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Is The Cosmetic Industry The Main Sponsor Of The Thai Tv& Love Movies In Tv?


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today I want to the opinion what each user think about the thai tv!

A short look at the advertising , and you see nearly every 5 minutes tv break some cream and cosmetic for sale !

Must be a gigantic income ,at the moment I not have the information , how much one secounds advertising in the thai tv coasts I think less then in Europe!

My opinion about the love movies , a lot of violence, and stupid story too!

I think most relationship problems comes because people believe that what come on tv, and do the same in daily life!

Attack each other with the knife after a little miss understanding tears and lies are free include!

The love songs in the radio talk about the same the man or woman go, never come back,why there is no sorry after a conflict in Thailand?, why there is no pardon , everything after a conflict is final!

Maybe because the answer in the buddhism always look forward, never look back ,for western people difficult to understand!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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It is in fact the Do It Yourself Lobotomy Foundation, apparently chronic watchers are signing up in droves, many after the treatment seem to later end up as public servants. The casual viewer tends more towards electroshock in vain attempts to try to restimulate their cognitive thinking however uncontrollable drooling and flatulence seems the more common outcome.

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