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Baby, Teachers Among Six Dead In Thai Shootings


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So where are those banners from the Muslims condemning the muslim-on-Thai violence? All we see in Phuket are anti falang banners hanging from local muslim shops. I know of no falangs who shoot 1 year old babies, do you?

Israelis ??

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Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

Tak Bai was a crude method at eradicating terrorism resulting in bad publicity which has in turn led to ineffective polIcies for confronting terrorist activities. It is a balancing. When will enough innocent women and children be killed to sway public opinion and emotions sufficiently where public will tolerate the manner and level of engagement to eradicate the terrorism?

The politicizing created by polar politics keeps Thailand paralzed for purposes of appropriate and efficient response to terrorism.

Terrorists?what are u talking about?Security forces broke up a demonstration.Shooting with live bullets into the crowd,killing 7 people including a 14yr old boy..After that they captured young malay men,tortured them then throught them on a truck,when thy cried for water army stamped on them and tortured them more.6 hours later the malays who had been on the bottom died,80 people died,thanks to nazi thai army who treated those humans like jews on a transport to a concentration camp.Later the government said"oh well it was a tragic accident"but never anybody got punished.
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Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

Tak Bai was a crude method at eradicating terrorism resulting in bad publicity which has in turn led to ineffective polIcies for confronting terrorist activities. It is a balancing. When will enough innocent women and children be killed to sway public opinion and emotions sufficiently where public will tolerate the manner and level of engagement to eradicate the terrorism?

The politicizing created by polar politics keeps Thailand paralzed for purposes of appropriate and efficient response to terrorism.

Terrorists?what are u talking about?Security forces broke up a demonstration.Shooting with live bullets into the crowd,killing 7 people including a 14yr old boy..After that they captured young malay men,tortured them then throught them on a truck,when thy cried for water army stamped on them and tortured them more.6 hours later the malays who had been on the bottom died,80 people died,thanks to nazi thai army who treated those humans like jews on a transport to a concentration camp.Later the government said"oh well it was a tragic accident"but never anybody got punished.

You can convince yourself of whatever corresponds to political or belief system. The incident was in response to insurgency and Tak Bai individuals committing acts of terrorism, supplying weapons to insurgents, stockpiling weapons and hiding weapons for insurgents. The point is, get used to status quo if no stomach for what needs to be done. I have no skin in the game, but the reality of the situation is painfully obvious. Why did the chicken cross the road, because he could. Same with terrorist here. They can with relative impunity and much like Vietnam in trying to find the real enemy.

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How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

And do you think spraying bullets indiscriminately, killing teachers and babies--perhaps even Muslims--is the right way to effect change? Things could probably be done differently to appease these people, but at the end of the day they were born into a Buddhist country known as Thailand and thus they need to accept the religion and culture irregardless of a chequered history. 'building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas', you say? The entire country is Buddhist, but that's it in a nutshell, eh.

You want change, you lobby and protest, peacefully. That won't happen though, will it. Not with this bunch. As previous, and though it is a minority, I say swallow your pride, Thailand, and let them have their trio of tatty provinces. Nothing will change when you have monkeys recruiting young layabouts who prefer action over work!

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Terrorists need to be eradicated like rats. One of the main problems is that the corrupt politicians are too busy fabricating silly court charges against each other to do their jobs.

Who defines the terrorists rats ?????

Stupid comment.

Eradicate what ??

The people who live there ?

Seems pretty clear he is referring to those who are killing teachers and babies. I can't read anything other than that from his comment. What are you seeing?

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How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

And do you think spraying bullets indiscriminately, killing teachers and babies--perhaps even Muslims--is the right way to effect change? Things could probably be done differently to appease these people, but at the end of the day they were born into a Buddhist country known as Thailand and thus they need to accept the religion and culture irregardless of a chequered history. 'building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas', you say? The entire country is Buddhist, but that's it in a nutshell, eh.

