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How Many Expats Live In Thailand But Work Out Side Thailand


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I know a number of guys who work in Thailand in the O&G industry on a rotational basis, I also know a number of guys who do exactly the same work outside Thailand on a rotational basis and spend their remaining time basing themselves in Thailand.

Most work 28 x 28 in the O&G industry in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and also further afield in area's such as Mozambique, Oman, Qatar....

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I know a number of guys who work in Thailand in the O&G industry on a rotational basis, I also know a number of guys who do exactly the same work outside Thailand on a rotational basis and spend their remaining time basing themselves in Thailand.

Most work 28 x 28 in the O&G industry in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and also further afield in area's such as Mozambique, Oman, Qatar....

Guy who live opposite me does 2 weeks on 4 off on the rigs off Norway - talk about cushy!!!

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I know a number of guys who work in Thailand in the O&G industry on a rotational basis, I also know a number of guys who do exactly the same work outside Thailand on a rotational basis and spend their remaining time basing themselves in Thailand.

Most work 28 x 28 in the O&G industry in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and also further afield in area's such as Mozambique, Oman, Qatar....

Guy who live opposite me does 2 weeks on 4 off on the rigs off Norway - talk about cushy!!!

ah but ask him about his Norwegian tax....one suspects not so cushy...biggrin.png

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I don't, but I kind of wish I did. Work full time here and while it's great to see my wife and kids every day, I am always busy and have to live in Bangkok. If I had every other month off I wouldn't live anywhere near Bangkok, and I'd get to spend all my time doing fun stuff when I was back.

Unfortunately there isn't much call for sales managers on oil rigs.

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I prefer to dispence with the pretence of living in Thailand when I'm living and working elsewhere.

Right now I live snd work in Thailand. Some time around the end of next year I might ( subject to Ts and Cs) work outside of Thailand and R&R back here.

At that time I'll be living and working outside of Thailand taking my leave cycle here.

I don't need to wear a Thailand badge, life is where you are not some place you are not.

Edited by GuestHouse
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I know a number of guys who work in Thailand in the O&G industry on a rotational basis, I also know a number of guys who do exactly the same work outside Thailand on a rotational basis and spend their remaining time basing themselves in Thailand.

Most work 28 x 28 in the O&G industry in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and also further afield in area's such as Mozambique, Oman, Qatar....

Guy who live opposite me does 2 weeks on 4 off on the rigs off Norway - talk about cushy!!!

ah but ask him about his Norwegian tax....one suspects not so cushy...biggrin.png

You may be right there but taxes in Oz are getting up there with medicare surcharge, flood levies etc etc.

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Who's talking about wearing a Thailand badge <deleted>? Most of the guys replying here are just answering the OP's question, a very simple question really, if you choose to call your place of work your home too then that's up to you.

I work in Nigeria and for sure I'd never call Nigeria my home,, Im a british national, Iast time in UK was more than a year ago for a fortnight holiday, prior to that was nearly 2 years ago so I wouldn't call UK my home,, I travel to Nigeria to work,, wake up each day to start a 12 hour working day, finish the shift, sh-t, shave, shower and go to sleep, I do that for 5 weeks,,then fly home to Thailand to the wife and kids, not so much R&R when I'm home neither as plenty other stuff to be done,, well maybe we do manage a couple of days stay at Cha-am beach every second rotation home..


Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Ive always thought of an expat is someone who has decided to live in another country.....right?

I work for myself in construction in Australia and then go live Thailand 3 months a year, except currently wifes here pregnant and we cant fly home to LOS.

So Im a 3 month a year expat....or is that still a tourist?

Seems to be so many lads working in the digging and drilling industries doing the weeks on weeks off deal.

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I started splitting my time here in Thailand about 3.5 years ago. Would work 4-5 week in the states then 1-2 weeks here in Thailand. Racked up a lot of frequent flier miles, but last year the traveling started to get tiresome. Now I opt for 3-4 months work and a month or two in the LOS, repeat...

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But i get vacation as well. 28/28 + 4 weeks annual.

How does that work on an even time rotation ?...smile.png

It's the internet - anyone can make whatever claim they wish............. So long as they don't expect others working the same business to believe them....

Ditto a few others above.

He would be entitled to holiday pay if on the cards.

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This year I have worked 2 months on and 2 off, next year it will be about 3 months on and 2 off.

After a month in Thailand I start looking forward to getting back to work, Thailand has a lot of charm but it gets boring.

And after 1 day back at work you're thinking dam_n another 59 days to go of living like a tramp eating stodgy food until i get back to Thailand.

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This year I have worked 2 months on and 2 off, next year it will be about 3 months on and 2 off.

After a month in Thailand I start looking forward to getting back to work, Thailand has a lot of charm but it gets boring.

And after 1 day back at work you're thinking dam_n another 59 days to go of living like a tramp eating stodgy food until i get back to Thailand.

Some do and some don’t.

Not everybody that works rotation lives like a tramp or have to eat dodgy food.

In my own case I live in a decent furnished apartment and cook my own food when I feel like it.

If not there’s about a 100 restaurants to choose from if you like to eat out.

And I don’t work 12 hrs/day either; 8-10 hrs/day, 5-6 days/week is about it.

