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300,000 Thai Children Suffer From Hyperactivity


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My Thai daughter is hyperactive - but not a problem. We laugh and play together - she's smart - she learns quickly - her mom has taught her to be super respectful …….

Ya, sure she talks a lot but her imagination is incredible. She dances and sings. Maybe she is a "stand out" for hyperactivity - I don't know for sure.

What I do believe is that when some behaviour is given a name - like ADHD or ADD or whatever, one can then "own" it and say "I'm like this because I'm ADD or ADHD". Then, it becomes how they identify in life and, in some cases they feel like there's something wrong with them.

Please don't jump to labelling these kids "hyped up brats" or suggest that "They'll grow out of it in their late teens and become lazy SOBs". Play with them, enjoy them, teach them, love them. You may have been a kid once yourself.

spot on fella


my kids are hyper too,

but hey

i have always been hyper, disobedient, too much of everything, too fast, loud, rude, and apparently they even have my face

according to the mother, i only hope my daughter grows to be better looking than me lol

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oh god, adhd, or in other words we don't know what to call your kid running around like a hyped up brat all the time so i guess that'll do

it's the psych docs version of IBS... pains in the stomach, can't find anything? oh that's IBS


Exactly, disease defined by the symptoms, not the cause.

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My daughter is special teacher for ADHD in Germany. She told me the diagnosis is the problem. What means hyperactivity? What means

My Thai daughter is hyperactive - but not a problem. We laugh and play together - she's smart - she learns quickly - her mom has taught her to be super respectful …….

Ya, sure she talks a lot but her imagination is incredible. She dances and sings. Maybe she is a "stand out" for hyperactivity - I don't know for sure.

What I do believe is that when some behaviour is given a name - like ADHD or ADD or whatever, one can then "own" it and say "I'm like this because I'm ADD or ADHD". Then, it becomes how they identify in life and, in some cases they feel like there's something wrong with them.

Please don't jump to labelling these kids "hyped up brats" or suggest that "They'll grow out of it in their late teens and become lazy SOBs". Play with them, enjoy them, teach them, love them. You may have been a kid once yourself.

I agree, my daughter is special (and graduated) teacher for ADHD. She told me the problem is the diagnosis. Yes, a minority of children needs ritalin, but the biggest problem is the communication between child and parents, teachers. Many of the children have a high IQ, they want to know (why the sky is blue, why our dog is smiling with his tail etc.), their natural curiosity make them to be outsiders in a social system where they have to follow what the "boss" (parents, teacher) orders.

My daughter is communication teacher together with the parents and the children. Most time it works, but some parents are too stupid ....

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ummmm, excessive sugar maybe?

No doubt sugar has a role. But in the normal, healthy child, the sugar will be out of the blood one hour after it is ingested. So sugar doesn't explain the condition unless there are loads of children with insulin resistance.

I would suspect hyperthyroid.

"Elevated levels of T3, however, were significantly correlated with hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms..."


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ummmm, excessive sugar maybe?

Yes if you consider diet to contribute to this

+add to much MSG to everything and then deep fried, never eat anything healthy +instant gratification, everything must be arroi

as for the assortment of other bad conditions and behavior mentioned in the article..

- lack of discipline at home - parent rarely teach right from wrong

- people suppressed- never allowed to question anything or think for themself, or do anything their own way..the whole "face" thing at worst

- parents allow them to sit in front of computer and play game all day

- education system that doesnt give and motivation or merit for good performance..everyone passes if have money

- society that is only concern with money,status and outward appearance

and then - if the kiddie have too learn from the example of a certain class of parent...well what more do you have to say wacko.png

must feel sorry for them actually

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Yeap, sat in a classroom all day listening to a load of drivel even at kindergarten level. All they seem to do in my school is bookwork. They are 3-4 years old.

Once in a blue moon they visit the playground. The teachers and parents alike seem to have O.C.D when it comes to completing a certain amount of pages everyday without fail.

Young children need to learn through playing, songs and activities. They need plenty of exercise and a healthy diet.

