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Americans Fight For Right To Bear Arms - At Work


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"I know many European girls who can barely speak English that have 3 jobs and knocking down close to 6 figures and they are grateful for every little opportunity give." (sic)

We have lots of girls like that working in Thailand too. There are many of them in Pattaya and Patpong.thumbsup.gif

Have you ever been to Thailand?

Classy. You obviously hang around a different element than I. No, these girls are not hookers and they earn a legal and honest living without sitting around whining about ridiculous things of which they have zero knowledge. You alone complain more about a country you don't live in they I hear them collectively complain about anything over the course of a year.

Yeah, I don't hang out with your element.

I'm just an old dumb country boy that spent the last 30 years of my working career on US sponsored defense contracts in the Middle East. I spent several years working for a federal law enforcement agency so I didn't have to rely on a surrogate brother to perform that deed for me. I served my country when called upon and then went back to my life.

I don't go shopping at Sak's or cocktail parties at the local country club. I have two cars but neither of them are a Ferrari or Lamborghini, although I have owned a number of Porsches in my early life if that counts. I live in a small village in Isaan in a modest 230 m2 bungalow and not in the heart of Florida, like some.

I have always been an avid supporter of the US and the Constitution, yet I feel the current administration is a very large threat to the freedoms I have enjoyed and want my children and grand-children living in the US to continue enjoying. You claim to be an attorney yet you seem to think my criticism of the current administration is somehow not within my constitutional rights in accordance with the First Amendment. Do you not believe I have that right or is it restricted to current residents of the US only?

In all of my 75 years I can make two claims. I have never performed an act that might cause harm to the US and I have never chased an ambulance.

You never answered my question about ever visiting Thailand.

Aha...so the current government is taking freedom away...how?

And please don't give me that "Obama care is socialism"- crap again and the fairytale, that "no one is allowed to buy health- insurance anymore"- crap!

So...freedom...taken away....which one?

And while you are on it: which "freedom" is guaranteed by any other administration, exactly?

I am interested!

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