. Depending on the local laws. Also in Thailand there is more sugar in it. Doesn't make it more dangerous, just you should drink less of it.

sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

Sugar is not a health problem, have you just emerged from 50 years in cryogenic sleep?

It contains about as much sugar as regular coke.

Trying to make the sugar content a problem specific to Red Bull / Krating Daeng is misleading.

Also, sugar is not one of the major health problems to be worried about, and proof for many of its alleged negative effects remains inconclusive.


Manarak, In no way could what Rancid be taken as misleading or trying to be misleading...

I think someone (you, Manarak 555) said something silly and is now trying to wiggle his way out of looking like a tool.. 555

Edited by Jigger
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sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

Sugar is not a health problem, have you just emerged from 50 years in cryogenic sleep?

It contains about as much sugar as regular coke.

Trying to make the sugar content a problem specific to Red Bull / Krating Daeng is misleading.

Also, sugar is not one of the major health problems to be worried about, and proof for many of its alleged negative effects remains inconclusive.


Manarak, In no way could what Rancid be taken as misleading or trying to be misleading...

I think someone (you, Manarak 555) said something silly and is now trying to wiggle his way out of looking like a tool.. 555

Ok, go ahead and demonstrate why sugar in Red Bull is a problem and why sugar in general should be labeled a "health problem"...

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Who is Red Bill?

Red Ken's brother?

Surely a communist drink....More sickles in it, while in Europe there are more hammer....

Yes it vary a bit. Depending on the local laws. Also in Thailand there is more sugar in it. Doesn't make it more dangerous, just you should drink less of it.

sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

I call BS. The glucose in sugar is fine (50% of sugar), more than 20 grams a day of fructose is basically a hiddious poison on your body.

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Who is Red Bill?

Red Ken's brother?

Surely a communist drink....More sickles in it, while in Europe there are more hammer....

Yes it vary a bit. Depending on the local laws. Also in Thailand there is more sugar in it. Doesn't make it more dangerous, just you should drink less of it.

sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

Convince 350 million diabetics of that!

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Red Bull's the same here as other countries, the M-150 Storm has more but it's not that much. The FDA was investigating similar '5-hour-energy' drinks last month in the US but really they don't have that much, maybe 200mg of caffeine compared with 100mg in a cup of coffee; a large Starbucks, 'Grande' has over 330mg for instance. The danger comes from people drinking too many energy drinks in a short time-span, perhaps.

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sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

I call BS. The glucose in sugar is fine (50% of sugar), more than 20 grams a day of fructose is basically a hiddious poison on your body.


Red bull uses sweeteners, of which none is directly fructose. The contained sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose. Fructose accounts for about 17% of Red Bull's sweeteners.

To compare, Pepsi's and Coca Cola's sweeteners are 65% fructose.

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Many food and drinks in Thailand much sweeter then in Europe for example the fanta and the sprite, I cannot drink here!

Also the herbal sweets from ricola Switzerland company in europe 95 procent herbal less sugar in thai is via versa same on the jam!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

I call BS. The glucose in sugar is fine (50% of sugar), more than 20 grams a day of fructose is basically a hiddious poison on your body.


Red bull uses sweeteners, of which none is directly fructose. The contained sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose. Fructose accounts for about 17% of Red Bull's sweeteners.

To compare, Pepsi's and Coca Cola's sweeteners are 65% fructose.

Sugar is poison. I would respectfully say you either are in the sugar business or you are just completely clueless. Start to educate yourself about the effects of sugar. A good place to start would be Dr. Mercola's website. Search sugar in the website. Again, not trying to be disrespectful. I study alternative medicine on average 4 hours a day, and by no means am I an expert, but the effects of sugar are disastrous on anyone's health. The deadliest is fructose...

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sugar is not a problem - sugar is broken down very quickly by the body

I call BS. The glucose in sugar is fine (50% of sugar), more than 20 grams a day of fructose is basically a hiddious poison on your body.


Red bull uses sweeteners, of which none is directly fructose. The contained sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose. Fructose accounts for about 17% of Red Bull's sweeteners.

To compare, Pepsi's and Coca Cola's sweeteners are 65% fructose.

