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The New Expats - Fact Or Fiction?


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I wouldn't include Oskars in that list. Unfortunately, because it's a nice place, but somehow has been targeted by the working girls (nothing wrong with working girls!) almost from the get go.

Agree SeaVisionBurma the man is talented! Quite a career change so I heard.

The owners of oskar have been partying their asses off in Bangkok for as long as i can remember and have amassed quite an eclectic collection of women from all walks. It was this vast and varied network that had butts on seats at the restaurant from the day it opened.

the whole endeavor was very well planned and executed

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been to Oskars a few times.

I'm not really into the whole cocktail thing. Rather go somewhere I can get spirits or a beer, not some chocolate thing with an umbrella.

Originally started going there as I was hooking up with a french girl that met friends there after work. Also got a Thai friend that goes there.

Guess it is a nice place if you like cocktails?

you are aware they serve beer and spirits as well aren't you?

The menu is pretty good too.

it is and they do a happy hour on wine which is really reasonable. for example a bottle of red which goes for 1400 at Ambar is 9 at Oskar during happy hour.

I wouldn't call £18 cheap for a bottle of wine,but then i'm used to decent wine for between £6 to £10

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I wouldn't call £18 cheap for a bottle of wine,but then i'm used to decent wine for between £6 to £10

Spot on. Thailand is always going to be dearer for a bottle of wine, although it is getting better if you're looking around.

Clouds & Fat'R Gutz have a decent 2 for 1 deal every evening on their house wines - a Portugese red & white which are both very drinkable.

Think it is around 1100 baht ++ a bottle, so you're getting them for 550 baht ++ each. That is still better than most places..

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I wouldn't call £18 cheap for a bottle of wine,but then i'm used to decent wine for between £6 to £10

Spot on. Thailand is always going to be dearer for a bottle of wine, although it is getting better if you're looking around.

Clouds & Fat'R Gutz have a decent 2 for 1 deal every evening on their house wines - a Portugese red & white which are both very drinkable.

Think it is around 1100 baht ++ a bottle, so you're getting them for 550 baht ++ each. That is still better than most places..

I always wonder when they are going to understand,bring the price down and sell more,but 550 a bottle is an improvement for Thailand.

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I wouldn't call £18 cheap for a bottle of wine,but then i'm used to decent wine for between £6 to £10

Spot on. Thailand is always going to be dearer for a bottle of wine, although it is getting better if you're looking around.

Clouds & Fat'R Gutz have a decent 2 for 1 deal every evening on their house wines - a Portugese red & white which are both very drinkable.

Think it is around 1100 baht ++ a bottle, so you're getting them for 550 baht ++ each. That is still better than most places..

I always wonder when they are going to understand,bring the price down and sell more,but 550 a bottle is an improvement for Thailand.

pretty difficult to bring prices down when the duties and taxes are through the roof.

900 in a restaurant for a 700 baht bottle of wine in the shops is pretty reasonable

Edited by tinfoilhat
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been to Oskars a few times.

I'm not really into the whole cocktail thing. Rather go somewhere I can get spirits or a beer, not some chocolate thing with an umbrella.

Originally started going there as I was hooking up with a french girl that met friends there after work. Also got a Thai friend that goes there.

Guess it is a nice place if you like cocktails?

you are aware they serve beer and spirits as well aren't you?

Look like a bit of a muff if you sitting there with a beer and everyone has some fruity drink. Just not for me.

I don't mind high end clubs or restaurants but I'm not a fan of cocktail bars.

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Someone calling themselves "newbie" cites stickman and iron Ferries on their first post.....hmmm,m...Will you also log in under your normal name and answer your own post?

rereading the OP an number of times, the only person i can see calling anyone newbie is you.

and stickman is hardly news to anyone, Iron faries a little more so, though pick up a copy of big chili or guru and you will find a reference. It is hardly new having been around for at least a year if not more

Who/what is "stickman"?

Really, you can do better than that.

As for the so-called new expats, the type referred to in Stick's column, there are plenty of them around. See them all the time.

Went to a Young Scandinavians meet a few months ago. Tons of well to do young people living in Bangkok were there.

Women, too. Very good looking, educated women with VERY good jobs.

So the lesser spotted New Expat has indeed been sighted, finally we have received confirmation that they do exist.