You want change, you lobby and protest, peacefully. That won't happen though, will it. Not with this bunch. As previous, and though it is a minority, I say swallow your pride, Thailand, and let them have their trio of tatty provinces. Nothing will change when you have monkeys recruiting young layabouts who prefer action over work!

I don't say you are wrong but you forget a small fact.Pattani icluding Yala,Naratiwat was the center of a Malaysian sultanate,thanks to british empire Pattani belongs to Thailand[siam]since 1909,even Thailand is a buddhist country,means not you can force non buddhists[and sure not muslims] to pray to buddha,reminds me of the spaniards catholic who killed everybody in south amerika who did not want to believe in god
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Terrorists need to be eradicated like rats. One of the main problems is that the corrupt politicians are too busy fabricating silly court charges against each other to do their jobs.

Terrorists need to be eradicated like rats. One of the main problems is that the corrupt politicians are too busy fabricating silly court charges against each other to do their jobs.

Who defines the terrorists rats ?????

Stupid comment.

Eradicate what ??

The people who live there ?

Stupid ?? Terrorists who plant bombs and kill anyone in the area are simply terrorists. Is it a logical action to kill teachers. monks and children? Are you a muslim? I think that people who are unfortunate enough to live in those areas know who the terrorists are. Of course not all muslims are terrorists but those same people know who the murdering cowards are.

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How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

And do you think spraying bullets indiscriminately, killing teachers and babies--perhaps even Muslims--is the right way to effect change? Things could probably be done differently to appease these people, but at the end of the day they were born into a Buddhist country known as Thailand and thus they need to accept the religion and culture irregardless of a chequered history. 'building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas', you say? The entire country is Buddhist, but that's it in a nutshell, eh.

You want change, you lobby and protest, peacefully. That won't happen though, will it. Not with this bunch. As previous, and though it is a minority, I say swallow your pride, Thailand, and let them have their trio of tatty provinces. Nothing will change when you have monkeys recruiting young layabouts who prefer action over work!

I don't say you are wrong but you forget a small fact.Pattani icluding Yala,Naratiwat was the center of a Malaysian sultanate,thanks to british empire Pattani belongs to Thailand[siam]since 1909,even Thailand is a buddhist country,means not you can force non buddhists[and sure not muslims] to pray to buddha,reminds me of the spaniards catholic who killed everybody in south amerika who did not want to believe in god

Forcing non Buddists to pray to Buddah ? So you're saying that muslims in Pattani etc are not permitted, in their numerous mosques, to practise their religion ? I live in Krabi ,highly muslim populated area ....thankfuly they don't share the same attitude as you ,or we could presumably expect these acts of terrorism to occur here also ...after all muslim children peacefully manage to attend the same schools as their buddist counterparts here .
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Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

Seajae I share your outrage at the killing of innocents.

So I cannot understand why you think we should go in there and "blow them all away" with us killing innocents in turn is the solution.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Teashop sprayed with bullets; school in Pattani

The Nation


NARATHIWAT: -- Insurgents gunned down six people, including two teachers and a baby, and injured many others in the deep South yesterday.

In Narathiwat's Rangae district, insurgents travelling on the back of a pickup fired bullets into a crowded teashop, killing four, including a 11-month-old baby, and seriously wounding three others.

The baby was identified as Ephani Samoh. Other victims were Nisba Musoh, 25, Pangor Nimae, 79, and Sohbree Loh, 23.

The four injured were 10-month-old Muhammad Yaena, Tuanma Tingee, 61, and Zitirohhima Mama, 70, and Haneezi Jedoh, 23, who was discharged from hospital shortly after.

Piyawat Mong, owner of the house used as a teashop, said a pickup with three men in the back stopped outside while his wife Kamera Mama was selling food and beverages at about 7am.

The gunmen sprayed bullets around the teashop - usually crowded at that time - then sped away. Police found cartridges from assault rifles including an M-16 and AK-47.

