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Be Aware Of "trusted" Computer-Shops And Their "services"


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Once, in Fashion-Island, a shop-keeper recommended me a shop there when I wanted to have a computer 100% according to my specs.

I got the computer with some things ignored, but OK, TIT no?

I gave him also my genuine bought Windows-7. Since the beginning, when Windows asked me to "update" the product key it failed and I ignored it. Now I let Windows, for the first time, automatically installing updates and yes, the same problem and my standard screen-photo disappeared leaving the screen black, so Microsoft must have been crawling through the computer. I still can use the program but this woke me up and I want to use my LEGALLY bought 7-software.

By coincidence I met this morning a Thai suggesting that....................... the "technician" I trusted, ignored the programm I supplied him or wasn't able to install it either because it was the third time I changed a computer, and he just installed "sabai sabai" copythai, didn't say anything to me and returned the whole lot after paying.

As this just happened this morning I'm now still in a forum-discussion with Microsoft.

In fact, it's easy to clean the whole computer and (re)install my legal 7 (with the help of Microsoft because they don't trust it when one is changing too much computers) but again trying to save lots of internal stuff belonging / linked to the programm with the risk of lost (again) as I experienced several times already after crashes. My "normal" files are save at external HD-s and don't need worries.

I only want to say: your supplier can do what he want and one don't know

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Cannot think of a single computer shop in Thailand I would trust with my computer configuration. I only do things myself.

I'd never trust a shop either. There is too much of the 'no problem' attitude here. And if they cannot make it to the spec you want they will use an alternative and say nothing.

Better to find a friend who can build you a computer or sort out any problems you have if you cannot do it yourself or do not feel confident about doing it.

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I always have the shop put together my builds as I'm lazy and hardware-wise they seem to be proficient.

But with software all the shops will just use a pre-configured ghost backup and copy it to your harddrive, complete with all kinds of junk and viruses; so I always just install the OS and all sofware myself. Anyone can install a copy of Windows these days, put in the disc and keep clicking next.

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So you complain because they used counterfeit Windows on your machine despite the fact you provided a key?

Do you think anyone buy an OEM computer with Original windows license in Thailand? How can you expect them to install one (maybe first time for them) for you?

To install your own windows copy, you don't need to be a genius. Its funny when people complain about some small things in Thailand. Its not like you get scammed or something. Just install your own software and deal with it.

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