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I wouldn't include Oskars in that list. Unfortunately, because it's a nice place, but somehow has been targeted by the working girls (nothing wrong with working girls!) almost from the get go.

Agree SeaVisionBurma the man is talented! Quite a career change so I heard.

Great news to hear that there's a 'red light' shinning in this sanctimonious establishment.

I wouldn't call £18 cheap for a bottle of wine,but then i'm used to decent wine for between £6 to £10

Spot on. Thailand is always going to be dearer for a bottle of wine, although it is getting better if you're looking around.

Clouds & Fat'R Gutz have a decent 2 for 1 deal every evening on their house wines - a Portugese red & white which are both very drinkable.

Think it is around 1100 baht ++ a bottle, so you're getting them for 550 baht ++ each. That is still better than most places..

Even if these drinks were free, I would refuse to pay the ++

What is it with this lemming like attitude, we're not in Kansas anymore.

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Is or was stickman ever relevant? i kinda thought he went stale many years ago ,trying to reinvent himself as Bernard trink type ,

Well once you remember that his readership shares many similarities with the Thaivisa forrum demographic - namely, lots of relatively unremarkable foreign males holidaying or living in Thailand to pay for sex with women of a calibre they'd have zero chance of nailing at home, paid or otherwise - then you realise that he's being as "relevant" as he needs to be.

What's the likelihood that the majority of those who read his weekly musings regularly venture outside the monger haunts of Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, Walking Street or the beer bars and stalls of Sukhumvit to quaff champagne and cocktails (with umbrellas) at Iron Fairies or Demo in Thonglor? They may have seen many more of these "new" expats bouncing down the street or strutting through Terminal 21 and Emporium and they may be slightly curious. He's just writing to appeal to his readership demographic.

As for the lowdown on Oskar, Firehouse, Long Table, Muse etc., in my opinion, they're far more enjoyable than the second rate pubs and bars in the monger and tourist enclaves. More civilised, more discerning, no drunken, guffawing morons groping everything in a skirt and no Gangnam Style. It's a simple formula; better class of customer = better experience.

Although there are lots more regular girls, there are still a few higher-grade freelancers who tend to dress up a bit more but, because they can be spotted a mile away, they don't do as well as they would at places like Spasso or CM2 with the male clientele those places attract.

Your user name suggests an explanation for such a judgemental post.

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I wouldn't include Oskars in that list. Unfortunately, because it's a nice place, but somehow has been targeted by the working girls (nothing wrong with working girls!) almost from the get go.

Now THAT probably explains my fondness for my Thursday evening interludes on the front deck; playing spot the slapper!

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Not sure why there are so many Stickman haters out there. I have never met him but a lot of what he writes is pretty well on the mark including things like the new expat.

At least he is doing something productive unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors here.

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Not sure why there are so many Stickman haters out there. I have never met him but a lot of what he writes is pretty well on the mark including things like the new expat.

At least he is doing something productive unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors here.

Not sure why there are so many Stickman haters out there. I have never met him but a lot of what he writes is pretty well on the mark including things like the new expat.

At least he is doing something productive unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors here.

if what stickman is discussing is the new expat, who have i been spending my time with all these years?

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Not sure why there are so many Stickman haters out there. I have never met him but a lot of what he writes is pretty well on the mark including things like the new expat.

At least he is doing something productive unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors here.

Not sure why there are so many Stickman haters out there. I have never met him but a lot of what he writes is pretty well on the mark including things like the new expat.

At least he is doing something productive unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors here.

if what stickman is discussing is the new expat, who have i been spending my time with all these years?

Old expatstongue.png

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Is or was stickman ever relevant? i kinda thought he went stale many years ago ,trying to reinvent himself as Bernard trink type ,

What's the likelihood that the majority of those who read his weekly musings regularly venture outside the monger haunts of Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, Walking Street or the beer bars and stalls of Sukhumvit to quaff champagne and cocktails (with umbrellas) at Iron Fairies or Demo in Thonglor? They may have seen many more of these "new" expats bouncing down the street or strutting through Terminal 21 and Emporium and they may be slightly curious. He's just writing to appeal to his readership demographic.

As for the lowdown on Oskar, Firehouse, Long Table, Muse etc., in my opinion, they're far more enjoyable than the second rate pubs and bars in the monger and tourist enclaves. More civilised, more discerning, no drunken, guffawing morons groping everything in a skirt and no Gangnam Style. It's a simple formula; better class of customer = better experience.