Sugar is poison. I would respectfully say you either are in the sugar business or you are just completely clueless. Start to educate yourself about the effects of sugar. A good place to start would be Dr. Mercola's website. Search sugar in the website. Again, not trying to be disrespectful. I study alternative medicine on average 4 hours a day, and by no means am I an expert, but the effects of sugar are disastrous on anyone's health. The deadliest is fructose...

Dr Mercola is a quack - http://www.quackwatc...nd/mercola.html

Alternative medicine is usually a way of separating fools who cannot think critically and analytically from their money as rapidly as possible , with no consequences for the defrauder. Any quack and fool can post any quack nonsense online and get other fools to give him money. Conspicuously lacking are any scientific proofs for the statements these people make.

FDA Orders Dr. Joseph Mercola to Stop Illegal Claims

Many of Mercola's articles make unsubstantiated claims and clash with those of leading medical and public health organizations. For example, he opposes immunization [4] and fluoridation [5], and mammography [6]; claims that amalgam fillings are toxic [7]; and makes many unsubstantiated recommendations for dietary supplements. Mercola's reach has been greatly boosted by repeated promotion on the "Dr. Oz Show."...

In 2005, the FDA ordered Mercola and his Optimal Wellness Center to stop making illegal claims for products sold through his Web site [11]. The claims to which the FDA objected involved three products...

In 2006, the FDA sent Mercola and his center a second warning that was based on product labels collected during an inspection at his facility and on claims made on the Optimum Wellness Center Web site [12]....

In 2011, the FDA ordered Mercola to stop making claims for thermography that go beyond what the equipment he uses (Medtherm2000 infrared camera) was cleared for. The warning letter said that statements on Mercola's site improperly imply that the Meditherm camera can be used alone to diagnose or screen for various diseases ...

That being said, although "Dr Mercola's" claims are all balls, the American Diabetes Association advises limiting sugar intake, including specifically from soft drinks, to reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity .

That's good enough for me.

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Sugar is poison. I would respectfully say you either are in the sugar business or you are just completely clueless. Start to educate yourself about the effects of sugar. A good place to start would be Dr. Mercola's website. Search sugar in the website. Again, not trying to be disrespectful. I study alternative medicine on average 4 hours a day, and by no means am I an expert, but the effects of sugar are disastrous on anyone's health. The deadliest is fructose...

Well, we do live on different planets.

Reading your post, I wonder how people are able to survive until 80 years of age in average while still eating meat, fat, sugar, MSG and whatnot...

At 75 Kg, I am not overweight, I have no particular health problems, normal cholesterol levels, etc.

But something will eventually kill me.

But I want to enjoy myself and not spend "4 hours per day" worrying about microgrammes of what ever could potentially be harmful.

Bunta71: if you study alternative medicine for 4 hours a day, that means alternative medicine has become an obsession for you and will eventually kill you, in addition of wasting 50% of your usable time of your life. I'm dead serious. Be careful and seek professional advice if you feel this compulsion is out of control.

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My obsession is simply to stay alive and support my family as long as I can help. Around 7 years ago, and seemingly overnight, my health went very bad. Without going into detail, I will say that I nearly died several times and spent months bedridden and even unable to turn over in bed by myself. Turns out that the pharmaceuticals that were prescribed for the particular problems I had were very toxic and created problems ,some of which I still have to deal with. Some of them were...Prednisone, Methotrexate, Atenolol, Topomax, Dilantin, and others. All testing (and there was plenty) identified these particular drugs as the causes of each problem. These results were given to me by actual AMA Doctors who admitted the problems.

I began a journey to take my health into my own hands and started to educate myself. Compared to the bedridden life I had before, my health is now astonishing. Not perfect but I am fairly mobile now and a couple of my diseases are in remission because I addressed the causes instead of the conventional methods of dealing with the symptoms.

Yes Dr. mercola has been attacked by the Big Pharma powers. That tells me he's on to something. He is also a large seller of very expensive supplements that I can't afford. BUT he is a former MD that in his own words " got tired of killing people instead of healing them ". He then went on to become a Natural Doctor. Although there are many things I do not agree with concerning Dr. Mercola, that fact is the wealth of information available on his site is enormous. Don't through out the baby with the bath water as they say. Obsessed about life.

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ok, if you are seriously ill, I can understand that you spend time to look for solutions, especially after experiencing what seems like a bad case of drug interaction. Drugs don't always work and sometimes have negative effects.

That being said... best wishes for recovery.

I'm off to eat ka moo ping at a german restaurant.

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