Col Chalermchai Suthinuan, a ranger commander in Narathiwat, said eight insurgents had been involved in the attack at the teashop. He said they were members of a network of Amrun Ming, Ahama Samae and Abdulhakim Puta, that has been active in the area.

Arrest warrants have been issued for their alleged involvement in many attacks in the region.

Later, in Pattani's Ma-Yor, insurgents raided Baan Bangor School and opened fire at teachers while they were having lunch, killing school director Tatiyarat Chueykaew and teacher Somsak Kwanma.

The insurgents, who were wearing camouflage gear, also made off with a teacher's pickup.

The two killings took the number of slain educational personnel to 157.

Within the past 12 days, three teachers have been attacked. Two have died and the other was wounded.

The violence took place on a day that schools in Narathiwat resumed classes after suspending them for more than two weeks in protest at the government's failure to provide security for educational personnel and students.

A temporary closure was called late last month following the death of Nuntana Kaewchan, 51, director of a school in Nong Chik in Pattani on November 23.

She was gunned down 100 metres from her school by two men hiding near a school fence as she drove to the funeral of a police officer.

After negotiating with the government, teachers' associations and federations agreed to resume the classes on Tuesday. Some 300 schools re-opened yesterday amid tighter security, which failed to deter the latest attack.


-- The Nation 2012-12-12

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The scum in the "restive south is only superceeded by the scum in office in Bangkok who provide the mandate for the actions of these insurgents by their total lack of activity. Chalerm states that terrorism does not exist in Thailand. He is blind deaf and dumb with an IQ well below that of anything that walks upright on two legs.. I too fear that little or nothing will be done owing to the fact that neither the Government nor Millitary have the conviction , ability or moral courage to deal with this. Lets pretend that it is not happening.(mai pen rai).

I truly wish that the foreign internation press would start to cover this situation in detail in order to highlight to the world just how bad the situation really is and how inept,self serving and cowardly this administration is in their reaction and response.

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Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

Your statement about muslims having to pray to buddha is a disgusting lie and you know it !!!! And will it it hurt you to kneel in front of the picture of the monarch which is normal in most monarchies?

And muslims have all the opportunity to practice their religion,while many muslims does the most to prevent buddhist doing the same.

Both sides off the conflict must give some way or another,as for the idea to give these 3 regions autonomy or selv goverment.............if any idea ever was dead borned,this is and will never happen !!

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The 400,000-strong Thai military has more than 1,600 generals, making it the second highest in the world after the Cambodian army which is bloated with more than 2,000 generals and they still dont got a clue how to solve this, amazing!

HiSo....many Cambodian "Generals" buy their rank...same as Thai Generals.

Very few Generals in either Army have come up through the officer ranks and

even the ones who have...have also paid some money to facilitate their promotion.

As said in many topics in TV the payment for promotion within Thai government agencies is not for additional "face", but for increasing personal wealth via corruption. We all know that conflict increases the river of money. Some officers are being self serving & not fulfilling their oaths to protect the Nation, King, & Religion. How come these people are not being arrested, charged & convicted for treason?

Edited by simple1
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Until the military and governmental agencies establish a sound, operational intelligence network with proper correlation of data, nothing is going to change. Small surgical precision strikes against identified targets are more effective than mass troop movement without a defined agenda.

It is everyone's first reaction to go in with guns blazing and wipe these creatures out, but without proper identification and sound evidence against the targets, you become as indiscriminate as them.

Leave the soldiering to the soldiers and those who know what they are doing, dismiss the politicians to inactive roles. Any politician who objects should be investigated for graft; these people who live of the back of misery should be treated the same as the insurgents/terrorists.


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Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

Your statement about muslims having to pray to buddha is a disgusting lie and you know it !!!! And will it it hurt you to kneel in front of the picture of the monarch which is normal in most monarchies?

And muslims have all the opportunity to practice their religion,while many muslims does the most to prevent buddhist doing the same.