I could not agree with you more. Better clientele means fewer annoyances (not sure I would add Oskar). I have never had someone threaten me in Hyde and Seek because of what George W. Bush did when he was President. I’m thrilled there are more options for differing customer tastes in Bangkok. If the pint and fight group thinks that's snobbish, I will somehow learn to live with their condemnation.

For the record - I do read Stickman's weekly musings. I also read the Economist. Brain Candy and Brain Vegetables.

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I never liked the poser crowd. As far as I am concerned they have always been here, but now their horizons have expanded beyond Bed Supperclub and Qbar. So what. Thumping house music and a bunch of poor girls disguised in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks. Real hi-so Thai's won't be found there.

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I never liked the poser crowd. As far as I am concerned they have always been here, but now their horizons have expanded beyond Bed Supperclub and Qbar. So what. Thumping house music and a bunch of poor girls disguised in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks. Real hi-so Thai's won't be found there.

There are, believe it or not, several "grades" of women in this town between the "poor girls in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks" and the hi-so Thais you allude to.

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I never liked the poser crowd. As far as I am concerned they have always been here, but now their horizons have expanded beyond Bed Supperclub and Qbar. So what. Thumping house music and a bunch of poor girls disguised in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks. Real hi-so Thai's won't be found there.

There are, believe it or not, several "grades" of women in this town between the "poor girls in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks" and the hi-so Thais you allude to.

Don't let him know that. More for us.

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I never liked the poser crowd. As far as I am concerned they have always been here, but now their horizons have expanded beyond Bed Supperclub and Qbar. So what. Thumping house music and a bunch of poor girls disguised in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks. Real hi-so Thai's won't be found there.

There are, believe it or not, several "grades" of women in this town between the "poor girls in flashy dresses that can't afford their drinks" and the hi-so Thais you allude to.

Don't let him know that. More for us.

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Not sure why there are so many Stickman haters out there. I have never met him but a lot of what he writes is pretty well on the mark including things like the new expat.

At least he is doing something productive unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors here.

Have u read the stickman interview with sharky?

It's pretty bad. Google it, and then google sharky for a little reality, or look at his Facebook page. At one time stockman may have served a useful function - but that time has passed.

I wouldnt even bother to comment in the thread but for the fact that folks want to put stickman out there as the ubiquitous voice of Thailand expats. Maybe for some - but maybe 'the new expats' would rather take a more critical look and leave their options open.

I tell you this - I'd rather read

ChiangMaiKelly 100x over

Stickman. :) Stickman has enough sycophants prolonging his waning light, oblivious of reality. Us new expats can go another way



Edited by AndyDufrane
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The Sharky interview may have been offensive to many - hell, it was to me - but firstly, there are more than a few of his site's devotees who probably share that particular miscreant's views on life and women. Secondly, after many years of writing a weekly column on Thailand, it was inevitable that, at some point, he'd run a little low on material to fill an opening piece.

Personally, I've been reading Stick's column since I've been here and I've found it amusing and informative. I take from it that which I find useful and/or educational and leave that which I don't. It goes without saying that one is much more likely to find the former by reading Stick's column than there is from casting anything more than a cursory eye over some of the waffle ChiangMaiKelly spouts.

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Not sure why there are so many Stickman haters out there. I have never met him but a lot of what he writes is pretty well on the mark including things like the new expat.

At least he is doing something productive unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors here.

Have u read the stickman interview with sharky?

It's pretty bad. Google it, and then google sharky for a little reality, or look at his Facebook page. At one time stockman may have served a useful function - but that time has passed.

I wouldnt even bother to comment in the thread but for the fact that folks want to put stickman out there as the ubiquitous voice of Thailand expats. Maybe for some - but maybe 'the new expats' would rather take a more critical look and leave their options open.

I tell you this - I'd rather read

ChiangMaiKelly 100x over

Stickman. smile.png Stickman has enough sycophants prolonging his waning light, oblivious of reality. Us new expats can go another way



You got to be joking right? Comparing Stickman to some of the ignorant posters on here. That really is a laugh.

I am not going to judge Stickman on one article out of thousands and neither will I say i agree with everything he has done but he has put in a fair effort over the years and given many newbies valuable information on Thailand.

Maybe the reason is that he has a higher level of education than many posters here that is always guaranteed to alienate a lot of people.

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