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U.s. Secretary Of State Clinton Faints, Suffers Concussion


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Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton "You know, every foreign service officer in every foreign ministry in the world knows the phrase I am about to use. When you don't want to go to a meeting or conference, or an event, you have a 'diplomatic illness,' Bolton told Van Susteren. "And this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band."


Quoting Fox News? I thought we'd got past that.


Fox News and John 'Bonkers' Bolton. A match made in heaven!
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Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton "You know, every foreign service officer in every foreign ministry in the world knows the phrase I am about to use. When you don't want to go to a meeting or conference, or an event, you have a 'diplomatic illness,' Bolton told Van Susteren. "And this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band."


Quoting Fox News? I thought we'd got past that.


Is newsmax Fox news?

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Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton "You know, every foreign service officer in every foreign ministry in the world knows the phrase I am about to use. When you don't want to go to a meeting or conference, or an event, you have a 'diplomatic illness,' Bolton told Van Susteren. "And this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band."


Quoting Fox News? I thought we'd got past that.


Is newsmax Fox news?

No but Van Susteren sure is and that's what they're "reporting".

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Very convenient..........................................thumbsup.gifcoffee1.gif

Not at all convenient. First of all, she's not the sort of person to run from confrontation and would probably put the Fox News toadies in their place.

Secondly, she appears to be looking to run in the next presidential election. If her health is questioned or if it appears she was dodging some Fox News talking point, that wouldn't do her any good.

As a person that claimed to have been under fire ( proven to be untrue ) I would take anything she says with a grain of salt.

I also believe that Bill O'Reilly would tear her up over why she has not already testified over Benghazi.

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I believe Foreign Minister = Secretary of State.

Haha, it's called not letting details, facts or substance over form get into the way of the conspiracy da jour.

Must be miserable sitting around stewing over all of the government oppression and unchecked US government conspiracies keeping the little man down, . . . or someone down I suppose, in the US.

You liberals seem to be the ones stewing over keeping the little man down. You're the ones trying to tax the rich out of existence.

What does bother me is somebody posting about the US and not even knowing the title of the person they are posting about. Next thing you know he will be calling Obama the King...or Queen.


Haha, the rich is not the little man and the tax issue potentially impacts me probably worse than anyone participating in this thread.

"You liberals" is a little broad. I am typically conservative except on issues of abortion and I guess gun control which should be a bipartisan issue based on common sense. Bush and his administration did me in on Republican party based largely on financial and mortgage crisis issues to which I am somewhat an insider.

I didn't care for either candidate so I didn't vote for someone I didn't believe in just to align with a party.

My current stance is simply disagreement with you conspiracy guys running around bad mouthing the country or those in power simply because you are not getting your way or you are afraid of losing something. Too much selfishness and entitlement in the US.

I also think we should stay the hell out of national security issues. There are many checks and balances and the government is doing what they perceive best which will not and should not be always be predicated upon popularity. Hard to believe you guys go on and on about this given all of the controversies surrounding Bush and national security issues.

<I also think we should stay the hell out of national security issues.>

Leaving things up to politicians only allows attrocities like the Contra scandal. Wiki leaks is the best thing that ever happened for democracy. Let the sun shine in, I say.

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Hey, someone has to care about our diplomats getting murdered and get to the bottom of it. Can't expect those guilty of covering it up and refusing help to do it. That would be like asking Nixon to investigate what happened at the Watergate.

Secretary Clinton, most certainly cares about her personnel. What motivates you to engage in such cruel character assassination as to intimate that she doesn't care? She knew the deceased diplomat and had to deal with the aftermath of pain and despair at the State Department. The Secretary is not afraid of the truth, nor has she covered up anything.

Every experienced diplomat that has had hands on experience has said the same thing, Sh* happens. This doesn't downplay the incident, but attacks happen and a great deal of of the responsibility for local security rests with the diplomats themselves, and the decisions they take. Familiarity breeds complacency. We did it in the lab, eating our lunch in close proximity to infectious agents, doctors do it every day, in not washing their hands after touching patients, diplomats do it, when they don't take local conditions into account when they undertake activities.

Character assassination against a politician? You are freakin' hilarious. Follow that with, "Sh*t happens"? Really? I have friends who are diplomats, some new, some about to retire, and I haven't heard, "Oh well, sh*t happens". I don't suppose you have actually followed what has happened, probably just took the admin's word that it was about a protest and only Fox right wing fanatics think it's an issue. When in fact, ANYONE who reads about it knows something isn't right. Just that some people choose to remain in the dark if it helps them sleep.

Personally, I agree that Hillary does care. But as Sec of State she is not acting as Hillary Clinton, she is acting as the Sec of State and answers to her boss in the White House and does his bidding, and says what he tells her to say. Maybe she doesn't want to testify under oath because telling the truth might not be pretty. Getting out of testifying just shows how smart she is. Some people can believe that this is totally legit, just a coincidence and not related to her testimony at all. Just like it was a coincidence that a week or so before the CIA Director was to testify, a long known about affair became public and he resigned. Again, not related to his testimony at all, I'm sure.


I'm sure that Hillary has ambitions to run in 2016, so being proven that her department failed in it's responsibility to protect it's staff and then covered it up with a phony story about a spontaneous protest would not be helpful.

Achems razor springs to mind.

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Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton "You know, every foreign service officer in every foreign ministry in the world knows the phrase I am about to use. When you don't want to go to a meeting or conference, or an event, you have a 'diplomatic illness,' Bolton told Van Susteren. "And this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band."


Quoting Fox News? I thought we'd got past that.