Too right. My preschoolers are in a school where they just play around, draw, dance, sing etc. all day. It's great way for them to interact and build social skills and they aren't bothered with performance tests. Kids need to be kids... or else they just don't grow up (much like the politicians who run this country).

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Wondering when it would officially happen here inn Thailand! (And this is just the beginning) First poison the children with MSGs + Aspartame + chemicals + Poisoned Death foods, Minimal fresh veg and fruit, Heavy on meats (Minimised vitamins and micro nutrients) Average IQ drops drast

ically about 10-15% in tandem then you have a epidemic of behavioural disorders. Then the Drug pushers arrive like vultures get the innocent children addicted to amphetamines and bleed the bovine stupid parents of all their hard earned money, (It normally will kill the children after 10-15 years use). Strange days it is : No Depression, No cancer, No Obesity, No hyper activity and few if any unhappy people here in this once beautiful unconquered country just 20 years ago, Now it all changed, Death, Debt

(Credit cards = banksters / 35% default on loans), Illness, Sadness, environmental collapse (Thailand Conquered after thousands of years of sublime bliss) by an ungodly evil! Gross National production (Growth is death) = Bad---Gross national happiness = Good! Lets hope (STEALING A LINE FROM STING HERE) THAT THE THAIS LOVE THEIR CHILDREN TOO! and wake up to this insane western way of robbing a nations true value (Their children)... P.S.D.

100% and all for £££ and $$$

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This makes me think back 40 years. Hmmm. I'm looking around my class. Nobody is on any medication apart from Andrew Martin who had epilepsy and Karen Roe has asthma and a puffer thing. Not one single person is on drugs for ADHD. I think most of them have turned out right, apart from one who is in jail for murder.

When I was young I was labelled a 'bad bugger'. I used to go on 2 hours of sleep a night, never stop and just sit down. Locked in my bedroom I would read or draw or play with the spirograph or whatever took my fancy. I have a cousin 10 years younger than me. He was similar, and he was labelled 'hyperactive'. Now his son has been labelled as having ADHD.

So, take us as 10 year olds.

1973 Bad bugger

1983 Hyperactive

2011 ADHA, ADD.

Being a bad bugger hasn't hurt me. My parents eventually accepted that I was full of energy and let me get out of bed when I was awake (but they learned to lock me in the bedroom so I couldn't destroy the entire house). Before locking the door, mam or dad always made sure I had pens and pencils and crayons and sketchpads and notebooks in the bedroom as well as books.

I haven't turned out so bad, but if I was 10 now I would be labelled AHDA, OCD, ADD and I'm sure a lot of other things. I was just a child with more energy than most people. If I were 10 now, I'd be zoned out on Ritalin and other medications. Hey, look at me - it turns out that I didn't need them!. I really did go on a couple of hours sleep every night then get up and entertain myself, moved up a couple of years at school, knew more than the teachers. I was one of those horrible kids who didn't try at school because I didn't have to and quite often knew more than the teachers on various subjects (OCD, totally obsessed, reading every book I could find on a subject until I was satisfied I had learned everything about the Angles and Saxons and Egyptians and Romans and all of the rest of them. By the time I was 10 I had worked my way though hundreds of books, including pretty much all of the classics in literature; I didn't like Jane Austin but loved Wuthering Heights and Vanity Fare. Aged 9 reading Wuthering Heights over the course of 2 nights (3 if you count the dictionary work when I'd finishted to find words I didn't understand then go back to the beginning and read it slowly, knowing all of the long words I didn't know. Definitely a form of OCD, must be a separate label for obsessing on a subject And ADD because I wouldn't take in anything else when I was teaching myself on a subject. If I was caught up (obsessed) with the Vikings when the teacher was doing Goths, I wouldn't take anything in in the classroom. I was allowed to look at the syllabus at the start of the school year, and had with the help of the librarians (it's closed down now) worked my way through it within a couple of months, and knowing a lot more than the teachers were teaching. That makes me a clever clogs. Must be a label and a drug for being a clever clogs.

