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Wholesale And Marketprices In Thailand , How Much Is The Profit In Fruit And Clothes?


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A friend want open a clothes store in Pattaya , and call me yesterday!

Next week we go to Bangkok to check some wholesale markets !

Interesting would be how high aproximently the prices in clothes in large numbers, and how high the profit will be?

Often I see when the locals sale on Buddhists festival much cheaper then in the store 2 short trousers for 100 bath!,or is it better to open a fruit shop?

The problem in Thailand is I think everyone sale the same stuff, but no one comes and sales something else, that no other sales before!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Interesting thoughts you have.

Fruit, my wife used to sell fruit so I can give you some of the low down on that, she was working on a 25% to 30% mark up per kilo. She sold pineapple so she could prepare it for eating and extend that a bit, but sometimes she got some pines that had to be chucked and she was the end of the chain, you dont take them back to the supplier and the public wont buy so she had to take the loss. You also have to factor in, rent, electric, packaging, bags, sticks, sugar and chill's, your own food and transport and by the time you have worked it all out there is not much left. Rather than me keep bailing out I told her to stop and stay at home, within 2 minutes of where she worked there were 8 other fruitsellers, why would they come to you the odds are not good. Thankfully the bank wanted to re develop the site which made things easier.

Thais are not original buyers and sellers. If you try and sell them something new they wont try it or buy it because they dont do that, its not Thai, on the other hand, if you set up a coffee shop or beauty salon and its does well you will see other Thais quickly following your example. We have 10 salons on our estate and I have seen anyone go in one of them! They are not independent thinkers. Clothes would give you a good mark up but you will need to hold a fair amount of stock to cover sizes and colours and as you have noticed things are cheap at the markets is it worth tieing up your money? You will constantly be topping up the stock and you will always have to stock and its not easy to get rid of it if you have a change of heart.

Thai love to buy and sell, they think they are good at, I dont.

I hope that helps you or at least gives you something to think about and of you want more try asking a Thai this question "if you could open up a shop and sell what you liked what would that be and why?" The location is not of interest but you soon see its a bit of a stumper.

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Dont sell cheaper than the locals or there will be trouble. Do you think anyone with a good business idea would tell you?

Best business in Thailand is no business.

Edited by krisb
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Dont sell cheaper than the locals or there will be trouble. Do you think anyone with a good business idea would tell you?

Best business in Thailand is no business.

I have plenty of corner shops on my estate, never see anyone in them, sso whats a good days trade? Twice nothing is still nothing and how much have you got tied up in stock? How much of your life is spent aiting for customers who are not coming?

Best business is no business is spot on.

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