Is newsmax Fox news?

No but Van Susteren sure is and that's what they're "reporting".

Please point out where Bolton or Van Susteren were misquoted. Just because you disagree with what he said is no reason not to post what he said on TV.

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Please point out where Bolton or Van Susteren were misquoted. Just because you disagree with what he said is no reason not to post what he said on TV.

I didn't say they were misquoted. I was merely pointing out that the source is Fox News, which frankly throws credibility off of a ten storey building.

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Please point out where Bolton or Van Susteren were misquoted. Just because you disagree with what he said is no reason not to post what he said on TV.

I didn't say they were misquoted. I was merely pointing out that the source is Fox News, which frankly throws credibility off of a ten storey building.

So when they report accurately you think they are lying?

You really need to watch something other than Fox News and gain some perspective on other news agencies.

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Please point out where Bolton or Van Susteren were misquoted. Just because you disagree with what he said is no reason not to post what he said on TV.

I didn't say they were misquoted. I was merely pointing out that the source is Fox News, which frankly throws credibility off of a ten storey building.

Since when is the credibility of Fox news a topic of this thread? Why don't you play by the rules and discuss the message instead of the messenger?

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Attacking the credibility of sources can get you into trouble. If your attacking Fox News because they are Fox News, then it's not going to cut it. If you attack an article from Fox News with another source of information, you have a better chance. But let's remember, the thread is not about sources of information and too much attention to the source will get your post deleted.

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Attacking the credibility of sources can get you into trouble. If your attacking Fox News because they are Fox News, then it's not going to cut it. If you attack an article from Fox News with another source of information, you have a better chance. But let's remember, the thread is not about sources of information and too much attention to the source will get your post deleted.

Let's go back to the OP. Hillary Clinton had a virus and fainted, giving her concussion. She was excused from testifying.

As I understand it, they can all her back at any time if they wish to question her.

The only static on this channel is the right wingers claiming it's all a big cover up. The real story is the attack. And since there was one there only the other day, I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to deduce that the Libyans have not yet secured Benghazi.

Of more interest to me are rumours of it being a CIA operation to divert Libyan weapons to Syria - now that is more worth covering up than whether or not the State Department described the attack wrongly.

I have yet to see Fox News comment on that aspect of the story, surprising since they are never shy when it comes to speculating.

The CIA themselves admitted:

30 American officials there, 23 were with the CIA

I'm with Chuck that there is a cover up here, but I see misdirection as well.

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Attacking the credibility of sources can get you into trouble. If your attacking Fox News because they are Fox News, then it's not going to cut it. If you attack an article from Fox News with another source of information, you have a better chance. But let's remember, the thread is not about sources of information and too much attention to the source will get your post deleted.

Let's go back to the OP. Hillary Clinton had a virus and fainted, giving her concussion. She was excused from testifying.

As I understand it, they can all her back at any time if they wish to question her.

The only static on this channel is the right wingers claiming it's all a big cover up. The real story is the attack. And since there was one there only the other day, I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to deduce that the Libyans have not yet secured Benghazi.

Of more interest to me are rumours of it being a CIA operation to divert Libyan weapons to Syria - now that is more worth covering up than whether or not the State Department described the attack wrongly.

I have yet to see Fox News comment on that aspect of the story, surprising since they are never shy when it comes to speculating.

The CIA themselves admitted:

30 American officials there, 23 were with the CIA

I'm with Chuck that there is a cover up here, but I see misdirection as well.

<Of more interest to me are rumours of it being a CIA operation to divert Libyan weapons to Syria>

Can you provide a source for those rumours? I have not heard anything along those lines.

It would be ironic if the US is arming Syrians with war weapons at the same time as Obama and other politicians are trying to remove assault weapons from the US population!

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<Of more interest to me are rumours of it being a CIA operation to divert Libyan weapons to Syria>

Can you provide a source for those rumours? I have not heard anything along those lines.

It would be ironic if the US is arming Syrians with war weapons at the same time as Obama and other politicians are trying to remove assault weapons from the US population!

Just Google "Benghazi CIA Syria" or the like. E.g. from Businessinsider.com:

At this point it's clear that the U.S. had something to hide at Benghazi, and that's why reports coming out of the Libyan city have been so confusing.

Two key details about the the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans cannot be underestimated.

"The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation," officials briefed on intelligence told the Wall Street Journal, and there's evidence that U.S. agents—particularly murdered U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens—were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to Syrian rebels.

And it appears to be linked to this:


But they are as unevidenced as the story that Hillary faked an illness and an injury to postpone her testimony.

Edited by Chicog
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The link you provided does not show any connection between the Benghazi situation and the Clinton. It doesn't even seem to have a link to the Department of State. I am inclined to think this is a little too far off-topic for this thread.

I don't know exactly where your link would fit, but if posters are interested in discussing Syria, the most recent topic on it is here:

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Very convenient..........................................thumbsup.gifcoffee1.gif

Not at all convenient. First of all, she's not the sort of person to run from confrontation and would probably put the Fox News toadies in their place.

Secondly, she appears to be looking to run in the next presidential election. If her health is questioned or if it appears she was dodging some Fox News talking point, that wouldn't do her any good.

What does Fox News have to do with this?

She was scheduled to testify to CONGRESS about the Benghazi mistakes.

Obviously the whole brouhaha is a Fox News talking point and the toadies to whom I referred are the Republican party drones, in and out of CONGRESS, who march to the beat of the Fox News agenda. If you don't think that Fox News has anything to do with promoting issues or managing the disaster that took place last November, you clearly haven't grasped the political reality of the US.

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