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Cheapest And Quickest Border Run

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Hi, I'm not there yet, but i'm looking for the information upfront.

What's the cheapest border run? Not by air. And how long does it get extended if U go by bus or something?

I think i will be staying in either bkk or chiang may

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Bangkok to Cambodia around thb 2,000by tour, doing by yourself is only recommended for seasoned travelers.

Chiangmai Mai to Mae Sai around thb1,000.-.

If you are from a qualified country you can get 15days visa exempt stamp.

And for how much longer can u stay then?

I'm looking for at least 60 days + 30 each time if that's possible

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After getting a 60 day entry you then extend for 30 days at immigration for a cost of 1900 baht. You can do the extension at any time during the last 30 days of your 60 day entry. The extension starts at the end of your 60 days.

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Bangkok to Cambodia around thb 2,000by tour, doing by yourself is only recommended for seasoned travelers.

Chiangmai Mai to Mae Sai around thb1,000.-.

If you are from a qualified country you can get 15days visa exempt stamp.

And for how much longer can u stay then?

I'm looking for at least 60 days + 30 each time if that's possible

if you have a tourist visa in your passport you get 60 days entry with option to extend 30 days,

if you don't have any visa then you only get 15 days,

if you need to get a tourist visa locally you don't goto the border you have to visit a thai embassy and apply.

how long do you want to stay in thailand for in total ?

if you want to stay a long time you should apply for a 2 or 3 entry tourist visa from the thai embassy in your home country before you goto thailand .

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Bangkok to Cambodia around thb 2,000by tour, doing by yourself is only recommended for seasoned travelers.

Chiangmai Mai to Mae Sai around thb1,000.-.

If you are from a qualified country you can get 15days visa exempt stamp.

Regular bus or mini-bus service to Aranyaprathet/Poipet out of Bangkok? Originating from what bus-terminal? And above all: How far away from the actual border crossing do they stop? In walking distance?

(Would like to avoid taxi/tuk-tuk sharks.) Anyone?

Thanks & cheers.

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Bangkok to Cambodia around thb 2,000by tour, doing by yourself is only recommended for seasoned travelers.

Chiangmai Mai to Mae Sai around thb1,000.-.

If you are from a qualified country you can get 15days visa exempt stamp.

And for how much longer can u stay then?

I'm looking for at least 60 days + 30 each time if that's possible

if you have a tourist visa in your passport you get 60 days entry with option to extend 30 days,

if you don't have any visa then you only get 15 days,

if you need to get a tourist visa locally you don't goto the border you have to visit a thai embassy and apply.

how long do you want to stay in thailand for in total ?

if you want to stay a long time you should apply for a 2 or 3 entry tourist visa from the thai embassy in your home country before you goto thailand .

Yes, i'm gonna try to pick that 3 entry tourist visa before i come.

So then i can stay 90 days x 3 right? So every 90 days i can take bus for new entry of 60+30 days.

I plan to stay longer then that (hopefully forever)

So after that i can onlt get 15 day extensions?

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there are 2 types of 3 entry tourist visas - either ones valid for 6 months from issue or 3 months from issue,

ask the embassy which type they issue - if it's only a 3 month type don't bother and apply for a 2 entry tourist visa instead.

most embassies give out 6 month types which means you'll be able to stay for almost 9 months

depending on how early you apply for the visa determines your maximum length of stay in thailand,

if you apply say 10 days before you come to thailand that 10 days will be taken off one of the first two entries :

enter thailand 60 days + 30 day extension (optional)

do a border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension reduced to 20 days

do another border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension.

so if you apply for your visa 10 days before your due to arrive you'll be able to stay 260 days.

you maybe able to apply a day or two before your due to arrive depending on how your applying.

the optional extensions cost 1900 baht and are done inside thailand.

when this all runs out you can goto a neighbouring country and get another tourist visa and start again or maybe you can apply for a different type of visa depending on status, or as you said you can just keep going to a border every 15 days.

if you can get a 3 entry tourist visa valid for 6 months that's a good as you can hope for, if it's only valid for 3 months then drop down to a 2 entry .

which embassy are you applying from ? do they do a postal service ? or can you do it in person ?

to activate each 60 day entry you have to leave thailand and re-enter some people just exit and re-enter 10 mins later some people spend many days outside thailand it's upto you, the extensions are done inside thailand at any of the immigration offices and the dates for doing those are anytime during the 60 days ( most people do the extensions around day 50 of your stay - the 30 days gets added on so you can't lose days) .

if you goto a burma border you will have to pay 500 baht to enter burma,

if you goto cambodia the price if 20 or 25$,

if you goto malaysia it's free,

if you goto laos it will cost you 35$.

is this your first time to thailand ? most people tour around and then decide where to settle.

