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The people in the restaurant said it is ok to have above my head while I eat lunch, I disagree.

Click to enlarge if you are into snakes please.



If its what it seems like to me a green viper,tree viper,if so small very aggressive and dangerous,a bite will need hospital treatment,common in banana plantations.

Not okay to haveoverhead


Could be Trimeresurus,also,I don't take chances with the critters easy to make the wrong choice.

And I used to keep snakes as a hobby.


It looks like a harmless Golden tree snake. Vipers have triangle shaped heads. Golden tree snakes are relatively common to Thailand and they really are great climbers. When I was in Thailand in 1998 I had one climb up to our third story room and come in the open sliding door. The other girls freaked out and I just ushered it back out of our room. I also had one resting on my bicycle one day. They are very long and slender.


That's a Golden Tree Snake. They are not really afraid of people at all. Had them hanging around our house most years. They love munching on the poor little geckos!

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Great looking green tree snake....leave them alone they are outstanding.

See what happens with poor snakes getting the bad end of the stick....poor innocent tree snake becomes a viscious pit vipor that deserves to be clobbered....if you do not know, leave it be.

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It head was smaller than the one in post#3 link by Jamie. Silly me didn't zoom in on its head. Its under belly was whitish / cream


It looks like a harmless Golden tree snake. Vipers have triangle shaped heads. Golden tree snakes are relatively common to Thailand and they really are great climbers. When I was in Thailand in 1998 I had one climb up to our third story room and come in the open sliding door. The other girls freaked out and I just ushered it back out of our room. I also had one resting on my bicycle one day. They are very long and slender.

Be aware that a Golden Tree Snake if alarmed or cornered will bite multiple times. I've thrown shoes at them to shoo them away and invariably they will bite the shoe a few times and then jump up to two meters away and bite whatever they land on. I give them a wide berth unless I am trying to get them off the terrace.

its a golden tree snake. also known as a "flying snake" due to its ability to glide from tree top to tree top. its a rear fanged species which means it has to chew into its victim to inject venom (so if it bites you then as longs as you remove it quickly then it will not be harmful to you and even so... the venom is not toxic enough to cause a problem to us humans) . When they're cornered they can be quite aggressive.

I caught and photographed this one last week. You can use it for reference. Beautiful snake smile.png

Nick C, Herpetologist



It looks like a harmless Golden tree snake. Vipers have triangle shaped heads. Golden tree snakes are relatively common to Thailand and they really are great climbers. When I was in Thailand in 1998 I had one climb up to our third story room and come in the open sliding door. The other girls freaked out and I just ushered it back out of our room. I also had one resting on my bicycle one day. They are very long and slender.

Be aware that a Golden Tree Snake if alarmed or cornered will bite multiple times. I've thrown shoes at them to shoo them away and invariably they will bite the shoe a few times and then jump up to two meters away and bite whatever they land on. I give them a wide berth unless I am trying to get them off the terrace.

Think I might be inclined to bite someone throwing shoes at me!wink.png


Glad I saw this. Had a bright green triangular head snake in our front garden patch of banana trees a while back, so reckon it was GT Viper with that a-typical head shape vs. a golden, which reminds me a bit of the rf green tree snakes in Guam.

Naughty little buggers when they get cross.

Always see at least 1 snake each visit over the years. Moving over permanently this month, looking forward to the virtual Animal Planet, always something crawling or slithering around our place. wacko.png


I've had six or seven golden tree snakes in the kitchen of my townhouse before we sealed up all the gaps in the roof. None of them were aggressive -- they basically froze when they saw me. I had to observe from quite a distance, as I wanted to see how they exited. One *did* manage to get in my main house, though, and boy was it fast. Ended up calling the fire department (they handle the snakes in my city) and they had a heck of a time catching it. By the time they left, it looked like a typhoon blew through in an earthquake. Furniture turned over, drawer contents spilled out, stuff all over the place.

I agree that they are beautiful, but their vivid red tongue just gives me the creeps for some reason.


Agree, golden tree snake. Rear fanged, mildly poisionous but not harmful to humans unless allergic. Very fast and will bite if cornered. I've been bitten a few times with no ill effects, but don't know if the snake survived.

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