Both sides off the conflict must give some way or another,as for the idea to give these 3 regions autonomy or selv goverment.............if any idea ever was dead borned,this is and will never happen !!

Senior Thai politicians have stated on the public record that they are willing to negotiate autonomy for the Deep South, but the military declined. A classic case of a dysfunctional democracy.

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Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

Your statement about muslims having to pray to buddha is a disgusting lie and you know it !!!! And will it it hurt you to kneel in front of the picture of the monarch which is normal in most monarchies?

And muslims have all the opportunity to practice their religion,while many muslims does the most to prevent buddhist doing the same.

Both sides off the conflict must give some way or another,as for the idea to give these 3 regions autonomy or selv goverment.............if any idea ever was dead borned,this is and will never happen !!

Senior Thai politicians have stated on the public record that they are willing to negotiate autonomy for the Deep South, but the military declined. A classic case of a dysfunctional democracy.

Who is in charge of the country, the government or the military?whistling.gif

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The answers on this thread show already how difficult a solution will be or is.

Especially in a country, where "dialogue" is something you may find in a movie, but sure not in the heads of politicians and the military.

And as long as it "only" happens far south (meaning: far away from the tourist hot- spots or Bangkok) even the global- community does not notice and will not put pressure on Thailand to solve the problem.

I am afraid, we "need" a hundred or more dead tourists, before anyone really wakes up to the problem.

Unless that happens, it is "only" some poor teachers or farmers...or babies in an "uncivilized" part of a partly uncivilized country.

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If there was money in solving this problem, you can be assured it would have been solved years ago.

Fact is, the Government(s) prefer this to fester rather than make the tough decisions to solve it.

They just don't have the skills or motivations to solve it.

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We have a friend, real estate developer (housing tracs) in Songkla. She says business never better. Sold out before they build. Chalks much of it up.to.wholesale flight from Naravand other troubled provinces.

The core function of govt is the safety of its people. There is no other higher obligation.

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The answers on this thread show already how difficult a solution will be or is.

Especially in a country, where "dialogue" is something you may find in a movie, but sure not in the heads of politicians and the military.

And as long as it "only" happens far south (meaning: far away from the tourist hot- spots or Bangkok) even the global- community does not notice and will not put pressure on Thailand to solve the problem.

I am afraid, we "need" a hundred or more dead tourists, before anyone really wakes up to the problem.

Unless that happens, it is "only" some poor teachers or farmers...or babies in an "uncivilized" part of a partly uncivilized country.

It will get worse before us gets better. With terrorism it always does. Give an inch and they take 100 miles because they play by a different set of rules than civilized societies.

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Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

How about starting to punish some Thai generals for the Takbae incident?How about starting to accept the religion,culture and history of those"terrorists"The Thai education system teaches only about history of Thailand,Bangkok,the Thais just ignore everything.The local language in the south is yawee[a malay dialect]they are forcing the kids to speak thai and learn about thai culture only..They force muslims to say buddhist prayers and wear thai style clothes.These are the reasons why school get burned down or teachers get killed.They force them to change their names in thai sounding names.

Army or poilice come at night into muslim houses and take the sons away.Army and police torture them and kill them.Neevr anybody of army or police got punished for their doing.They building buddhist temples in predominantly muslim areas.They let muslims bow in front of buddha statues or pictures of the king,which is an offence to their religion,the army searches muslim houses with dogs,just to insult the muslim religion.

You will not build peace as long politicians,police and army go free for their state crimes.

I'm non religious,but thought some facts should be said

Facts - you have proof of all this? Wow - CNN, Fox new etc will be keen to talk with you.

One man's terrortist is another man's freedom fighter. Depends on your point of view. However, anyone who fires indiscriminatly at unarmed people, including children and old people, and who kill based on relgion and ethnic grounds are scumbags who deserve to be executed as quickly as possible.

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