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enter thailand 60 days + 30 day extension (optional)

do a border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension reduced to 20 days

do another border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension.

so if you apply for your visa 10 days before your due to arrive you'll be able to stay 260 days.

Hi, I'm also new to all this.

How does that work?

I thought you can only get a new 60+30 visa after the initial one runs out. Then you do a border run (i.e. go to another country and come back) just before it runs out and get a new one.

How would you go about getting those 260 days before you arrive in Thailand if thats even possible?

Thanks for clearing it up

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there are 2 types of 3 entry tourist visas - either ones valid for 6 months from issue or 3 months from issue,

ask the embassy which type they issue - if it's only a 3 month type don't bother and apply for a 2 entry tourist visa instead.

most embassies give out 6 month types which means you'll be able to stay for almost 9 months

depending on how early you apply for the visa determines your maximum length of stay in thailand,

if you apply say 10 days before you come to thailand that 10 days will be taken off one of the first two entries :

enter thailand 60 days + 30 day extension (optional)

do a border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension reduced to 20 days

do another border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension.

so if you apply for your visa 10 days before your due to arrive you'll be able to stay 260 days.

you maybe able to apply a day or two before your due to arrive depending on how your applying.

the optional extensions cost 1900 baht and are done inside thailand.

when this all runs out you can goto a neighbouring country and get another tourist visa and start again or maybe you can apply for a different type of visa depending on status, or as you said you can just keep going to a border every 15 days.

if you can get a 3 entry tourist visa valid for 6 months that's a good as you can hope for, if it's only valid for 3 months then drop down to a 2 entry .

which embassy are you applying from ? do they do a postal service ? or can you do it in person ?

to activate each 60 day entry you have to leave thailand and re-enter some people just exit and re-enter 10 mins later some people spend many days outside thailand it's upto you, the extensions are done inside thailand at any of the immigration offices and the dates for doing those are anytime during the 60 days ( most people do the extensions around day 50 of your stay - the 30 days gets added on so you can't lose days) .

if you goto a burma border you will have to pay 500 baht to enter burma,

if you goto cambodia the price if 20 or 25$,

if you goto malaysia it's free,

if you goto laos it will cost you 35$.

is this your first time to thailand ? most people tour around and then decide where to settle.

Thank u for the detailed info.

I'm from Belgium. Dont know if they do postals but can go in person. Can be 6 months untill i come so havent checked that all out yet.

Yes it will be my first time. I think i'm going to rent something in bkk for first six months or year and get around in meanwhile to decide where i would like to settle.

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enter thailand 60 days + 30 day extension (optional)

do a border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension reduced to 20 days

do another border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension.

so if you apply for your visa 10 days before your due to arrive you'll be able to stay 260 days.

Hi, I'm also new to all this.

How does that work?

I thought you can only get a new 60+30 visa after the initial one runs out. Then you do a border run (i.e. go to another country and come back) just before it runs out and get a new one.

How would you go about getting those 260 days before you arrive in Thailand if thats even possible?

Thanks for clearing it up

you can't get 260 days straight in thailand - you have to do it in groups of upto 90 days .

60 days + 30 days - border run - 60 days + 30 days - border run - 60 days + 30 days = approx. 270 days in thailand.

it's impossible to get 270 days because the border run days count as two so the maximum is 268 days.

the other factor with tourist visa is the validity time (either 3 months from issue or 6 months, see enter before date written on visa) that means the second border run has to be done 6 months or 3 months from when you applied not when you arrive in thailand .

if your lucky and can apply for a visa in person a few days before your trip you can get around 266 days from a tripple entry tourist visa (as long as it's the 6 month validity type).

if you get a tripple entry with only 3 months validity the most you can stay in thailand is 3 months from the day you apply + another 90 days.

there's no need for most people to get a tripple entry with only 3 months validity - may as well get a double entry which is a little cheaper.

if you come to thailand with a tripple entry visa you can stay approx. 9 months then you can goto laos and get a double entry with is good for next 6 months - you can probably goto laos again and get another double which is a following 6 months if used correctly,

no reason why you can't keep doing that but the embassy can put a red warning stamp if you keep applying from the same place.

