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Loan Sharks May Be Registered In Bid To Curb Interest Rates: Thailand


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Shows how inept this government really is. Legalize mafia activity. The USA never legalized loan sharks. There is a private lending industry which is regulated far beyond anything that Thailand is even capable of doing. PTP just wants their grubby little hands in another honey pot, and they don't care how legal or illegal it is.

Using half truths, lies, ignorance, and fear mongering is what they're good at.

no the other countries monopolized loan sharks. It is called bank, but it isn't different.

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I read this annually, nothing changes.

Our main local guy charges 20% Per month on the entire amount until all is paid. On a loan of 30k they have to pay 6000B a month just in interest, even if they have 500B of the principle remaining. I find this hideous, but then again most of his customers get in to the problem voluntary via gambling.

You hit the nail right on the head..... Same problems for many years, it has never changed to my knowledge........

Great post......clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif


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Actually there used to be legal loan sharks in Thailand before 1997. They were called Finance Houses & they - with their easy loans - were the major reason for Thailand's 'Tom Yung' crash in 1997.Of course a property bubble which burst was also responsible.

I like the idea mentioned above of Grameen or micro finance but there's too little rake-off for the authorities here in that.

It's a bit like the idea of legalising gambling - not a bad idea but it would interfere with the pay-off to you know who.

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The only reason they are called "loan sharks" is that they charge more already than they are allowed to under Thai law. Interestingly the banks are allowed to charge more than a private citizen that is willing to make a loan and take all the risks. Where the government is at risk if the registered banks and lenders goes bankrupt. So why does the bank have no legal limit on what they can charge for interest rates or services related to loans but individuals do?

Is 28% annual rates effectively not loan-shark rates when individual loaning fund can not charge half of that legally? What are the reason for a lower interest limits for non banks loans.

Maybe a more level playing field would lower non bank rates as well encouraging others to make small loans to responsible borrowers without needing to fear the law.

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I am sorry to see that they are using the outfits in the United States, like the Money Store, and many other outlets just like them, as examples. These stores earn over 300% a year on giving you loans. They are usually just for a two week period, in which you still do not have the money needed to pay back, so you have to take another loan from them to make a payment on the first loan. You get caught in a cycle where you are just paying interest on interest, and the prinicpal never gets paid off. Thailand does not need to use this as a respectable business that helps people. They prey on people. The major banks in the United States are crooks themselves, and these outifts are just worse. Budda help the Thai's if they think it works well in America.

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its a crazy banking system the world over , ...if you have a $10,000,000 home and business but are $15,000,000 in debt the banks will loan you money , but if you have no debts they wont lend you a penny cos you dont have a home or land ! ,........the US is supposedly the worlds richest country , but they have the words biggest debt !!,....doesn't that make them the worlds poorest country living in debt ?? , banks only give loans to the people who need it least , ............what is needed is a peoples cooperative bank, giving cheap loans , the problem is TIT , can anyone be trusted not to skim the cream ??

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The police in SamRong police station (just at the end of the skytrain service) are the local loan sharks charging 40% per month on the money lent out by a shadowy policeman, rank as yet unknown.

Someone has problems and is pulled in the shadowy policeman and his fellow scum arrange the ''bail'' at a high level and at 40% interest a month till the whole sum is paid off in full.

There is also a scheme to enable charges to be dropped or reduced in severity as well as a scheme to return confiscated motorcycles and cars..

Do we really think that the police will intervene in the matter when they are the biggest school of sharks in the area?

Edited by siampolee
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The maximum loan for each individual may be fixed at Bt10,000 with the interest rate much lower than those charged by loan sharks. Seriously? What are they going to buy with 10,000 baht?

Outstanding consumer loans surged 20.4 per cent year on year to Bt2.75 trillion while defaults on personal loans jumped by 37.8 per cent and on credit cards by 11.1 per cent. ​Hmm sounds familiar, isn't that what happened to the US? Got a couple living next to me, both in their late 20's, two new cars, a 4 mil house, another mil for furnishings. Can't imagine they saved 6-7 mil and paid cash. Got to be a heavy note to pay every month.

The collapse is coming, just wait, it won't be long. Oh what the hell am I talking about, the world is going to end on Dec 21 anyway. lets all get laid!

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I have relatives who do this, interest is 20% in which the borrowers have a year to pay it off, they put up their chanotes as collateral , and they have not booted anyone off there land (yet). Not the best of all possible worlds but a viable alternative to banks who will not give out fast- long term loans. I would like to see a Grameen style of micro financing in Thailand as a lot of poor farmers need quick money to fix a tractor or buy seed etc. Of course there will always be unsavory loan sharks that cater to people who have gambling debts etc, but as they say “eat your cookies in bed and you’ll sleep with crumbs”.

Really ?

20%/yr. is cheap.

Mostly what I see is 15%/month.......

Ridiculous !

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The maximum loan for each individual may be fixed at Bt10,000 with the interest rate much lower than those charged by loan sharks. Seriously? What are they going to buy with 10,000 baht?

Outstanding consumer loans surged 20.4 per cent year on year to Bt2.75 trillion while defaults on personal loans jumped by 37.8 per cent and on credit cards by 11.1 per cent. ​Hmm sounds familiar, isn't that what happened to the US? Got a couple living next to me, both in their late 20's, two new cars, a 4 mil house, another mil for furnishings. Can't imagine they saved 6-7 mil and paid cash. Got to be a heavy note to pay every month.

The collapse is coming, just wait, it won't be long. Oh what the hell am I talking about, the world is going to end on Dec 21 anyway. lets all get laid!

Correct, but the schoolkids round here assure me it's the 23rd ;-)

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I used to think 20% a month was crazy and extremely risky to pay back 240% a year.but I knew many paying these rates to send a family member to work in Brunei etc.

That is till I came back to Uk to find so called short term loans advertised from 275% to incredibly over 4000% and at the moment perfectly legal.Government says its looking at it!!!!! but taking far too long as usual. Makes Thailand amost seem a bargain!

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More loan sharks, less control, and another Mafia is born,..... the Loanshark organized crime Mafia of Thailand giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

It took a long time for someone to say their real name,every day in Thailand,I see them collecting every day,good on you Sir

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In the USA and UK most loan sharks are called pay day loan companies. As some states have laws on usery they do not operate everywhere.

The UK does not have any usery laws so these companies charge between 1734 and 4000% APR based on a 30 day loan. The companies that make loans over 1 year charge 278% APR

HM Gov have allowed these companies to get established but now think they are going to do something Hmmmm maybe or maybe not.

Some of the EU countries have usery rules but not all.

The thought for the day is "how much is a fair rate of interest when the default rate in Thailand is 11%" A lender needs a rate of 110% just to cover the none payers.

Then if they are registered and have to pay tax add another 30% Then the problems of collection from the ones that pay in the end.

Not difficult to end up at 2 to 300%

Thailand and large parts of the world need to realize that money borrowed has to be paid back.


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This seems more like an attempt by those in government service who already have a finger in the underground money-lending business to shore up their fortunes. Unaccounted money cannot be easily invested in the mainstream legal financial markets and therefore will not earn returns. That is how and why underground lending at usurious interest rates thrives at the expense of both, the uneducated deprived sections of society as well as businessmen playing in illegal markets. To draw upon some (very likely distorted) examples from the west to strengthen loan sharks is blatant, arrogant and criminal in itself. The concerned movers of this proposal should be straightaway taken to the cleaners and wrung mercilessly till their last satang spills out.

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