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This year I have worked 2 months on and 2 off, next year it will be about 3 months on and 2 off.

After a month in Thailand I start looking forward to getting back to work, Thailand has a lot of charm but it gets boring.

And after 1 day back at work you're thinking dam_n another 59 days to go of living like a tramp eating stodgy food until i get back to Thailand.

Some do and some don’t.

Not everybody that works rotation lives like a tramp or have to eat dodgy food.

In my own case I live in a decent furnished apartment and cook my own food when I feel like it.

If not there’s about a 100 restaurants to choose from if you like to eat out.

And I don’t work 12 hrs/day either; 8-10 hrs/day, 5-6 days/week is about it.

me neither...I live in first class accommodation at the King Abdullah Economic City an' drive a new SUV and have available to me all the hommous, baba ganoush and fresh arabic bread that I can eat...beats bein' on the road in the US NW woods as a timber tramp and lookin' fer work with a tin of cold beans and dodging the local cops that wanna kick yer ass and put ye in the local lockup for bein' a vagrant and a general description undesirable...

(then tutsi rolls off a hendrix riff on his strat and shouts into the mic: 'an' youse gots to belieeeeve me right now!...')

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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This year I have worked 2 months on and 2 off, next year it will be about 3 months on and 2 off.

After a month in Thailand I start looking forward to getting back to work, Thailand has a lot of charm but it gets boring.

And after 1 day back at work you're thinking dam_n another 59 days to go of living like a tramp eating stodgy food until i get back to Thailand.

My first trip offshore was a production platform of western australia. The food was amazing. Lobster, prawns, oysters every other night. One table dedicated to cakes only. Probably 10 or so.

After 3 weeks on board i got onto the chopper with my pants unzipped cause i didn't fit them anymore.

Since then i've learned to control myself

Cant say i was living like a tramp

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yeah...ye gots t'be careful with all the high livin' when out on an assignment...

I've just been at home now for R&R for a couple of weeks and in the kitchen with some fresh tofu and bok choy from the market I didn't know where to begin...

then the little niece came in, gave me a puzzled look and started to peel the garlic and then I growled: 'get outta here...I know how to do that...' she's 10 now and doesn't get upset; she just sighed, tossed the knife into the sink and went upstairs to look at cartoons...

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This year I have worked 2 months on and 2 off, next year it will be about 3 months on and 2 off.

After a month in Thailand I start looking forward to getting back to work, Thailand has a lot of charm but it gets boring.

And after 1 day back at work you're thinking dam_n another 59 days to go of living like a tramp eating stodgy food until i get back to Thailand.

Speak for yourself....I work offshore and the food and accomdation is very good

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This year I have worked 2 months on and 2 off, next year it will be about 3 months on and 2 off.

After a month in Thailand I start looking forward to getting back to work, Thailand has a lot of charm but it gets boring.

And after 1 day back at work you're thinking dam_n another 59 days to go of living like a tramp eating stodgy food until i get back to Thailand.

Speak for yourself....I work offshore and the food and accomdation is very good

Ive worked in Norway quite a bit recently which is renowned as being the best place in the world to work offshore in that you get your own room often with wifi and some of the better food, but after a few days it all just tastes the same and your working 12 hour days for 14 days, its hardly a life of a prince.

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^^^drinkin' on the job is no fcukin' good...I have a healthy disrespect for authority and am generally a rebellious type but site safety is a no. 1 priority...the safety man will come by and have you drawn and quartered before you are thrown off the site...

right before I left we were working on a low pressure turbine casing and a scaffold gave way and a guy almost fell into the condenser...goddam scaff-tag and all...

to the filipino foreman I said: 'you see that? safety around here is your responsibility...but I won't say nothin' as it would cost you yer job...and I ain't the owner's engineer for nothin'...'

I was a bit nervous as we recently had a fatal accident where some dumb new guy got between a crane counterweight and another machine...no one's fault but his own but ye always hate to see it happen...

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Get off your high horse. We aint breaking no rules.

Im Living in a wet camp. Just gotta make sure you dont blow numbers in the morning.

I do beleive "tutsi" is taking the p*ss....no really talks like that unless they are a "safety numpty professional"...whistling.gif

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bullshit...before I got into the power business I was a logger in the US NW woods and I saw a lot of guys get busted up on a daily basis...the fcukin' bosses want us to work as fast as we can so they can make their dough and get out...so it's not only about safety but about the relationship between the management and the workers and you don't haveta read Das Kapital to know what that's about...

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I know a number of guys who work in Thailand in the O&G industry on a rotational basis, I also know a number of guys who do exactly the same work outside Thailand on a rotational basis and spend their remaining time basing themselves in Thailand.

Most work 28 x 28 in the O&G industry in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and also further afield in area's such as Mozambique, Oman, Qatar....

Guy who live opposite me does 2 weeks on 4 off on the rigs off Norway - talk about cushy!!!

ah but ask him about his Norwegian tax....one suspects not so cushy...biggrin.png

Norwegian tax is not so bad,in fact many european countries now have a higher tax on income than Norway wink.png ..........it`s the tax on overtime that`s a killer. !!!

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