In short, I believe it comes down to the parents. My cousin complains his son behaves perfectly when I'm around but goes back to very bad behaviour when I'm not. His son knows I'm serious. If I say I'm going to do something I do. I take the toy from them or cancel a trip into town, I don't threaten, I warn twice and if there is a 3rd time I follow through. Easy for me to say, I've never had children, but I can't help believing that it must come down to discipline.

A horrible number of children are taking some serious medications. OK, they aren't eating the same as I did, they have lots of additives and chemicals in their food and drink and pollution. But my cousin's son behaves when I'm there. I was told I couldn't manage to take him out into town because he acts up. The first time we tried, he started misbehaving at the bus stop. I told him if he wasn't going to stick to my rules we weren't going anywhere. He didn't so we went home. A year later, he wanted to go into town with me. Behaved perfectly. He knew I didn't make empty threats. His manners were perfect when I was there because I wouldn't let him have anything unless he asked properly. And we didn't go anywhere near toy shops, straight into book shops after a pizza, which I think is about the best when it comes to junk food. He turned his nose up at the book shop because he didn't like reading but I found some perfect books. Horrible Henry Gets Nits, Dr Proctor's Magic Fart Potion and a third book I forget the tittle of but it was about guts or poo or farting or some bodily function that makes kids giggle. He didn't notice we hadn't gone to the toy shop and was reading about the Fart Potion on the bus on the way home. He had read the whole book by the next evening and I got him onto the thesaurus - he still picks it up every day after school and sets stopwatch for 3 x 5 minutes opens 3 pages at random and reads as many words and alternatives as he can. It's a game, highlight words you don't know on each page then after the 15 minute marathon, get the dictionary and look up the meaning of the words he doesn't know. He enjoys doing this and has continued to do it after I came back to Thailand. I'm told he is like 'another person' when I am around. That's not ADHD. It's lack of discipline and an active mind that is hungry and needs to be fed more than the drivel on TV or the Playstation. My parents always made sure I had fiction and non-fiction books in the bedroom, so if I wanted to read a story it was there and if I wanted to find out about Babylon, I had the encyclopaedia and other books which I would lose myself in for hours. My mam says kids are different now. I think she's been brainwashed into believing that. Kids aren't different. The environment at home and encouragement and disipline. The television is the babysitter. That's why most kids are the way they are.

That's my 2 cents (more like a few dollars).

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Do Doctors in some other countries never read The British medical Journal or any of the other reputable medical Journals out there? The UK went through this 25 years ago.

When it comes to buying a property, the golden rule is 'location, location, location', when it comes to having ADHD it's 'crap food and drink, crap food and drink, crap food and drink'. Mix that in with unchecked discipline issues, running after children around the house or garden trying to spoon feed them their meals and hours spent on games consoles offering sensory overload then you have the perfect concoction for hyperactive, unruly children who are unable to sit at a chair in a restaurant for 2 mins. Oh hark what to do the kids are running amok around the restaurant...I know lets give them another large red fanta and a thick slice of toasted bread topped with butter and a thick layer of sugar and condensed milk!

Note to my late Mum and Dad........sorry, I never got the chance to tell you how bloody brilliant you were to me, but I will make sure your Grandchildren know!!!

so right thumbsup.gif

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Anybody notilce that all through this thread on ADHD, there is an ad for SYNAPTOL, "safe, natural, ADD/ADHD Symptom Relief."

Creepy. Ditto with FaceBook where you have ads targeted to your presumed "interests" or hang-ups or erectile dysfunctions.