most people don't get the maximum out of a double or tripple entry because of the validity date, if you were to apply for the visa say 2 weeks before you arrive that 2 weeks has to be lost - that means you'll be paying 1900 baht for a 2 week extension instead of gettting 30 days - some people don't pay for the first extension because it's not cost affective, also some people visit cambodia etc for a few days when they do there border run, so if you goto ankor wat for a week that also gets reduced from your maximum allowed time in thailand, the date you apply and when you choose to do the border runs is upto you but you have to be aware of the final day your allowed to do them,

from bkk or cm you can do border runs quite cheaply yourself by going on a bus -

as mentioned 1250 baht from bkk to cambodia all in.

i pay under 1000 baht when i goto burma from cm.

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there are 2 types of 3 entry tourist visas - either ones valid for 6 months from issue or 3 months from issue,

ask the embassy which type they issue - if it's only a 3 month type don't bother and apply for a 2 entry tourist visa instead.

most embassies give out 6 month types which means you'll be able to stay for almost 9 months

depending on how early you apply for the visa determines your maximum length of stay in thailand,

if you apply say 10 days before you come to thailand that 10 days will be taken off one of the first two entries :

enter thailand 60 days + 30 day extension (optional)

do a border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension reduced to 20 days

do another border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension.

so if you apply for your visa 10 days before your due to arrive you'll be able to stay 260 days.

you maybe able to apply a day or two before your due to arrive depending on how your applying.

the optional extensions cost 1900 baht and are done inside thailand.

when this all runs out you can goto a neighbouring country and get another tourist visa and start again or maybe you can apply for a different type of visa depending on status, or as you said you can just keep going to a border every 15 days.

if you can get a 3 entry tourist visa valid for 6 months that's a good as you can hope for, if it's only valid for 3 months then drop down to a 2 entry .

which embassy are you applying from ? do they do a postal service ? or can you do it in person ?

to activate each 60 day entry you have to leave thailand and re-enter some people just exit and re-enter 10 mins later some people spend many days outside thailand it's upto you, the extensions are done inside thailand at any of the immigration offices and the dates for doing those are anytime during the 60 days ( most people do the extensions around day 50 of your stay - the 30 days gets added on so you can't lose days) .

if you goto a burma border you will have to pay 500 baht to enter burma,

if you goto cambodia the price if 20 or 25$,

if you goto malaysia it's free,

if you goto laos it will cost you 35$.

is this your first time to thailand ? most people tour around and then decide where to settle.

Unless the price is up, Cambo visa is 20us.

You make it sound as though the visas flow like wine.

Double visas in the region are pretty rare these days, esp for runners. If you have a clean passport, you are good for about a year. Or in other words, about three double visas.

I am unaware that any emb/cons will give you 6 mos on a double, std is 3.

Includes WDC as well.

You may very well need to provide paperwork for a TR (finance, tickets, etc...).

Guys that are just coming out of Thailand and returning as fast as possible with no other travel in the region seem to fare worse. Persons with lots of stamps but visit Thailand once annually ang go home fare best.

General Statement:

I don't mind runners unlike much of this board. I mean why should it matter to me what visa you are on?

What is becoming annoying is people that have this life but chose not to accept its realities.

1. You like order, but your life is chaos and you never know your future. Deal with it. Comes with the lifestyle. That means understanding how the whole game works. Try it some time.

2. Do not build a comfortable life here and dig yourself in - because its only a matter of time before you are going to have problems. You should already have bacup plans and addl places to exist. I realize this does not include Chang beer and sharing b300 Beach rd hookers with your Indian and Arab friends, but times change.

3. Educate yourselves. Stop asking stupid, basic questions, start reading threads for info and context. Then ask for an update.

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cambodia visa is 20$ but some people have problems at the border and have to pay in baht which is more expensive or get ripped off in other ways so i put the price of 25$ which is for the safer online e-visa.

if you get a double or triple tourist visa from your home country which is far from s.e asia they usually have 6 months validity, actually bali is fairly close and they give 6 months validity but you have to provide flight info.

if you get refused for tourist visas then just renew your passport and try again.

last year the local consulates went through a strict phase of red warning stamping peoples passports but it seems like they don't as much now ?

once you get to 50 years old or get married etc the visa process is much better for you.