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Wondering when it would officially happen here inn Thailand! (And this is just the beginning) First poison the children with MSGs + Aspartame + chemicals + Poisoned Death foods, Minimal fresh veg and fruit, Heavy on meats (Minimised vitamins and micro nutrients) Average IQ drops drast

ically about 10-15% in tandem then you have a epidemic of behavioural disorders. Then the Drug pushers arrive like vultures get the innocent children addicted to amphetamines and bleed the bovine stupid parents of all their hard earned money, (It normally will kill the children after 10-15 years use). Strange days it is : No Depression, No cancer, No Obesity, No hyper activity and few if any unhappy people here in this once beautiful unconquered country just 20 years ago, Now it all changed, Death, Debt

(Credit cards = banksters / 35% default on loans), Illness, Sadness, environmental collapse (Thailand Conquered after thousands of years of sublime bliss) by an ungodly evil! Gross National production (Growth is death) = Bad---Gross national happiness = Good! Lets hope (STEALING A LINE FROM STING HERE) THAT THE THAIS LOVE THEIR CHILDREN TOO! and wake up to this insane western way of robbing a nations true value (Their children)... P.S.D.

mmmmmmm. Sounds like we're not just in Thailand, but visiting the third rock from the sun.coffee1.gif .
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It's the junk food causing most of it, pure and simple. In that Oversize Me documentary they highlighted a school that totally eliminated junk food for wholesome foods, concentration increased, grades increased and bad behaviour decreased.

And yet the Health Minister (in reality Minister of Pharmacolgy) advises parents about ADHD and Mental Health issues. Yeah, get them all drugged up that is the answer, maybe some electroshock therapy tossed in for good measure. Imbecile.

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The stats show 5% of 'children' worldwide are hyperactive. 300,000 represents 7% of the grades 1-6 age group. So what is being compared here? It doesn't look like Thai kids are much different from the world norm to me.

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My Thai daughter is hyperactive - but not a problem. We laugh and play together - she's smart - she learns quickly - her mom has taught her to be super respectful …….

Ya, sure she talks a lot but her imagination is incredible. She dances and sings. Maybe she is a "stand out" for hyperactivity - I don't know for sure.

What I do believe is that when some behaviour is given a name - like ADHD or ADD or whatever, one can then "own" it and say "I'm like this because I'm ADD or ADHD". Then, it becomes how they identify in life and, in some cases they feel like there's something wrong with them.

Please don't jump to labelling these kids "hyped up brats" or suggest that "They'll grow out of it in their late teens and become lazy SOBs". Play with them, enjoy them, teach them, love them. You may have been a kid once yourself.

Are you sure your Daughter is hyperactive, or by the sounds of it a normal healthy busy little girl. Hyperactive children would not fall into the descriptive category you have given of your daughter. Sounds to me she loves being with and getting attention from her parents and learning. There is a big difference if you have known a real hyperactive child.

I have a step-daughter - at first I thought she is just an average girl but her mom's eagle eyes has confirmed her ADHD symptoms. Wow, how did she know? I realise she has a difficulty of concentrating things, got a habit of doing 3 tasks or even more at the same time (i.e. eating ice cream, writing book, watching tv), can't control the priority, always forgetting the things. At the contrary to that, she has a normal I.Q., she talks well, and she is always happy everyday even dancing in the shower. I don't see what is wrong with that BUT she gave her mom a real burden. In my opinion, the best healing is to let her be and she will gradually adjust within herself from time to time....but her mom??? I am impressed the way you can enjoy to play, to teach, to love your daughter. Does she see her friends often? What is your secret?

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I think if I was a Thai child being taught irrelevant rubbish for 8 hours a day, in an oven for a classroom by a teacher who is less than qualified for the position, coupled with the only prospect of progressing through the education system knowing that it's not what I learn but who I befriend along the way that will get me a good job later in life would drive me crazy too.

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OMG, if your child is not sitting down playing on his IPAD, drinking coke, eating donuts and getting fat a lazy then he is hypoactive. This terrible desease of actually playing outside with friends, riding bikes and running around has to be cured now. OH Doctor my child walked 5 meters to the local shop and I told him to ride the motorbike what can I do? Give him these pills 4 times a day and he will pass out on the sofa and you can spoon feed him all day, cured.

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300,000 Thai children suffer from hyperactivity

Erm . . . no . . . 300,000 children suffer from a lack of discipline and direction.

Yep this one sticks out

Forget all the sugar rubbish

Its when the kids are running around like brats with no control & all the family is doing is laughing it of as one big joke (especially the MIL )

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