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Bangkok to Cambodia around thb 2,000by tour, doing by yourself is only recommended for seasoned travelers.

Chiangmai Mai to Mae Sai around thb1,000.-.

If you are from a qualified country you can get 15days visa exempt stamp.

Regular bus or mini-bus service to Aranyaprathet/Poipet out of Bangkok? Originating from what bus-terminal? And above all: How far away from the actual border crossing do they stop? In walking distance?

(Would like to avoid taxi/tuk-tuk sharks.) Anyone?

Thanks & cheers.

Anyone on this one?


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Bangkok to Cambodia around thb 2,000by tour, doing by yourself is only recommended for seasoned travelers.

Chiangmai Mai to Mae Sai around thb1,000.-.

If you are from a qualified country you can get 15days visa exempt stamp.

Regular bus or mini-bus service to Aranyaprathet/Poipet out of Bangkok? Originating from what bus-terminal? And above all: How far away from the actual border crossing do they stop? In walking distance?

(Would like to avoid taxi/tuk-tuk sharks.) Anyone?

Thanks & cheers.

Anyone on this one?


Normal aircon buses leave bkk from Mo Chit. Haven't done that run for years, price used to be around ฿350, probably more now. They used to stop about 6 kms short of the border, from where you took a ฿60 tuk-tuk. However, the last time I was at Aranya, I noticed one of these buses right at the border so I guess they go all the way now.

EDIT: Maybe it was the bus from the airport that I saw...seems to leave Suwarnabhumi at 07.40 according to the timetable on this page:


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there are 2 types of 3 entry tourist visas - either ones valid for 6 months from issue or 3 months from issue,

ask the embassy which type they issue - if it's only a 3 month type don't bother and apply for a 2 entry tourist visa instead.

most embassies give out 6 month types which means you'll be able to stay for almost 9 months

depending on how early you apply for the visa determines your maximum length of stay in thailand,

if you apply say 10 days before you come to thailand that 10 days will be taken off one of the first two entries :

enter thailand 60 days + 30 day extension (optional)

do a border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension reduced to 20 days

do another border run get next 60 days + 30 day extension.

so if you apply for your visa 10 days before your due to arrive you'll be able to stay 260 days.

you maybe able to apply a day or two before your due to arrive depending on how your applying.

the optional extensions cost 1900 baht and are done inside thailand.

when this all runs out you can goto a neighbouring country and get another tourist visa and start again or maybe you can apply for a different type of visa depending on status, or as you said you can just keep going to a border every 15 days.

if you can get a 3 entry tourist visa valid for 6 months that's a good as you can hope for, if it's only valid for 3 months then drop down to a 2 entry .

which embassy are you applying from ? do they do a postal service ? or can you do it in person ?

to activate each 60 day entry you have to leave thailand and re-enter some people just exit and re-enter 10 mins later some people spend many days outside thailand it's upto you, the extensions are done inside thailand at any of the immigration offices and the dates for doing those are anytime during the 60 days ( most people do the extensions around day 50 of your stay - the 30 days gets added on so you can't lose days) .

if you goto a burma border you will have to pay 500 baht to enter burma,

if you goto cambodia the price if 20 or 25$,

if you goto malaysia it's free,

if you goto laos it will cost you 35$.

is this your first time to thailand ? most people tour around and then decide where to settle.

Thank u for the detailed info.

I'm from Belgium. Dont know if they do postals but can go in person. Can be 6 months untill i come so havent checked that all out yet.

Yes it will be my first time. I think i'm going to rent something in bkk for first six months or year and get around in meanwhile to decide where i would like to settle.

Avoid Brussels consulate if you are after a double-entry.

Last month I was denied -1st time in 15 years!- because I did not have any travel documents and a planned itinerary according the "supposed" 2nd entry...

In the meantime I have heard that Antwerpen is still easy going on triple tourist visas... but to be confirmed

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The big bus from Morchit stops in Aran bus station, b10, 15 by big bus songtaew or b60 via tuktuk. Walking would be folly. So would be spending money to go out to Morchit for a sloewer bus when a faster cheaper mv is available.

Depends where you live really and whether you like cramped minivan seats or not. The bus is much more comfortable and the early morning ones don't take much longer than a minivan. Also, the minivans were around 200 baht each way as far as I can remember, and the big buses were around 300 and something return, so the minivans were more expensive when I used to do that run, not cheaper.

I didn't suggest walking, not sure why you mentioned that?

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